Eric Rudolph
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By himself, not moving someone around against their will. Just my opinion, but this late in the game if they are still looking in the woods, they are looking for a body and have no info to go on. If they are looking elsewhere, then they still have hope that she is still alive and possibly have credible info. Not looking good from where I sit.
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It could! But a person could refuse for other reasons than possible guilt.
Scaling back searches by volunteers because of weather.... is the weather that bad there? I thought the storms were supposed to be worse a couple days ago
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Scaling back searches by volunteers because of weather.... is the weather that bad there? I thought the storms were supposed to be worse a couple days ago
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We have a real serious threat tonight thru in the morning. I'm in Huntingdon right now, about 45 minutes from Parsons, and the winds are pretty stout and it's hot out. Not a good combo.
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Anybody check out those pics on CBSnews/48 hours Mystery website? LOTS of pics with the brother....kinda creepy if you ask me...... and several pics with camo. I never had that many pics taken with my sister, that's for sure. And, I'd be curious to know what the brother is doing if he's 25 years old and living at home. Again.....just more ??'s!
Anybody check out those pics on CBSnews/48 hours Mystery website? LOTS of pics with the brother....kinda creepy if you ask me...... and several pics with camo. I never had that many pics taken with my sister, that's for sure. And, I'd be curious to know what the brother is doing if he's 25 years old and living at home. Again.....just more ??'s!
Ahhh.....well, forget everythng I said! Too many questions with too few details out there. No wonder everybody's so confused!
Looks like the weather could be here late PM to early AM.
To add insult to injury, a guy up your way in Union City tried to abduct a 2 year old from a laundromat today.
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I think the point of that was just to get her picture out there for the public to see..and alot of them happen to be with Drew.
those are pictures with her boyfriend Drew..not her brother.