Donny did it for 4 years, but Joey has been at it for almost 50 years.
Donny will be judged by 12, while Joey continues on.
Why did Joey:
1. Have and use a burn phone? Burn phones are usually associated with criminal activity. Joey used that phone to speak with foreign business associates of Hunter.
2. Have different email email addresses with different aliases?
3. Continue to deny having any contact with Hunter’s business associates? This claim like many Joey makes has been proven false.
4. Have classified documents in his possession while VP? Im sure Joey wasn’t selling secrets to foreign countries or companies and funneling the money through shell corporations.
Why do you believe that Joey should get a pass and not be investigated?
I’m sure you’re butthurt because you voted for Joey because you thought he was a good and decent man, but turns out he is probably worse than Donny.
Of course you gaf about Joey and Hunter or you wouldn’t continue to carry the water for them.