The Impeachment Thread

I think that "whats the big deal, the aid was given?" argument is my favorite intellectual gymnastic of all.

Dropping the cookie back in the jar once you've been caught doesn't count.

Sure it does if you were only admiring its symmetry and considering the texture and flavor when someone saw you and jumped to conclusions. Who is to say you were actually going to eat it?
I think it will be from here out. It's odd that so many democrat family members are tied to Ukraine fuel businesses tied of this scandal. All politicians are guilty of something, now they can all answer for it.
Do some research on every elected officials family and what they do. I mean this isn’t new. Trump is certainly not above it. I don’t know why so many Trump supporters feign surprise that Bidens son got hired by a Ukrainian gas company. What makes me laugh the most is when they talk about how he has no experience in the field. Go look at any Fortune 500 company in the US. Their board is made up mostly of people outside their industry of expertise. Did they hire him for access? Sure. Does it happen with all of them? Yes. So stop, not necessarily you, the faux outrage about Hunters job. Especially when you combine that with what’s going on with foreign national spending at Trump Hotels in DC and the positions his family have in the .gov.
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Why are we giving aid to foreign countries to begin with? Don't we have enough problems in our own country?

There’s not many better questions that one could ask . I’m sure someone will explain it with ..our National interest, keeping Russia at bay or my favorite is , well it’s just the right thing to do . You know being the worlds leader and all .
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Witnesses may be a good idea. It keeps Bernie off the trail, and it just about guarantees some Democrats get burned, and Trump still doesn't get removed.

Besides I still want to see the whistle blower being grilled, hear from the Bidens, and see how the "I think" and "I believe" and "my opinion" group hold up under more direct questioning ... maybe even get schiffty on the sand. As the days roll by and the campaign appearances and opportunities dwindle, I'd bet some dim senators would start thinking this whole thing was a really bad idea.
Do some research on every elected officials family and what they do. I mean this isn’t new. Trump is certainly not above it. I don’t know why so many Trump supporters feign surprise that Bidens son got hired by a Ukrainian gas company. What makes me laugh the most is when they talk about how he has no experience in the field. Go look at any Fortune 500 company in the US. Their board is made up mostly of people outside their industry of expertise. Did they hire him for access? Sure. Does it happen with all of them? Yes. So stop, not necessarily you, the faux outrage about Hunters job. Especially when you combine that with what’s going on with foreign national spending at Trump Hotels in DC and the positions his family have in the .gov.
Hence the all politicians caveat in my post. I'm feigning nothing and honestly I'm not even a Trump supporter. I believed the choices we were given were unpalatable but thought the better of the two choices was made. American politics is broken and has been since the knee jerk reactions after W2. And it's not going to get any better any time soon.

I just think this is overboard, censure I'm fine with, impeachment goes too far and makes everything politicians do as normal pay to play fair game IMO.
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Wrong KB! 538 individual people do NOT represent the American voter. The electoral college does NOT protect against mob rule or tyranny.
The Electoral College protects the smaller states from the larger ones. We'd be a lot less united if the smaller states had to subject themselves to whatever the larger states decided.
There is probably a more appropriate thread to argue that in besides this one.

I'll give you this, between mob rule and tyranny we're witnessing the later of the two as we speak.
lmao Trump is not a tyrant. An ass hole yes, but not even close to a tyrant. Someone's been listening to too much propaganda.
Full blown tyranny, no, not yet. We're inching very close to it if we maintain the status quo. It's all up to this trial as to whether we get closer to tyranny or do the right thing.
He was elected President. Not liking the guy doesn't make him a tyrant. Sometimes your candidate doesn't win. Remember, elections have consequences.
In terms of presidential scandals, IMO, this is pretty low. In the sense that he should be rebuked, via censure, but in now way warrants removal. And I think the guy is a giant POS.

Clinton lied under oath. About sexually harassing a young intern in a deposition about sexual harassment. Lied about his predatory behavior.

GW lied us into war with Iraq.

Clinton got a blow job in the oval office and lied only in an attempt to protect his marriage. That's child's play compared to what Trump has done. If Trump even had the balls to show up and take the oath he'd have already lied multiple times under oath because that's who he is. He's simply dodging congress like he dodged the draft.

LOL, tyranny is not accepting the duly elected president as legitimate. Which is exactly what the left is guilty of. They started this immediately after his election. That is tyranny my friend. We have already entered into the political surreal world. Every president from here out will get equal treatment, soon after election the opposition will go into full court political press. I guess I agree with you to some extent, just differ on who to place blame.

Progress, you're half way there.
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Clinton got a blow job in the oval office and lied only in an attempt to protect his marriage. That's child's play compared to what Trump has done. If Trump even had the balls to show up and take the oath he'd have already lied multiple times under oath because that's who he is. He's simply dodging congress like he dodged the draft.

Progress, you're half way there.
Clinton was being sued for sexual harassment, and lied, under oath, about his predatory behavior. Stop and realize you're defending that behavior. Do you think it's okay to sexually harass women?
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Clinton got a blow job in the oval office and lied only in an attempt to protect his marriage. That's child's play compared to what Trump has done. If Trump even had the balls to show up and take the oath he'd have already lied multiple times under oath because that's who he is. He's simply dodging congress like he dodged the draft.

Progress, you're half way there.

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Clinton was being sued for sexual harassment, and lied, under oath, about his predatory behavior. Stop and realize you're defending that behavior. Do you think it's okay to sexually harass women?

Lol! That's truly pathetic Weezer. You aren't seriously going to put up that argument when "Mr. grab em by the p****" is our current president are you? I think you need to take a minute and regroup.
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Lol! That's truly pathetic Weezer. You aren't seriously going to put up that argument when "Mr. grab em by the p****" is our current president are you? I think you need to take a minute and regroup.
I've never defended that behavior. But that's exactly what you're doing. I think Trump is a scum bag. Most Presidents are because they have that ego that drives them to seek the office. You're the one excusing inappropriate sexual behavior based on your political leanings.
I've never defended that behavior. But that's exactly what you're doing. I think Trump is a scum bag. Most Presidents are because they have that ego that drives them to seek the office. You're the one excusing inappropriate sexual behavior based on your political leanings.

You defend it every day when you come in here and make any argument FOR Trump. By continuing to defend that man you support ALL of his behaviors, his actions, and his influences. Turn a light on and look at your hands, they're dirty!
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You defend it every day when you come in here and make any argument FOR Trump. By continuing to defend that man you support ALL of his behaviors, his actions, and his influences. Turn a light on and look at your hands, they're dirty!
There seems to be a belief that being neutral or unbiased means viewing both parties the exact same way, when in reality, it means holding both parties to the same standards.
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There seems to be a belief that being neutral or unbiased means viewing both parties the exact same way, when in reality, it means holding both parties to the same standards.
They don't realize the magnitude of this in relation to Presidential Power, checks and balances, and the Constitution. Anyone that claims to be neutral and against removal is just a Republican fearful of Truth, Justice and the American way.

I don't know how many time they have to be told, The American way is not asking foreign government to investigate our citizens, use a shadow government to spy on a United States Ambassador. That is the line that doesn't ever need to be crossed. Anyone that thinks Trump should not be removed is a partisan hack.
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