The Impeachment Thread

With regards to the Ukraine scheme to manipulate our 2020 election?

BRIBERY (18 U.S.C. § 201)




OBSTRUCTION OF CONGRESS (18 U.S.C. §§ 1505, 1512)

Anyone who was not the president would already be sharing a cell with Paul Manafort. We will soon see how far Barr is willing to go to use the AG's office to insulate Trump and investigate his rivals.
So Obama and Biden should be in jail. Got it.
It isn’t just about the economy. Obummer stripped our military, veterans were getting mistreated, to many on food stamps that has gone to work, to get them ofc of them. He is rebuilding the poor and the middle class, trying to put the family base together again that Obummer and demos destroyed. There isn’t really a such thing as woman turning into a man, or vice versa. He is rebuilding America, got us out of the climate change hoax, because God controls that. You’re not going to control climate. Trillions going somewhere, that a president didn’t even know where it was going out to. The Paris accord isn’t even working. China isn’t even doing nothing with it. NAFTA that Bill Clinton signed in 93, has taken our factories away, and small towns with Obummer letting the debt rise, has dried up. Trump is about to change that. USMCA is about to explode even into more jobs coming. Billions are pouring back in, but it will take a while to see even more of a difference, but the debt should start turning the other way We are leading in gas and oil, in which we will start seeing the effect of that very soon, when gas prices will continue to come down. He is wanting 50 cents to a dollar gas, at the pumps, and I think we will see that sooner or later. Just wait until he gets his infrastructure bill passed, that is going to be a major factor, when reducing our debt, because even more people will go to work, and putting more money into the system. There is more, but he isn’t running to be president of the world, but president of the US. The China deal is going to be a big hit. More and more is going to change, and the winning will be a big hit. 😎

Re the military.

First, Trump has hardly been consistent on the issue. His first two years the budget went up. Now he wants it cut and calls spending levels "crazy." His mercurial nature evidenced yet again, to say the least.

Quality over quantity: U.S. military strategy and spending in the Trump years

Second, Trump has made many false claims about raising military pay over the years. I won't bother to find it, but Google it and its been pretty bad at times.

Re the "family base."

How has Trump, as President, contributed to restoring the "family base"? Given his penchant for cheating on wives and treating women as toys for his amusement, it is hard to take anything he says about family values seriously.

Re climate change

If you think man had not contributed to climate change at all and that its just an act of God, I question your sanity. I mean, I would know you have no real education if you believe that.

NAFTA and trade

Its too easy to blame other countries for "taking our jobs." We got lazy when it came to tech. Combine that with the fact that we are evolving into a service sector economy, and the reality is that you have to accept that the era of large US factories as a foundation for jobs is done and gone.

Gas and oil

This would be an example of what I said when I commented that one can vote for him if one buys into the deregulation argument as his policies have made for cheaper gas. That cuts both ways, long term, especially because once again it encourages laziness when it comes to thinks like electric or hybrid vehicles.

Ok, Obama, you can respond now? Is that better?🤷‍♂️

Thanks, see above.
With regards to the Ukraine scheme to manipulate our 2020 election?

BRIBERY (18 U.S.C. § 201)




OBSTRUCTION OF CONGRESS (18 U.S.C. §§ 1505, 1512)

Anyone who was not the president would already be sharing a cell with Paul Manafort. We will soon see how far Barr is willing to go to use the AG's office to insulate Trump and investigate his rivals.

Good luck with that and the SoL
I know it's been posted only by tweets but there's other ways to show Nadler the penquin's race for a jelly donut.

Watch Schiff's Hilarious Attempt to Stop Nadler From Delivering Closing Remarks

It's the Butt-head and Beaver Show live each day from Congress. Starring Schitt for brains and his pet penquin.

MSNBC Liberal Hack Lawrence O'Donnell: "Adam Schiff stood. He was ready to go to the podium. He only had to do about three steps to get there. Jerry Nadler had to do about 12. It's the fastest I've seen fatboy Jerry Nadler move, in the 25 years that I've known him," O'Donnell remarked.
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Re the military.

First, Trump has hardly been consistent on the issue. His first two years the budget went up. Now he wants it cut and calls spending levels "crazy." His mercurial nature evidenced yet again, to say the least.

Quality over quantity: U.S. military strategy and spending in the Trump years

Second, Trump has made many false claims about raising military pay over the years. I won't bother to find it, but Google it and its been pretty bad at times.

Re the "family base."

How has Trump, as President, contributed to restoring the "family base"? Given his penchant for cheating on wives and treating women as toys for his amusement, it is hard to take anything he says about family values seriously.

Re climate change

If you think man had not contributed to climate change at all and that its just an act of God, I question your sanity. I mean, I would know you have no real education if you believe that.

NAFTA and trade

Its too easy to blame other countries for "taking our jobs." We got lazy when it came to tech. Combine that with the fact that we are evolving into a service sector economy, and the reality is that you have to accept that the era of large US factories as a foundation for jobs is done and gone.

Gas and oil

This would be an example of what I said when I commented that one can vote for him if one buys into the deregulation argument as his policies have made for cheaper gas. That cuts both ways, long term, especially because once again it encourages laziness when it comes to thinks like electric or hybrid vehicles.

Thanks, see above.
Ok, Micheal e o Hannon, is someone that I can’t agree with. He is a globalist. He disagrees with Trump, and is against the US. He is part of the deep state/establishment. I knew his name, because Q-Anon has posted on 8 Chan about it. Come on big guy, those articles he put up is wrong.
MSNBC Liberal Hack Lawrence O'Donnell: "Adam Schiff stood. He was ready to go to the podium. He only had to do about three steps to get there. Jerry Nadler had to do about 12. It's the fastest I've seen fatboy Jerry Nadler move, in the 25 years that I've known him," O'Donnell remarked.

He's exactly right you know. ^^^^^^^ :):)
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He's exactly right you know. ^^^^^^^
Lawrence O'Donnell and Chris Matthews could both be out of a job from what I've read about MSNBC's plans for when President Trump is reelected in November.:cool: MSNBC will be fun to watch when President Trump is reelected and the Republicans control the House and Senate:D
Lawrence O'Donnell and Chris Matthews could both be out of a job from what I've read about MSNBC's plans for when President Trump is reelected in November.:cool: MSNBC will be fun to watch when President Trump is reelected and the Republicans control the House and Senate:D

If that ever becomes true as fact.........75% of most Americans will party hard like it's 1999.....
The more I read your post & you showing your partisanship I think you just might be Alan Dershowitz posting.
Which I don't mean in a bad way. He's a loyal Democrat but sees this impeachment trial the same way as you.
Nah, Dershowitz makes no bones about being a Dem, Weeze still thinks he is hiding by riding the fence all the time. He refuses to come out as the Lib that he is.
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