The Impeachment Thread

What pisses me off is that piece of crap Lamar Alexander thinks he can override my vote. He knows where the majority of Tennesseans stand and it appears that he wants to be a liberal and stick his thumb up everyone's ass. I'll make it a point to spit in his face if he votes against the president and decide his voice is higher than the voters.
So do you guys have ANYTHING showing Papa Joe got Hunter the position on the Burisma board? Any evidence that Hunter used his position with Burisma to obtain political favors from the United States for Burisma? If not, it sounds like you got the tried and true story of a goofball with family connections getting a job he's completely unqualified for--which is basically what the entire Trump clan has right now, as well as Rudy's boy. In fact, Trump is worse, because he clearly got Kushner, Ivanka and Andrew Giuliani their jobs. Hell, he even overrode Kushner security clearance issues. No evidence that Joe got Hunter his job.
Yes there is evidence. Hunter’s own words. He admitted he wouldn’t have gotten the job without his father’s name. Past that, no clear evidence of wrongdoing that I’ve seen, just speculation, much like the evidence against Trump.
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Honest question for the Dems on here..wouldn't it be far easier and cheaper than impeachment to just find candidates that aren't socialists or quid pro Joe's?
Wouldn’t it be easier for Republicans to find a president whose former employees don’t all agree he’s a dumb criminal?
What pisses me off is that piece of crap Lamar Alexander thinks he can override my vote. He knows where the majority of Tennesseans stand and it appears that he wants to be a liberal and stick his thumb up everyone's ass. I'll make it a point to spit in his face if he votes against the president and decide his voice is higher than the voters.

You had complete deference to Donald Trump in mind when you cast your vote for Alexander in 2014?
This is what happens when simpletons only read the headline.
"Nine months left to go, the people should judge. We are a republic, we are based on the will of the people — the people should judge. That was my view and it still is my view.”

That was a direct quote from her in the article
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"Nine months left to go, the people should judge. We are a republic, we are based on the will of the people — the people should judge. That was my view and it still is my view.”

That was a direct quote from her in the article
And he said she suggested she is leaning to vote to acquit, which she clearly won't.

Not to mention, in that same article he quoted in that tweet, she clarified her position. At the absolute best case, Solomon didn't read all the way through the article he linked in his tweet. It's far more likely he just didn't care, because he knew red hats would share it.
Let's hear from Bolton. If we don't, it will be awfully easy for the Dems for the next 10 months to decry both Trump and GOPers running for reelection as perpetuating a coverup.
And he said she suggested she is leaning to vote to acquit, which she clearly won't.

Not to mention, in that same article he quoted in that tweet, she clarified her position. At the absolute best case, Solomon didn't read all the way through the article he linked in his tweet. It's far more likely he just didn't care, because he knew red hats would share it.
She said she was undecided. He didn’t claim she had made up her mind to acquit. She’s now backpedaling after the libs pounced on her
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She said she was undecided. He didn’t claim she had made up her mind to acquit. She’s now backpedaling after the libs pounced on her
His words were leaning towards acquittal, which she isn't, and it's made clear if you bothered to read the article he linked in that exact same tweet.
That is not true at all. Did the Democrats have to take Ambassador Bill Taylor to court in order to compel him to comply with his subpoena? How about former Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch or Kurt Volker or what about Bolton's top aid, Fiona Hill? That is absolutely ridiculous. Good lord.
Did the House actually subpoena Bolton? Nope.
What pisses me off is that piece of crap Lamar Alexander thinks he can override my vote. He knows where the majority of Tennesseans stand and it appears that he wants to be a liberal and stick his thumb up everyone's ass. I'll make it a point to spit in his face if he votes against the president and decide his voice is higher than the voters.

His role is not simply to regurgitate what 51 % of his constituents would vote for. Rather, he is tasked with using judgment to evaluate the issues and vote as he thinks serves their interests.

The problem comes when Republican Senators are so afraid of being bludgeoned by the red hats that they fail to live up to their actual duty.
Think maybe it's naptime for the Times..their clarification is more confusing
I think Feinstein was threatened by Klobuchar one day to go against everything Trump, or she and her family would suffer the consequences. Q-Anon posted the picture by her door, and Q-Anon said something about it in one of his post one day. I think that was back in 18. Q has been right from day one. It is all coming folks. Got to be patient.
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Yes there is evidence. Hunter’s own words. He admitted he wouldn’t have gotten the job without his father’s name. Past that, no clear evidence of wrongdoing that I’ve seen, just speculation, much like the evidence against Trump.

Yeah, so I assume you wanna investigate how Don Jr was able to get a book deal for a ghost writer to write Triggered?
Let's hear from Bolton. If we don't, it will be awfully easy for the Dems for the next 10 months to decry both Trump and GOPers running for reelection as perpetuating a coverup.
Guess what

It's not a surprise. Bill Clinton's approval numbers went way up during his impeachment, by 6 or 7 points. It rallies the base. Members of the base who are only lukewarm in their support, now give full support and respond more enthusiastically to polls. However, we are in an increasingly short news cycle. I expect his numbers to go back down once the trial is over... and once Trump does something really stupid again. This thing with Bolton could be a game changer as well. It's the first sign that this may not just be a purely partisan exercise. You can attack Bolton's credibility if you want, but he is definitely not a liberal Democrat. He aggressively attacked everything Obama did on Fox News for 8 years. That was basically the reason that Trump chose him as National Security Adviser in the first place.
So you agree that everything prior to Bolton has been nothing but partisan BS?

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