The Impeachment Thread

There’s no rule against it. I was stating that it’s stupid to do so with regard to the attorney. The attorney is paid to defend his client. What his actual beliefs are not relevant to his job.
That is not what you had said. And I disagree that it's a stupid thing to do. If you can show that a defense attorney doesn't really believe in his own argument... you should show it.
I give the removal of Trump about a 2% chance of happening. Not because he isn't guilty and deserving of removal, but because of the repub. Senators' and horde of red hatters desire to bury the truth and blindly support Trump.
There is not a sane person to be found that doesn't truly believe that Trump withheld funds for personal gain. And the vast majority of that vast majority know that it represents an abuse of power that rises well above the threshold of impeachability.

Would not surprise me if he did it either, but, it doesn't rise to the level of impeachment. Censureship maybe, but not impeachment. If roles were reversed and this was a Democrat, no way would you believe it rises to impeachment. Hell, you don't believe perjury reaches impeachment level, no way this does.
Think the point to where you guys have fallen. You attack a purple heart recipient, but get all giddy when Trump pardons war criminals.
lmao Both sides do what's politically expedient. You might as well cut the bull ****. Both sides SHOULD be ashamed but neither side is. There are no morals in politics.
For the left, the real question isn't whether or not Trump did what he was accused of. The real question is rather it rises to the level of impeachment established by the U.S. Constitution. As much as you really want it to, it doesn't do that. The Democrats are trying to turn impeachment into a political tool. That should not be allowed. If it is, we're going to see more instances of a House controlled by a party in opposition to the President using it as such.
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For the left, the real question isn't whether or not Trump did what he was accused of. The real question is rather it rises to the level of impeachment established by the U.S. Constitution. As much as you really want it to, it doesn't do that. The Democrats are trying to turn impeachment into a political tool. That should not be allowed. If it is, we're going to see more instances of a House controlled by a party in opposition to the President using it as such.

Retroactive impeachments.... Adam Schift could be appointment Chief Impeached and preside over all impeachments
speaking of things Schiff has done that are corrupt - he not only knew of FISA problems and denied them, continually claimed to have evidence of collusion that he never had or produced. Boy that last one sounds familiar.

Carter Page is about to get paid $$$$$
Is it just me or are there some highly unattractive members making the arguments on the house managers team. Wow

the choice of managers is interesting. I get Schiff since he was in charge. Nadler because it's his committee but I bet they wish they could get someone else. Jeffries and Lofgren must have muscled their way on. Surely their are better litigators among the D-House
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the choice of managers is interesting. I get Schiff since he was in charge. Nadler because it's his committee but I bet they wish they could get someone else. Jeffries and Lofgren must have muscled their way on. Surely their are better litigators among the D-House
Dims wanted diversity. A black dude, a white dude, a white Humpty Dumpty dude, and an angry woman.
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lmao Both sides do what's politically expedient. You might as well cut the bull ****. Both sides SHOULD be ashamed but neither side is. There are no morals in politics.

There are no moral saints in politics. But there are certainly degrees of moral depravity. And the Trump enablers are dominating there. Neither side being perfect does not entail both are morally equivalent.
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For the left, the real question isn't whether or not Trump did what he was accused of. The real question is rather it rises to the level of impeachment established by the U.S. Constitution. As much as you really want it to, it doesn't do that. The Democrats are trying to turn impeachment into a political tool. That should not be allowed. If it is, we're going to see more instances of a House controlled by a party in opposition to the President using it as such.
It certainly rises to the level of impeachment.
The moral of the Trumpism catastrophe is, don't elect a horrendously despicable human as president. If you do, the bar for impeachment will be as low as we can legally set it. Elect a descent and honorable human, and the bar for impeachment will be as high as legally possible.
Are the Trump knuckle-draggers on here proud of Ms. Blackburn?

How patriotic was it of Donald Trump to side with Russia over the conclusions of our intelligence community, including his own Director of National Intelligence in Helsinki in July of 2018? Lt. Col. Vindman is a Purple Heart recipient. That is more than can be said for either Blackburn or Cadet Bone Spurs.
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