The Harris Doctrine

Remember the supply chain shortages? Harris-Biden turbo charged spending, while supply chains were disrupted. Any first year economics student would have know better.
I remember running out of toilet paper when Trump was still in office. Remember that?
This senator ideology score for 2018 from govtrack tells me all I need to know:


She was the 4th most far left senator in congress. Trump needs to be hammering her on this.
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Basic supply/demand concepts were front and center by mid 2020. We've been manipulating our economy for 40+ years. It took a heavy duty catalyst, like the pandemic, for the actual science to take effect. We were flooded with cash and then production of real goods almost grinded to a halt. Of course prices at the stores zoomed upwards. The trek down is always much slower, BUT we must allow the market to determine pricing. Not controls
But… but… the government can fix ALL our problems! (blue font)
Not for the informed. Facts are facts. Use some stats and prove it wrong.
I did and I have all over the board. Check the national debt and see how well the last 2 admins have done. They're now both up for reelection which tells me no one cares about it even though they claim to
I remember running out of toilet paper when Trump was still in office. Remember that?
Remember Biden turning down offers from Florida ports to help with the backlog? They preferred the backed up union labor over helping the American people. I tracked the ships daily because of my job
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Oh contraire. I didn’t mean to imply that. I do have at least an 8th grade reading comprehension (and a 3.9 GPA getting a BS in Chemical Engineering at UTK in ‘76).
Impressive. As a high honors graduate in economics, not quite 3.9, I understand absolutely that your course study was more difficult. A lot of people with high G.P.A.s don't understand the difference in difficulty factor. I defer. If I had known your bonafides, I would have never assumed that position
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Impressive. As a high honors graduate in economics, not quite 3.9, I understand absolutely that your course study was more difficult. A lot of people with high G.P.A.s don't understand the difference in difficulty factor. I defer. If I had known your bonafides, I would have never assumed that position
We’re good man. I appreciate you.
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Impressive. As a high honors graduate in economics, not quite 3.9, I understand absolutely that your course study was more difficult. A lot of people with high G.P.A.s don't understand the difference in difficulty factor. I defer. If I had known your bonafides, I would have never assumed that position
I do more lurking than posting but as other posters have observed, your stances are closer to the middle than a lot of the other posters on here, which is kinda cool.
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Did you know Fauci was a lying Chinese government sympathist and gain of function monster at the time?
So, when Trump made him COVID chief, you think his real concern was sympathizing with China? Almost anyone in that role was going to make mistakes. It's the nature of science for conclusions to change when dealing with an unknown. Who ordered the drug companies, hastily and irresponsibly, to develop a vaccine in record time? Hey, I don't care for Fauci either, but that's all on Trump
I did and I have all over the board. Check the national debt and see how well the last 2 admins have done. They're now both up for reelection which tells me no one cares about it even though they claim to
NEITHER PARTY cares about the national debt as long as they continue to become millionaires from the lobbyists.
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Did you know Fauci was a lying Chinese government sympathist and gain of function monster at the time?
I realized very early on he was not working in the best interests of the American people

Trump either kept Fauci in place because he believed him or because he was too weak to remove him. Either is a massive failure just like the trillions in relief he signed for
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Harris' thoughts and positions deserve their own thread, they may last through the election.

We are beginning to see the initial outlines of the Harris Doctrine- turning this country into Venezuela. Instead of fixing the root causes of inflation, government policy, Harris wants to fix prices by attacking price gouging.

Catherine Randall in the Washington Post writes...

“Price gouging” is the focus of Vice President Kamala Harris’s economic agenda, her presidential campaign says. She’ll crack down on “excessive prices” and “excessive corporate profits,” particularly for groceries.
So what level counts as “excessive,” you might ask? TBD, but Harris will ban it.

It’s hard to exaggerate how bad this policy is. It is, in all but name, a sweeping set of government-enforced price controls across every industry, not only food. Supply and demand would no longer determine prices or profit levels. Far-off Washington bureaucrats would. The FTC would be able to tell, say, a Kroger in Ohio the acceptable price it can charge for milk.

At best, this would lead to shortages, black markets and hoarding, among other distortions seen previous times countries tried to limit price growth by fiat."

Hell, I didn’t know she had one, outside of being on her knees.
It is the same political tactic that Biden used in 2020 and after he took office he stopped the flow of oil that increased the price of freight, that increased grocery prices, that robbed middle class Americans of their earrings. If I were the big oil companies and pharmaceutical companies I would pour money into the Harris campaign to sustain the large profit margins they are getting from the Democrats.

Not for the informed. Facts are facts. Use some stats and prove it wrong.
Biden can't spell oil let alone stop the production of it. Production ramping back up was painfully slow because a large number of roughnecks retired during the covid shutdown. We're just now getting all the rigs back online.
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