sadly I haven't smoked anything in a long time and it will probably stay that way for a good time yet,due to some radiation therapy on my throat(thank goodness that is going well) it has killed my taste buds for now
everything tastes like dog ****,so I've been told
waiting for my taste buds to get better,so it may be a while
that and I may have to replace the fire box on my cheap smoker and it needs a lot of sanding,scrubbing,painting , resealing the lid,that's just what I can remember lol yes it would be a good spring project
my wish list of things to smoke first
hmmmm after i smoke a turkey,then a ham and numerous other stuff at the same time then I'm going to smoke the pineapple pork tenderloin thing,I can't remember what it is called though lol
oh oh oh and I saw how to make baloney at home on you tube and how to smoke one too,it looked pretty tasty ,ha I even found the link
Cooking From Scratch: Homemade Bologna - YouTube
and spam of course
Homemade SPAM - How To Make SPAM at Home!! - YouTube
see it isn't all lips and *******s