The Impeachment Thread

It is beyond me how that pos could ever get reelected, but being that he's a good mormon boy I'm sure he will.

The epitome of a Rino. And apparently one with Trump derangement syndrome. Probably hurts knowing that the president is a more successful business man and will be elected as a two term President.
When President Trump is reelected they will do their best to damage Vice President Pence so that he wont run in 2024:rolleyes:

I haven't seen much impressive from Pence anyway. What would be fascinating would be for the GOP to be the first to elect a woman (a real one) president, and Nikki Haley is fairly impressive ... that's a thought. The other interesting part would be watching dems question her heritage and whether she is a "natural born citizen" as the constitution requires.
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Wrong. That starts precedent for congress ruling on everything a president does or says. It also prohibits the president from moving to sort out corruption of anyone who "opposes" him in any way - if nothing more than by being a member of another party. You do this because of a president who isn't afraid to make enemies hurts your feelings, and you wind up limiting the power of all presidents in the future. We all have a say on who becomes president; we individually have a say in only a very very small fraction of congress. It's congressional not presidential wings that need to be clipped because if we are determined we can do something about a president, but there's virtually no chance we'll ever do anything about a very corrupt congress.

Furthermore, you and your buddies have been far too willing to put words in the mouths of those who are calling for an end to the charade. Saying that nothing further is warranted because nothing stated would rise above the bar for impeachment does not mean they are buying the left's guilt. You guys "got nothin'" and they are calling you out. If you are too dumb to realize that, too bad.
This is dumb. It was wrong to withhold United States aid for the purpose of facilitating a campaign favor. Trump wasn't rooting out corruption, he was engaging in it. You have never made a good argument on here.
In this case, a case of jury nullification.... innocent doesn't mean "didn't do it". So, yes, this can and will be used against Trump where it matters - in the general election. And there will not be a vast majority of Senators to vote for acquittal. It will probably be 53-47.

Going to dinner at PF Chang's ... been fun. Trump sucks. Glad to see we all agree.
The Republicans will vote to acquit. As the jury doing so, it will not be jury nullification.
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This is dumb. It was wrong to withhold United States aid for the purpose of facilitating a campaign favor. Trump wasn't rooting out corruption, he was engaging in it. You have never made a good argument on here.

You look at Trump's action as a "campaign favor" ... I thought is was "abuse of power" last week. Anyway, plenty of us see Trump's action as asking the legitimate authority to open an investigation into corruption before simply plowing more of our money into a corrupt regime. Oddly enough your boy has been bragging about getting the previous investigation into corruption shut down, and you are good with that. Apparently your stand is completely determined by the R or D behind someone's name ... or end stage TDS.
The Republicans will vote to acquit. As the jury doing so, it will not be jury nullification.
It's not jury nullification in the strictest sense of the term because it doesn't involve a criminal jury trial, but it is jury nullification in regards to it being an example of having jury members who believe the defendant is guilty (Alexander and Rubio) but have chosen to acquit the defendant anyway because they believe the punishment for the offense would be too harsh. Jury nullification can also occur when juries refuse to convict because of their own prejudices in favor of the defendant or against the prosecution. There could be some of that as well.

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