The Impeachment Thread

Who in here believes Biden didn’t abuse power?

Raise of hands.

Why don't you just start a thread about Biden being crooked? You guys can go circle jerk each other there and quit trying to distract from the topic at hand.
The bogus topic about Trump? Just think, we wouldn’t be having this conversation had not been for Pedo Joe’s threats to another nation.
The bogus topic about Trump? Just think, we wouldn’t be having this conversation had not been for Pedo Joe’s threats to another nation.

I'll bet you lost sleep last night trying to figure out how you were going to shoehorn Obama and Clinton into taking the blame for Donny's colossal bed shtting.
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Not mad, you’re just trolling as usual. Just wondering why the Biden’s get a pass and no one is talking about that.

That's been asked and answered, not liking the answer doesn't make it cease to exist. If you continue to ask it, I will continue to mock you.

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Not mad, you’re just trolling as usual. Just wondering why the Biden’s get a pass and no one is talking about that.
Thank you for the response.

Here’s why I’m not convinced by John Solomon:

There have been multiple instances of former co-workers and other journalists criticizing Solomon for being fast and loose with facts.

Something fishy?

“Then again, Solomon has a history of bending the truth to his storyline. As a reporter for the AP and The Washington Post, he dug up his share of genuine dirt, but he also was notorious for massaging facts to conjure phantom scandals. In 2006, for instance, Solomon and fellow AP writer Sharon Theimer tried to tie now-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to disgraced super-lobbyist Jack Abramoff. The piece hinged on a series of meetings Reid had with Abramoff’s staff to discuss a pending minimum-wage bill and gifts from Abramoff associates who opposed several casino-expansion projects. What it failed to mention is that Reid stuck to his longstanding position on both issues—meaning that any implications of influence peddling were bogus.”

These criticisms have arisen because Solomon frequently leaves out material facts to create scandal where there is none.
The Edwards story, by John Solomon and Lois Romano, was controversial even in the Post newsroom and was attacked by Edwards, his staff, liberal-leaning blogs and about 50 readers.

Reader Robert SanGeorge of Chevy Chase wrote: "I read it three times and could not figure out why it was a news story, let alone a front-pager. What's worse was that the placement, the headline and the tone of the story clearly implied that former senator Edwards had done something sleazy."

The story was interesting, but it was more of an item for the Reliable Source or In the Loop -- and not worth Page 1. It seemed like a "gotcha" without the gotcha.

Wash. Times' new executive editor, John Solomon, has history of distortion

Here's What The FBI Lovers' Secret Texts Actually Say About Trump, Clinton And Leaks | HuffPost

On the other hand, there are a number of people with no US political affiliation who suggest Solomon is again leaving something out:

👆Ukrainian anti-corruption activist. What she says is corroborated by one of Shokin’s assistants.

Vitaly Kasko - Wikipedia

Vitaly Kasko(Ukrainian: Віталій Вікторович Касько; born 29 June 1976) is a Ukrainianlawyer. He served as Deputy Prosecutor Generalunder Viktor Shokinand resigned on February 15 denouncing the corruptionand "total lawlessness" of the Prosecutor's office.[1]

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

"There was no pressure from anyone from the U.S. to close cases against Zlochevsky," Kasko told Bloomberg. "It was shelved by Ukrainian prosecutors in 2014 and through 2015."

Clearly we should never trust a man who resigns out of principle.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

The EU was in on it.

EU hails sacking of Ukraine’s prosecutor Viktor Shokin

So was this guy:

Maybe that’s how you spell “Hunter Biden” in Ukrainian? Wait, no, this is the economic development minister who was struggling to cultivate outside investment in Ukraine. Also corroborates Kaleniuk’s tweet above.

Did I read that right? 289 votes in favor of accepting his resignation? Damn, but there’s probably like 477 members of parliament m, right? No? Only 295? Only 6 Ukrainian MPs were able to resist Libtard democrats temptations and dirty dealings?

Hunter Biden 'did not violate anything,' former Ukrainian prosecutor says
Yuri Lutsenko, a former Ukrainian prosecutor general who succeeded the fired prosecutor, told Bloomberg News that there was no evidence of wrongdoing by Joe or Hunter Biden.

Wonder no more.
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No but they’re not afraid of the government. No where did I say hero, you go to Trump U? You were in the service, you know if you knew f people breaking the law that you had a right to report them and if it’s found out you didn’t your ass was in trouble too


I drank underage. I broke the speed limit. I stole some flight suits once! I cheated on my wife with civilian and military girls, I banged married chicks, I burnt down a mosque in Pakistan. I even lied on my travel voucher and claimed $25 in taxis EVERY DAY WITHOUT RECEIPTS!! Take me away!! hahaha

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