The Harris Doctrine

The second post. I've already commented on it if you were really curious

Maybe I’m missing it. I see the second post. I see you staying Trump deserves credit too (agreed).

But what was “absolutely untrue”?

That’s what I’m not seeing
Maybe I’m missing it. I see the second post. I see you staying Trump deserves credit too (agreed).

But what was “absolutely untrue”?

That’s what I’m not seeing
The Harris- Biden administration created inflation

This is an LG level thread without the usual suspects jumping all over it
The Harris- Biden administration created inflation

This is an LG level thread without the usual suspects jumping all over it

They didn’t? Yes, their policies created/worsened inflation. They didn’t occur in a vacuum. So obviously other factors were involved, but I don’t see the claim that it did happen in a vacuum
They didn’t? Yes, their policies created/worsened inflation. They didn’t occur in a vacuum. So obviously other factors were involved, but I don’t see the claim that it did happen in a vacuum
Not once has the op done anything but blame all issues on the current admin. Maybe call him out too?
Not once has the op done anything but blame all issues on the current admin. Maybe call him out too?

Sure. Bad OP! You’re being overly partisan.

Also…Bad PJ for accusing of saying things that were “absolutely untrue” and then not backing up the claim
Sarcasm aside, is the board only a place to post irrefutable truth? And who arbitrates?

VNPF would be as dead as the need help forum if that were the case.
No but the one sided commentary on this board gets tiresome. Dare step out and you'll get jumped on but for some reason that only goes one way. The twitter spam, endless drone of meaningless talking points, stretched half truths, etc. Not hard to see why this country is doomed
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No but the one sided commentary on this board gets tiresome. Dare step out and you'll get jumped on but for some reason that only goes one way. The twitter spam, endless drone of meaningless talking points, stretched half truths, etc. Not hard to see why this country is doomed
You can stop participating if you're tired.

Unless you want to attract a lot more people with diverse views to post here, the board is what it is.

There's only 6-12 non partisans who post here. They have not been effective at making the board better.
So Harris openly said she wants:

Gov setting food prices

Gov taking patents from companies

UBI...literally gubment checks for every adult in America

Citizenship for every illegal immigrant in the US. ~ 30 or 40 million of them right? UBI for them too, then.

So...Harris is a straight up Communist running for President and is open and honest about that. Thats not hyperbole...its her stated objective. Down with Capitalism and a free market economy, down with personal rights and freedoms.

So vote for Trump, who will try to save this country. Vote for a Communist...OR in a complete and total waste of your time, energy, and gas money, go vote for a Libertarian or other write in with absolutely ZERO chance of getting elected. Just so you can be self righteous and say " well I didn't vote for X" for the next 4 years regardless of who wins. Brilliant. If Trump doesnt win this election, it is curtains for this country. The fat lady is already warming up those pipes. Elvis left the building long ago.
Yet liberals and mentally deficients think she’s great. Americans as a whole are dumb as hell
So Trump = Biden? Interesting view
You have that backwards. Biden didn't kick that douchecanoe out either.. Just like Dingbat is trying to pass the 'no tax on tips' as something new from her, but I wouldn't say she is anywhere near his equal.
What group will Kamala have judging appropriate drug company pricing and DEI hire salaries and food company profits?

What will she call the police tyrants that will be enforcing her made up rules and confiscating their property? The SS? The Brown Shirts? The Gestapo?

I cannot believe there are voters buying her bull ****.
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What group will Kamala have judging appropriate drug company pricing and DEI hire salaries and food company profits?

What will she call the police tyrants that will be enforcing her mad up rules and confiscating their property? The SS? The Brown Shirts? The Gestapo?

I cannot believe there are voters buying her bull ****.
Too many sheep are always in awe of their candidate and won't question anything. Politicians that don't know squat rely heavily on those sheep.
You can stop participating if you're tired.

Unless you want to attract a lot more people with diverse views to post here, the board is what it is.

There's only 6-12 non partisans who post here. They have not been effective at making the board better.
Doesn’t stop me from charging at that windmill, dammit!
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Voters have three sources of insight to her thinking: her positions when running for president in 2019, the Biden-Harris economic policies, and the economic program she rolled out last week. Each provides insight into her governing priorities and taken together they allow one to identify where she stands on the issues.
They didn’t? Yes, their policies created/worsened inflation. They didn’t occur in a vacuum. So obviously other factors were involved, but I don’t see the claim that it did happen in a vacuum

So it looks like inflation is slowing and interest rates are likely to come down the next time the Fed meets.

Does the current administration get to take credit for that?

It's very confusing trying to determine who gets credit and blame. If Kamala wins in November, will she get all the credit for an improving economy as rates continue to come down over the next year or two?
So it looks like inflation is slowing and interest rates are likely to come down the next time the Fed meets.

Does the current administration get to take credit for that?

It's very confusing trying to determine who gets credit and blame. If Kamala wins in November, will she get all the credit for an improving economy as rates continue to come down over the next year or two?

If she's successful in implementing her price controls I doubt we see an "improving economy".
So it looks like inflation is slowing and interest rates are likely to come down the next time the Fed meets.

Does the current administration get to take credit for that?

It's very confusing trying to determine who gets credit and blame. If Kamala wins in November, will she get all the credit for an improving economy as rates continue to come down over the next year or two?

Honestly? No. It’s still above the 2% target and a lot of the drop was inevitable as people returned to work post covid (increased supply reduces inflation).

Which policy of hers do you believe has been instrumental in this?
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You can stop participating if you're tired.

Unless you want to attract a lot more people with diverse views to post here, the board is what it is.

There's only 6-12 non partisans who post here. They have not been effective at making the board better.

Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess

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