The Impeachment Thread

Do some research on every elected officials family and what they do. I mean this isn’t new. Trump is certainly not above it. I don’t know why so many Trump supporters feign surprise that Bidens son got hired by a Ukrainian gas company. What makes me laugh the most is when they talk about how he has no experience in the field. Go look at any Fortune 500 company in the US. Their board is made up mostly of people outside their industry of expertise. Did they hire him for access? Sure. Does it happen with all of them? Yes. So stop, not necessarily you, the faux outrage about Hunters job. Especially when you combine that with what’s going on with foreign national spending at Trump Hotels in DC and the positions his family have in the .gov.
I think that family members are hired as a way to pay back the slush fund money (foreign aid) that is sent to corrupt politicians in other countries. The board membership is just a front for money laundering.
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Clinton got a blow job in the oval office and lied only in an attempt to protect his marriage. That's child's play compared to what Trump has done. If Trump even had the balls to show up and take the oath he'd have already lied multiple times under oath because that's who he is. He's simply dodging congress like he dodged the draft.

Progress, you're half way there.
Protect his marriage, my ass. Hillary and everybody in the state of Arkansas knew what Bill did for years. Theirs is a marriage of convenience only. She was going to help him become President by playing the good wife, then he would return the favor.
They don't realize the magnitude of this in relation to Presidential Power, checks and balances, and the Constitution. Anyone that claims to be neutral and against removal is just a Republican fearful of Truth, Justice and the American way.

I don't know how many time they have to be told, The American way is not asking foreign government to investigate our citizens, use a shadow government to spy on a United States Ambassador. That is the line that doesn't ever need to be crossed. Anyone that thinks Trump should not be removed is a partisan hack.
Then remove him at the ballot box in November.
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This is were the economy will play into it if it’s Trump vs the Bern . ( IMO ) Bernie can’t implement his policies without sending the stock market into free fall . Trump will hammer that fact homer 24/7

Trump will win handily among those people who have over a million in the markets. That is not where this election will be won or lost. (Savvy investors will make more off the volatility of a Bernie presidency though.)

Also Trump will not be message-disciplined enough to win a broad victory, but he should win barring a surprise economic or geo-political upheaval.

Either way, we get gridlock. Which is a feature, not a bug, in my opinion. And though Democrats don't want 4 more years of Trump, they should realize he is their greatest ally. He'll erode what is left of the GOP's credibility while former red state's like Virginia turn completely blue for a generation.
Then remove him at the ballot box in November.


But, as long as we are all in effect the final jurors on this in November, shouldn't we see all the evidence and hear all the testimony before the Senate passes this along to us?

I would sure feel better positioned to make what will be another horrible choice between two evils.
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But, as long as we are all in effect the final jurors on this in November, shouldn't we see all the evidence and hear all the testimony before the Senate passes this along to us?

I would sure feel better positioned to make what will be another horrible choice between two evils.

Sure, let’s hear from all witnesses.
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Trump will win handily among those people who have over a million in the markets. That is not where this election will be won or lost. (Savvy investors will make more off the volatility of a Bernie presidency though.)

Also Trump will not be message-disciplined enough to win a broad victory, but he should win barring a surprise economic or geo-political upheaval.

Either way, we get gridlock. Which is a feature, not a bug, in my opinion. And though Democrats don't want 4 more years of Trump, they should realize he is their greatest ally. He'll erode what is left of the GOP's credibility while former red state's like Virginia turn completely blue for a generation.

I think he, Trump , is one of the best resources we have to bring out the vipers on both sides . There’s no room for fence sitting in a Trump held presidency . Although I’m positive this is about to be called out for whatever horrible crime I’ve committed here by saying it , I enjoy seeing politicians being uncomfortable.( all of them ) it should be a job that makes them and keeps them ( all ) uncomfortable, instead of being all snug , smug , and happy in an extremely lucrative position .
The plan is to disqualify Biden so you can run against the 80 year old Socialist, which is a sound strategy.

The possible problem with the plan is that the Obama/Trump voter in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin isn't really ideological. They just want to burn it all down and Bernie looks like a kerosene truck in a match factory right now.

All those states are benefiting from the oil / fraking boom and that all goes away with the Dems. I fully expect a beatdown this time around.
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Then remove him at the ballot box in November.

"elections have consequences".....says Obama. The left has to deal with this true statement. We didn't like it when he was ******* the country up all to hell and back.....we also didn't burn everything down that was in plain sight either.
We waited for the right person to come along and voted between the lesser of the two evils that were on the ballot.
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Trump is not normal.
Trump should never be normalized.

It's like when the parent of a lying, cheating, out of control kid says "all kids do that, it's just kids being kids."
Sure all kids occasionally lie and disobey, but not equally, and there are kids that fall outside of the norm.
It's a lazy excuse used to self-justify their crappy child rearing skills and lack of legitimate effort to raise the kid properly.
Nothing easier than saying "well, that's just normal."

And your mindset is Mr Bernie Sanders supporter? Trumps a disrupter and he’s doing exactly what we intended him to do, once again you misjudge the sentiment of the masses because you buy into that CNN BS narrative.

Yes, and where I use to work for a living we also had dumb stupid rules for us to obey too.
We all hated those rules that were put in place that made no sense...but chocolate milk out of a bottle is childish.
The only thing I can think of is getting mad at someone & then throwing the empty bottle at that person.
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Yes, and where I use to work for a living we also had dumb stupid rules for us to obey too.
We all hated those rules that were put in place that made no sense...but chocolate milk out of a bottle is childish.
The only thing I can think of is getting mad at someone & then throwing the empty bottle at that person.

But, it is fitting. These clowns do more damage with the other laws they make. I just wished it was a way to enforce the rules such that Capital police could have come in and tased Romney and beat him down.
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But, it is fitting. These clowns do more damage with the other laws they make. I just wished it was a way to enforce the rules such that Capital police could have come in and tased Romney and beat him down.

Now this , this is how we can get more viewers to watch ! I’d be glued to the tv if tasers were in play for congress . It would beat the super bowl in ratings .
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But, as long as we are all in effect the final jurors on this in November, shouldn't we see all the evidence and hear all the testimony before the Senate passes this along to us?

I would sure feel better positioned to make what will be another horrible choice between two evils.
Whatever they decide on witnesses is okay by me. It will be opening up a whole 'nother can of worms, in my opinion.

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