The Impeachment Thread

Sure we do. I don't support all the spending but he's great on most everything else. You see, we knew what we were getting with him, for some reason you all can't understand that.
You knew when you voted for him that he would increase the budget of the Department of Education? Strange.
Why aren’t any of those included in the articles of impeachment?

Ajvol you clearly don't know how pressed the libs were for time. This threat was existential. If they waited one more minute Nancy may have been prohibited from securing the impeachment pens.

To lazy to change font but most except luth will see the blue is implied.
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Withholding funds until a publicly announcing an investigation into the Bidens

for the 100th time.

And please don't be lame enough to make the ignorant argument that the funds were released without an investigation.

The House Managers proved that Trump had no motivation to withhold the aid except to coerce Zelensky into making an announcement which helped a Trump campaign against his leading opponent in the 2020 election... and curiously, to shift blame for intervention in the 2016 election from Russia to Ukraine.
The House Managers proved that Trump had no motivation to withhold the aid except to coerce Zelensky into making an announcement which helped a Trump campaign against his leading opponent in the 2020 election... and curiously, to shift blame for intervention in the 2016 election from Russia to Ukraine.


Did that proof include 2nd and 3rd hand accounts and assumptions?
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The House Managers proved that Trump had no motivation to withhold the aid except to coerce Zelensky into making an announcement which helped a Trump campaign against his leading opponent in the 2020 election... and curiously, to shift blame for intervention in the 2016 election from Russia to Ukraine.
Well, then, let's have the vote.
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The House Managers proved that Trump had no motivation to withhold the aid except to coerce Zelensky into making an announcement which helped a Trump campaign against his leading opponent in the 2020 election... and curiously, to shift blame for intervention in the 2016 election from Russia to Ukraine.
Which leading opponent? I thought this was about Biden but he wasn’t even a candidate then so how could he be an opponent or political rival?
Ground work being laid? Show me where the groundwork was being laid, because shifty Schiff said it? Once again, there were no witnesses made a point about bribery.

Show yourself, by watching the trial. One House manager concluded by arguing that Trump had motive, means, and opportunity. Those are elements in criminal prosecution's. Unless the House totally whiffs on a bribery charge, it is there for the making. I have watched several high profile trials, and none of them did as good a job proving their case. Yeah, they have to State the charge of bribery and nail it down. I will be very surprised if they don't. They are not fooling around.
If the house had waited for the courts to enforce the subpoenas the clock would have run out. Do you dispute that? The House clearly had sufficient evidence to impeach, so they went through with it. But the record is still not complete and that's for one simple reason--the accused is not letting it be complete.

So when you are losing late in the game and you basically need just this side of a miracle you are saying that you should punt. Don't mistake sufficient evidence with 218 idiots who disagree with the 2016 election results. The accused also was not afforded any due process in the House Proceedings.
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Which leading opponent? I thought this was about Biden but he wasn’t even a candidate then so how could he be an opponent or political rival?

They presented a timeline with poll numbers, date Biden entered the race, Trump's behavior toward Ukraine before and after. Why don't you watch the trial instead of commenting on it out of total ignorance?
Show yourself, by watching the trial. One House manager concluded by arguing that Trump had motive, means, and opportunity. Those are elements in criminal prosecution's. Unless the House totally whiffs on a bribery charge, it is there for the making. I have watched several high profile trials, and none of them did as good a job proving their case. Yeah, they have to State the charge of bribery and nail it down. I will be very surprised if they don't. They are not fooling around.
They presented a timeline with poll numbers, date Biden entered the race, Trump's behavior toward Ukraine before and after. Why don't you watch the trial instead of commenting on it out of total ignorance?
Because I already know the end result and listening to that little b Schiff makes me want to puke. So go ahead I know I’m a criminal and guilty of treason blah blah blah
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