The Impeachment Thread

Maybe they did, but Senator Alexander's statement is something very new to this whole messy process. He is the first Republican in Congress to publicly acknowledge that Donald Trump did something wrong. It is the first defense which isn't the defense that Trump wants - the "perfect call" defense.
Nobody cares. The lines have been drawn.
I've been shocked by some of her airhead statements before... This one is particularly ego centric and clueless.

I can't understand why they keep giving her a microphone to keep saying dumb things that's not a good look for her or to the Democrats. I guess it's a race to the bottom to see how one can speak dumber things than Schitt or Schumer.
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I wouldn't put it past the House to impeach again; call this a test run while they wait for more evidence. It won't go away, no matter how much the GOP tries to legitimize Trump's actions.

I agree with you on this one, Mick. The dim controlled house is collectively stupid enough to do it all over again, and prove they learned nothing from the first time. Even kids are smart enough to learn not to touch a hot stove again ... dims not so much.
You ever watch that Making of Caddyshack on YouTube? It was good and as colorful reality as the movie.
I read that the tension between Ted Knight and Rodney was real...Ted was the learn your lines be prepared actor and Rodney was the ad lib comedian also learned that Chevy and Bill Murray didn't like each other...coming up on Groundhog Day...great movie but ruined the friendship between Harold Ramis and Murray..shame those guys could have made more great movies together
Libs on Twitter begging Lamar to vote for witnesses

Lamar Alexander's logic behind not voting for witnesses is sound. Alexander is saying that the main allegation against Donald Trump has already been proven, so there is no need for any witnesses to be called or for new evidence to be presented. Alexander just doesn't believe that Trump's wrongdoing rises to the level of an impeachable offense.
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Can we just accept that neither party has clean hands and move on to solve some problems to make our country better? Impeachment has been a huge distraction to those goals and has been enormously divisive. I turn on the TV looking for news and all I get are "Trump is corrupt" on one side and "Schiff is a beady eyed liar" on the other. I'm done, all right? Let's address some legislative issues for our country.

Let's say we have more than enough legislation for several countries and work on eliminating a lot of it rather than creating more ... a good place to start would be the tax code.
Lamar Alexander's logic behind not voting for witnesses is sound. Alexander is saying that the main allegation against Donald Trump has already been proven, so there is no need for any witnesses or new evidence to be presented. Alexander just doesn't believe that Trump's wrongdoing rises to the level of an impeachable offense.

And that's pretty shocking isn't it? He is now free to solicit, using our tax dollars, foreign and domestic election interference and that's perfectly cool from a legal perspective.
Lamar Alexander's logic behind not voting for witnesses is sound. Alexander is saying that the main allegation against Donald Trump has already been proven, so there is no need for any witnesses to be called or for new evidence to be presented. Alexander just doesn't believe that Trump's wrongdoing rises to the level of an impeachable offense.
I agree thought it was a very well written statement...they should have censured him and declared victory
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What Democrat thinks of the Republigoons tonight

Hey, a Republican Senator just acknowledged that what Trump did was wrong. They can no longer claim this was a hoax or a sham. Trump did exactly what he was accused of doing. It just didn't justify his removal from office. That is more than I ever thought we would get.
Hey, a Republican Senator just acknowledged that what Trump did was wrong. They can no longer claim this was a hoax or a sham. Trump did exactly what he was accused of doing. It just didn't justify his removal from office. That is more than I ever thought we would get.

We can absolutely say it was a sham because it was a sham
I agree thought it was a very well written statement...they should have censured him and declared victory
They wouldn't have had a Republican on record acknowledging Trump's wrongdoing if this had ended in December. To me, Alexander's statement is a big deal.
I can't understand why they keep giving her a microphone to keep saying dumb things that's not a good look for her or to the Democrats. I guess it's a race to the bottom to see how one can speak dumber things than Schitt or Schumer.

Not to mention her teeth. My goodness Madam Speaker do something with those chicklets.
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