So we've got a bacon festival in its second year happening in a few months about 30 miles from here. You know, food, beer, music etc. Anyway, my stepdaughter suggested I enter the amateur cooking contest. I reluctantly agreed but told them it would be entirely grilled and I wasn't doing this all by myself. The daughter who mentioned it agreed to cook with me (we had to do a video), another agreed to film, and a third is editing the video.
Anyway, this is what we came up with (bacon obviously had to be an ingredient). We call it Partake-in your Bacon
1 BLTini (bacon vodka, lobster juice, and tomato martini) with a smoked bacon wrapped lobster tail garnish. This was made with smoke infused ice cubes, bacon hot-sauce, and a bacon salt rim
2 Bacon and pecan crusted Flounder
3 Brussel sprouts with bacon...fried in bacon grease
4 Bruchetta with mozzarella, tomato, bacon, basil
5 Bacon balsamic glaze for...well...everything.
I'm pretty happy with the food but the video wasn't that great. I don't think we will be selected to complete at the festival but it was fun doing this with the kids and I ate REALLY well yesterday. Lol