The Impeachment Thread

Bring in Trey Gowdy as Special Prosecutor , Hire Rudy as #2, Let Rudy hire the entire team of Republican lawyers, and go set up a General, and anyone ever associated with Crooked Joe. Sounds familiar?

Oh yea, we start with a 2yr timeline to investigate and $40M of funding.

NYT is reporting part of the complaint was that there were some irregularities in how this call and the records of it were handled. That Trump engaged in misconduct in that respect, too.

See, something like that would doom him because it would show consciousness of guilt.
I've read the complaint. It's all third hand
" white house source". Very very credible.
Holy **** that’s good.
The agency full of people dedicated to serving their country.

It amazes me how the progressive movement went from anti-establishment to now supporting big brother in every aspect of life, as well as intelligence agencies.

Guess it was all a lie..just wanted the power.
Breaking News:

Biden disputes allegations. LMFAO

Hey Joe, uh they have you on video.

First Killary tries to lay the death of our heroes at Benghazi at the feet of a video lie...and now Crooked Joe wants to ignore one.
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