The Green New Deal

This is t
Bump myself. It's so far out there that even the thought of discussing it is insane. It shows just how little these people know, maybe they need to go tour just 5-10 manufacturers in their district to see just how out of touch they are. You can not put a dollar amount on this, it's impossible.
This is true. It is all pie in the sky, and Chicken Little on steroids. Remarkable how readily the “leadership” of the Democrat party has climbed aboard the AOC bandwagon. Those running out front for President either lack the intelligence to see it for the farce that it is, or the guts to tell the truth lest it hurt their chances at the nomination.
Norris, I am convinced that they are purposefully wrong. The long range for western KY was warming through Feb with highs in the high 70's by the end of March. It has been just as wet, snowy, and cold in February as it was last year. March is starting out with 3 days below freezing. Long range climate forecasters are blatant liars. They don't know their asses from holes in the ground.


How do you make it that long and not learn the Seasons?
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You ever see a city cut it's own throat economically like NYC has in the past three months?

Bill de Blasio says Green New Deal will ban ‘inefficient’ steel and glass skyscrapers
Lol. Saw this earlier. Besides the obvious stuff I like this part in particular.

In the same conversation that he was touting renewable energy and reducing emissions, de Blasio also defended his use of a gas-guzzling SUV for his daily 11-mile trips from Gracie Mansion to his Brooklyn gym.

“Let’s make clear, this is just a part of my life,” he said. “I come from that neighborhood in Brooklyn. That’s my home. I go there on a regular basis to stay connected to where I come from and not be in a bubble that I think for a lot of politicians is a huge problem.”
This is t

This is true. It is all pie in the sky, and Chicken Little on steroids. Remarkable how readily the “leadership” of the Democrat party has climbed aboard the AOC bandwagon. Those running out front for President either lack the intelligence to see it for the farce that it is, or the guts to tell the truth lest it hurt their chances at the nomination.

I changed my mind on AOC after thinking about the situation. I could not disagree with her more on every issue, hate her communist tendencies, but this is actually what we need more of in Congress. A citizen who believed they can make a difference, runs for office, then goes there to bring about a change. This is what made this country great. They go there, and of course, compromise with others attempting to do the same thing for their district. The people will end up winning in almost all cases once the dust settles. The problem is the long term politicians who grab power then retain it for 30 years stonewalling any attempt for change, deep state. We need more AOC's, conservative of course, in congress not less.
I changed my mind on AOC after thinking about the situation. I could not disagree with her more on every issue, hate her communist tendencies, but this is actually what we need more of in Congress. A citizen who believed they can make a difference, runs for office, then goes there to bring about a change. This is what made this country great. They go there, and of course, compromise with others attempting to do the same thing for their district. The people will end up winning in almost all cases once the dust settles. The problem is the long term politicians who grab power then retain it for 30 years stonewalling any attempt for change, deep state. We need more AOC's, conservative of course, in congress not less.
Yes we need more fresh blood in Congress and fewer career politicians there, but without term limits once they get in there the vast majority will continue to run for re-election time after time.
So my daughters 7th grade teacher made them watch this video in class and told them how important it was come this November.
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Serious question here guys, I don't really start threads much but if any of yall want to discuss this more, that would be great.Due to me being mostly self educated post HS, I know little about Constitutional law, and only have a rough knowledge of the Constitution itself and the Amendments if I am being honest. This will probably get me on a list, but here is what I am asking yall and want to discuss, here or elsewhere:

I have stayed away from the "civil war coming" threads here as they at times seemed racially charged. This is different.

IF Biden is elected, and the Socialist Antifa wing takes the lead under him or Kamala, starts legislating Socialist policies that either disagree with the Constitution, or are simply rapidly turning this country into a Socialist state (as they campaign for, free college, free healthcare, free everything..)

What will you do?
Would you help organize or join a militia intent on overthrowing socialism and restoring our country to the free, capitalist, state it was meant to be ?
If you are too old to fight, would you arm and encourage your sons and neighbors?
Would you financially support the fight to stop this madness, Communism, that we just spent a century fighting from taking over our country?

Also, how does Socialism and "free everything" as they promise conflict with our Constitution and Amendments etc?
This is very important, because the military would not fight a militia if the militia were standing WITH the Constitution. I don't think this, I know it, at least my family members anyway all took the oath seriously to defend against ALL enemies foreign and domestic, to uphold our Constitution and freedoms therein... would the gov nationalization of entire industries such as healthcare and university not be unconstitutional???

Would you be willing to fight it? Age matters how, I certainly understand that...
Or would you simply watch as the country your children and grandchildren will inherit destroys itself from within over the span of a generation at most? Wish them the best as you watch it burn?

I am not chicken little. Hopefully all these calls from the left for socialism are way overblown, and there is only a very small % of Americans who will even entertain the thought of following Socialist leaders. There is certainly a case to be made that the threat is very, very real though. To ignore this threat is folly in my opinion anyway.

What do yall think?

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