The Impeachment Thread

I've never defended that behavior. But that's exactly what you're doing. I think Trump is a scum bag. Most Presidents are because they have that ego that drives them to seek the office. You're the one excusing inappropriate sexual behavior based on your political leanings.
Your defense for Trump are the deflections and false equivalencies.
Christ you’re a ****ing buzz kill , I didn’t know I had to clarify electoral over popular vote.
Here's a question. Did Hillary-carried states have electoral votes go to Trump? If not, he won at the ballot box any way you slice it.

And you guys gave Septic entirely too much time affirming his trolling.
True, he just wants to be a tyrant.

Oh come on , YOU PEOPLE and your buzz words . That makes no sense at all , if he is already Hitler , Stalin and Mao , recruited more radicals than Issis, throws brown people in concentration camps ... see the pattern ? The worst thing he’s done , the absolute worst thing ... is dare win and election by outworking the Heir apparent to the throne for electoral votes . I know I know “blah blah , that’s not it at all , he’s just a monster , blah blah , a 300 year anomaly, blah blah “ I think it’s funny to watch , it’s so bad we have Mick of all people calling others political hacks , EL doing the best mean girl impersonations I’ve ever seen, and Coug declaring Tyrannical rule is now what we are facing . It’s just January people , it’s a long way until November, I’d suggest pacing yourselves . 😂
Oh come on , YOU PEOPLE and your buzz words . That makes no sense at all , if he is already Hitler , Stalin and Mao , recruited more radicals than Issis, throws brown people in concentration camps ... see the pattern ? The worst thing he’s done , the absolute worst thing ... is dare win and election by outworking the Heir apparent to the throne for electoral votes . I know I know “blah blah , that’s not it at all , he’s just a monster , blah blah , a 300 year anomaly, blah blah “ I think it’s funny to watch , it’s so bad we have Mick of all people calling others political hacks , EL doing the best mean girl impersonations I’ve ever seen, and Coug declaring Tyrannical rule is now what we are facing . It’s just January people , it’s a long way until November, I’d suggest pacing yourselves . 😂
Oh come on , YOU PEOPLE and your buzz words . That makes no sense at all , if he is already Hitler , Stalin and Mao , recruited more radicals than Issis, throws brown people in concentration camps ... see the pattern ? The worst thing he’s done , the absolute worst thing ... is dare win and election by outworking the Heir apparent to the throne for electoral votes . I know I know “blah blah , that’s not it at all , he’s just a monster , blah blah , a 300 year anomaly, blah blah “ I think it’s funny to watch , it’s so bad we have Mick of all people calling others a political hacks , EL doing the best mean girl impersonations I’ve ever seen and Coug declaring Tyrannical rule is now what we are facing . It’s just January people , it’s a long way until November, I’d suggest pacing yourselves . 😂
I've got stamina.
The worst thing he has done is intentionally further divide America by playing on the worst traits and fears of people.
He picked Bannon, Stone, and Manafort as his key does that tell you?
The second worst thing, which is certainly tied to the first, is he has gaslighted the country....again intentional.
It's been almost a year since the last official White House briefing.
He has given Fox over 60 interviews while he insults and attempts to delegitimize far more reliable and professional news sources.
He has put a presidential stamp of approval on unnecessary and petty insults while using social media to lie and mislead.
He has made this country a sadder, more bitter, more divided, more selfish, more immature, and less intelligent place in which to live.

And that's just my daily warm up.
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I've got stamina.
The worst thing he has done is intentionally further divide America by playing on the worst traits and fears of people.
He picked Bannon, Stone, and Manafort as his key does that tell you?
The second worst thing, which is certainly tied to the first, is he has gaslighted the country....again intentional.
It's been almost a year since the last official White House briefing.
He has given Fox over 60 interviews while he insults and attempts to delegitimize far more reliable and professional news sources.
He has put a presidential stamp of approval on unnecessary and petty insults while using social media to lie and mislead.
He has made this country a sadder, more bitter, more divided, more selfish, more immature, and less intelligent place in which to live.

And that's just my daily warm up.
He acts like an African or South American dictator. He’s not a tyrant, but that’s partly because our institutions mostly remain strong and partly because he’s not clever enough to become one.
I've got stamina.
The worst thing he has done is intentionally further divide America by playing on the worst traits and fears of people.
He picked Bannon, Stone, and Manafort as his key does that tell you?
The second worst thing, which is certainly tied to the first, is he has gaslighted the country....again intentional.
It's been almost a year since the last official White House briefing.
He has given Fox over 60 interviews while he insults and attempts to delegitimize far more reliable and professional news sources.
He has put a presidential stamp of approval on unnecessary and petty insults while using social media to lie and mislead.
He has made this country a sadder, more bitter, more divided, more selfish, more immature, and less intelligent place in which to live.

And that's just my daily warm up.

You didn't even vote for the guy. You voted for Bernie.....Bernie is the one that wants to be a dictator for sure.....
I've got stamina.
The worst thing he has done is intentionally further divide America by playing on the worst traits and fears of people.
He picked Bannon, Stone, and Manafort as his key does that tell you?
The second worst thing, which is certainly tied to the first, is he has gaslighted the country....again intentional.
It's been almost a year since the last official White House briefing.
He has given Fox over 60 interviews while he insults and attempts to delegitimize far more reliable and professional news sources.
He has put a presidential stamp of approval on unnecessary and petty insults while using social media to lie and mislead.
He has made this country a sadder, more bitter, more divided, more selfish, more immature, and less intelligent place in which to live.

And that's just my daily warm up.

Nobody doubts your stamina .. Second verse , same as the first . I bet you’d kill a room full of people with I am Henry the 8th , I am . Lol
Oh come on , YOU PEOPLE and your buzz words . That makes no sense at all , if he is already Hitler , Stalin and Mao , recruited more radicals than Issis, throws brown people in concentration camps ... see the pattern ? The worst thing he’s done , the absolute worst thing ... is dare win and election by outworking the Heir apparent to the throne for electoral votes . I know I know “blah blah , that’s not it at all , he’s just a monster , blah blah , a 300 year anomaly, blah blah “ I think it’s funny to watch , it’s so bad we have Mick of all people calling others political hacks , EL doing the best mean girl impersonations I’ve ever seen, and Coug declaring Tyrannical rule is now what we are facing . It’s just January people , it’s a long way until November, I’d suggest pacing yourselves . 😂
With a post like that, everyone knows where you stand and the appropriate labels to apply. Yes, if you oppose his removal, you're a political hack unaware the dangers it poses for our Republic. There's a whole world out there willing to fabricate evidence against the Republicans as well. Don't be short sighted for the sake of partisan gratification. The new dirty word for your type is Republican.
With a post like that, everyone knows where you stand and the appropriate labels to apply. Yes, if you oppose his removal, you're a political hack unaware the dangers it poses for our Republic. There's a whole world out there willing to fabricate evidence against the Republicans as well. Don't be short sighted for the sake of partisan gratification. The new dirty word for your type is Republican.
What, you don’t think it’s normal for a president to try to go after the media, government institutions that don’t blindly support him, term limits, and our system of checks and balances? What’s tyrannical about that? Just partisan politics, obviously.
With a post like that, everyone knows where you stand and the appropriate labels to apply. Yes, if you oppose his removal, you're a political hack unaware the dangers it poses for our Republic. There's a whole world out there willing to fabricate evidence against the Republicans as well. Don't be short sighted for the sake of partisan gratification. The new dirty word for your type is Republican.

What, you don’t think it’s normal for a president to try to go after the media, government institutions that don’t blindly support him, term limits, and our system of checks and balances? What’s tyrannical about that? Just partisan politics, obviously.

Is that the best you got? Sounds like more desperation on your part.
Is that the best you got? Sounds like more desperation on your part.
With a post like that, everyone knows where you stand and the appropriate labels to apply. Yes, if you oppose his removal, you're a political hack unaware the dangers it poses for our Republic. There's a whole world out there willing to fabricate evidence against the Republicans as well. Don't be short sighted for the sake of partisan gratification. The new dirty word for your type is Republican.

I’ve told you many times where I stand . I don’t hide my leanings to the right or hide the fact that any politician holds more trust from me than any other . I just don’t lose my sh!t over them . They all lie , they are all power hungry hypocrites , that will do or say anything to get and keep power . If me saying that makes me a partisan hack , I’ll take the label . I’d also suggest you try saying once or twice to restore some balance . Trump will have either 4 or 8 years depending on our elections ( as it should be ) and we will move on to the next one .
More butthurt coming from the loony radicals today........nothing new, same old BS....tomorrow will be no different.

They have no candidate to beat Trump so let's bring up false charges & make-up more lies to see what will work this time around......Lol, so much crying & desperation to act like spoiled little children not getting their way.
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