The Harris Doctrine

I get depressed every time I read your posts about how Trump is unelectable. I have no illusions that he would make a great president, we already saw that movie. I can’t argue with the truth you are telling. I just hate to see what this country is becoming with the COMMUNISTS running things.
The first house I had was in an HOA and they tried to get ahead of that very thing. First they tried to tell people they couldn't rent their houses and that didn't happen. Then I guess a few people had sold their houses to people that rent them, and the HOA pres went door to door trying to get people to show up and vote for his change to not allow home owners to sell their house to anyone other than an owner occupier. A few people agreed, but after the vote flyers went out to all the mailboxes stating "they were close, but need your support at the next vote". I think there were several people that showed up to make it known they were against.

I wasn't going to restrict myself from who I can sell my house to. If I want to sell it, I want all the available buyers to not only get the best price, but also to make it more likely to sell quickly. I ended up moving a couple years later and have no intention of ever going to an HOA subdivision.

In my opinion you are part of the problem. It is likely you can sell your house almost as quickly and for the similar cost. To each is his own though. Leave the subdivision the way you'd want your neighbor to leave it.
HOA’s should stick to mowing, parking, and trash can placement issues. Ownership of private property isn’t something that they should ever be allowed to control. Policing who is living in homes is overstepping. HOA boards are real examples of tyrants.
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In my opinion you are part of the problem. It is likely you can sell your house almost as quickly and for the similar cost. To each is his own though. Leave the subdivision the way you'd want your neighbor to leave it.
It probably depends on what the market is like at the time on how easily you can sell it and for what price. I moved a couple of years ago and it sold easily. In 2009 when I bought it, the housing market was weak. The previous owner of the house had tried to sell it in 2008 and couldn't find anyone willing. It was listed for like 6 months and she took it down. In 2009 she lowered the price some and re-listed and that's about the same time I was looking at houses to buy.

I'd prefer to sell to someone that would live in it. If I had a couple of close offers and one was a corp or renter and the other was going to be the occupier I'd probably pick the occupier.
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It probably depends on what the market is like at the time on how easily you can sell it and for what price. I moved a couple of years ago and it sold easily. In 2009 when I bought it, the housing market was weak. The previous owner of the house had tried to sell it in 2008 and couldn't find anyone willing. It was listed for like 6 months and she took it down. In 2009 she lowered the price some and re-listed and that's about the same time I was looking at houses to buy.

I'd prefer to sell to someone that would live in it. If I had a couple of close offers and one was a corp or renter and the other was going to be the occupier I'd probably pick the occupier.

I get calls from these telemarketers all the time to buy my house. I generally just hang up. They will buy a little high but if I were to see it to them I predict no one would ever be able to buy it again. Then their would be another single family home off the market to a private company. Typically the quality of the dweller becomes spotty as well with people not mowing yards, trash overflows, etc.
I get calls from these telemarketers all the time to buy my house. I generally just hang up. They will buy a little high but if I were to see it to them I predict no one would ever be able to buy it again. Then their would be another single family home off the market to a private company. Typically the quality of the dweller becomes spotty as well with people not mowing yards, trash overflows, etc.

I always tell them 1.5 million and they usually hang up
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HOA’s should stick to mowing, parking, and trash can placement issues. Ownership of private property isn’t something that they should ever be allowed to control. Policing who is living in homes is overstepping. HOA boards are real examples of tyrants.
There are very valid reasons for HOA’s creating this type of rule. It is meant to prevent homes from being used as Air B&B’s for nightly or weekly rentals. My HOA prevents this by having a rule that any rentals must be at least for a one-month minimum period of time. If my HOA didn’t have that rule, then I would have purchased elsewhere.

Somebody was trying to blame congress entirely for this a few days ago...the buck doesn't stop with Trump when it comes to the "party of accountability"
I truly believe if she wins and gets an entirely Democratic controlled Congress, universal healthcare will be passed as one of the first orders of business. It will cement a lot of control for them.

I think you greatly exaggerate her ability to lead and Democrats' ability to get anything done
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Yep, her name should be flip-flop-flip-flop Kamala

Good. I think I'd rather have a go-with-the-flow path of least resistance type like Hillary Clinton than a principled crusader like Obama who actually did overhaul the health care system. See my comment above about UHC.
I truly believe if she wins and gets an entirely Democratic controlled Congress, universal healthcare will be passed as one of the first orders of business. It will cement a lot of control for them.
How is that working out in Canada and England? While I agree that everyone should have access to basic healthcare, I have very little faith in this self-serving bunch in D.C. to effectively manage anything.
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I think you greatly exaggerate her ability to lead and Democrats' ability to get anything done
Let’s hope that’s the case. We will have to wait and see what the people behind her come up with.
How is that working out in Canada and England? While I agree that everyone should have access to basic healthcare, I have very little faith in this self-serving bunch in D.C. to effectively manage anything.
Indeed. Canada and the UK are stuck with it as bloated and inefficient as it may be. I believe I read 10% of their population is employed by just their health ministry. The screeching would be heard all the way across the Atlantic if there was a shift away from their current healthcare model.
Let him hang himself and the Auburn program with recruits. What a clown.

Pearl is Jewish. I'm sure he has some real concerns with that's going on in foreign affairs.

He has had no problems with Auburn basketball for years as they've kicked our teeth in many a times and left me bitter.
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Modern liberals and more empty cliches. Now they've latched on to Opportunity Economy.

Where is the Opportunity Economy and whyou couldn't it start 3 years ago? How about now?
When Barnes retires, I'm on board with Pearl returning to UT. I've seen some things in recent years that make me believe he can still be successful here. However, I think White will have several options because of Barnes and due to him being a top notch AD.

Pearl will turn 65 after the 2024-25 season ends. Plus he’s lied a lot and disrespected his UT bosses, UT, the UT BB program, and UT fans. He’d probably bring Steven along for the ride as well. Hard pass.

When he retires he can come hang out in the TBA-FCC suites if he wants to be a UT fan. That won’t be a problem this cycle since there won’t be a petition circulated and even if there was the next coach will be a major upgrade over Cuonzo and it shouldn’t be upsetting to them.

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