The Harris Doctrine

So, when Trump made him COVID chief, you think his real concern was sympathizing with China? Almost anyone in that role was going to make mistakes. It's the nature of science for conclusions to change when dealing with an unknown. Who ordered the drug companies, hastily and irresponsibly, to develop a vaccine in record time? Hey, I don't care for Fauci either, but that's all on Trump

One of my main issues with Fauci is him attempting to get rid of evidence on the origins.
I realized very early on he was not working in the best interests of the American people

Trump either kept Fauci in place because he believed him or because he was too weak to remove him. Either is a massive failure just like the trillions in relief he signed for

There are legitimate reasons to feel this way.

Ok, now back to the main purpose of the thread.
So Harris openly said she wants:

Gov setting food prices

Gov taking patents from companies

UBI...literally gubment checks for every adult in America

Citizenship for every illegal immigrant in the US. ~ 30 or 40 million of them right? UBI for them too, then.

So...Harris is a straight up Communist running for President and is open and honest about that. Thats not hyperbole...its her stated objective. Down with Capitalism and a free market economy, down with personal rights and freedoms.

So vote for Trump, who will try to save this country. Vote for a Communist...OR in a complete and total waste of your time, energy, and gas money, go vote for a Libertarian or other write in with absolutely ZERO chance of getting elected. Just so you can be self righteous and say " well I didn't vote for X" for the next 4 years regardless of who wins. Brilliant. If Trump doesnt win this election, it is curtains for this country. The fat lady is already warming up those pipes. Elvis left the building long ago.
The origin of the supply chain disruptions goes back to early 2020, while Donald Trump was still the President of the United States. You are trying too hard to completely place blame on the Biden Administration, when there is plenty of blame to go around. Once again, there is nothing which indicates that Donald Trump's administration would have handled things any differently had he been re-elected in 2020.

He certainly wouldn’t have tried to force a vaccine mandate for all businesses with 100+ people. It’s amazing how the virus didn’t spread if you were under that magic number of 100.
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It is the same political tactic that Biden used in 2020 and after he took office he stopped the flow of oil that increased the price of freight, that increased grocery prices, that robbed middle class Americans of their earrings. If I were the big oil companies and pharmaceutical companies I would pour money into the Harris campaign to sustain the large profit margins they are getting from the Democrats.

Not for the informed. Facts are facts. Use some stats and prove it wrong.
How did Biden stop the flow of oil?
You have to wonder if she even has an economic advisor.. basic supply/ demand principles.. and giving people the money just makes houses more unaffordable and in turn will probably make rents go up as well.. who in the world is advising her?
Her dad's an economist and very far to the left. But she should know better than what's she's proposing.
Basic supply/demand concepts were front and center by mid 2020. We've been manipulating our economy for 40+ years. It took a heavy duty catalyst, like the pandemic, for the actual science to take effect. We were flooded with cash and then production of real goods almost grinded to a halt. Of course prices at the stores zoomed upwards. The trek down is always much slower, BUT we must allow the market to determine pricing. Not controls
That mean you’re voting Trump since Harris is proposing price controls?
He certainly wouldn’t have tried to force a vaccine mandate for all businesses with 100+ people. It’s amazing how the virus didn’t spread if you were under that magic number of 100.
This response of yours has nothing to do with the post that you were replying to. It's a lame attempt to change the subject.

If you click on the link that I provided in that post (#30 of this thread), you can see how Donald Trump had to know about the crisis involving supply chain disruptions in March of 2020 and yet, he signed the $2.3 trillion relief measure bill into law at the end of that month, anyway.

The OP ( @FortSanders ) has, in multiple posts of this thread, tried to lay the blame for the federal government "pouring trillions into the economy during COVID and supply chain shortages" solely on the Biden Administration. That was either dishonest or ignorant.
The Harris- Biden administration created inflation by pumping trillions of dollars into the economy, during Covid and in the middle of supply chain shortages. On top of that the Federal Reserve maintained interest rates at 0%. Furthermore, Harris- Biden forced shortages of domestic fuels, increasing oil prices, which affected commodity prices. Increased commodity prices increasd inflation.

How stupid do they think we are?
Pretty d#%n stupid.
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What is the main purpose? Should the op be allowed to present things as facts that are absolutely untrue?

The purpose is to outline Harris-Walz policy ideas and disagree the impact.

What did you disagree with from the OP?
So, when Trump made him COVID chief, you think his real concern was sympathizing with China? Almost anyone in that role was going to make mistakes. It's the nature of science for conclusions to change when dealing with an unknown. Who ordered the drug companies, hastily and irresponsibly, to develop a vaccine in record time? Hey, I don't care for Fauci either, but that's all on Trump
Pretty sure that isn't what he was saying.
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This response of yours has nothing to do with the post that you were replying to. It's a lame attempt to change the subject.

If you click on the link that I provided in that post (#30 of this thread), you can see how Donald Trump had to know about the crisis involving supply chain disruptions in March of 2020 and yet, he signed the $2.3 trillion relief measure bill into law at the end of that month, anyway.

The OP ( @FortSanders ) has, in multiple posts of this thread, tried to lay the blame for the federal government "pouring trillions into the economy during COVID and supply chain shortages" solely on the Biden Administration. That was either dishonest or ignorant.
It’s not an attempt to do anything. You said Trump would’ve done the same and I pointed out one area where he wouldn’t have. It’s not hard BB. Unwad your panties. I never said Trump did well during Covid. He didn’t, including his spending.

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