The Impeachment Thread

Couldn't. Obama was too busy giving guns to Mexican drug lords to deal guns to Ukraine. Fast and Furious

Here is something I just learned. Apparently it was not just guns but included grenade launchers, grenades, Kevlar vests and NVG's. Now tell me how they would trace the items? And weapons shipments to ISIS.

Fast and Furious: Cartel, Middle East and OIG
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As it turns out, you were dead wrong about this, at least as it pertains to the opening arguments during a Senate trial being presented by House managers. Earlier today, Rep. Jerry Nadler used old video footage of both Alan Dershowitz and Sen. Lindsey Graham from 1999, when they had argued that a President's impeachment and subsequent removal from office didn't require a crime to have been committed.
There’s no rule against it. I was stating that it’s stupid to do so with regard to the attorney. The attorney is paid to defend his client. What his actual beliefs are not relevant to his job.
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That was not my impression at all. It was one set of facts in a well woven set of facts which concluded that Trump had no motive or cause for demanding Ukraine except to make splash headlines which would harm a Biden presidential campaign, while diverting attention from Russia, which helped his own campaign and continues to do so.

Except there was no proof of Russian help.
Signed Robert Mueller
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After Seth Rich was killed by you know who... hint/hint. It occurs to me that is when the Demos with the server started to really started to get meaner. Sean Hannity exposed all of it about Seth Rich, but the left was so mad, that they started to attacking him, and threatening to pull his advertisers away, so he had to back track the truth. So, it bakes the question, why attack Hannity for? To me, it tells me that it is the truth. There wasn’t any reason to attack him, if the DNC wasn’t worried about it. We know who did it, and hiding the DNC servers will prove that who killed Seth Rich.
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The fact you think you understand when you so clearly do not is comical. And if you think he'll actually be removed from office over this, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. The Dems do not have an actual case. That's why they filed such vague charges. But keep dreaming. Of course, a wise man knows as sweet as dreams are, you have to live in reality.
I give the removal of Trump about a 2% chance of happening. Not because he isn't guilty and deserving of removal, but because of the repub. Senators' and horde of red hatters desire to bury the truth and blindly support Trump.
There is not a sane person to be found that doesn't truly believe that Trump withheld funds for personal gain. And the vast majority of that vast majority know that it represents an abuse of power that rises well above the threshold of impeachability.
The House Managers proved that Trump had no motivation to withhold the aid except to coerce Zelensky into making an announcement which helped a Trump campaign against his leading opponent in the 2020 election... and curiously, to shift blame for intervention in the 2016 election from Russia to Ukraine.
No one can really even attempt to dispute those facts.
Ahhh making me Google stuff...

So, it would seem that per Time Magazine, at least, Roberts has more power than you think...

"I see nothing in there giving McConnell, or a majority herd of senatorial sheep, the power to limit the Chief Justice’s constitutional power — and duty — to “preside” over this trial.

Is there a remedy for this illicit power grab? Yes. The remedy is for the Chief Justice of the United States to exercise his sworn duty and “preside” over the trial unencumbered by unconstitutional Senate rules. If he deems it relevant to call witnesses, he has the power and the duty to do so, whatever McConnell thinks."

John Roberts Has More Power Than Mitch McConnell Would Like You to Think. But Will He Use It?

Citing Time magazine. Certainly no bias there
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Think the point to where you guys have fallen. You attack a purple heart recipient, but get all giddy when Trump pardons war criminals.

Go research his brother, his associates, and dealings and then get back to us with your assessment of the Vindman family.
Thanks, we'll axiously await your findings.

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