The Impeachment Thread

You look at Trump's action as a "campaign favor" ... I thought is was "abuse of power" last week. Anyway, plenty of us see Trump's action as asking the legitimate authority to open an investigation into corruption before simply plowing more of our money into a corrupt regime. Oddly enough your boy has been bragging about getting the previous investigation into corruption shut down, and you are good with that. Apparently your stand is completely determined by the R or D behind someone's name ... or end stage TDS.
Trump was withholding United States aid to the Ukraine, to facilitate an investigation into a potential opponent of his in the general election. That represents an abuse of power in pursuit of a campaign favor. Nobody is sincerely this dense without trying to be.
Nothing makes me more irritated than the sanctimonious liberals coming on here telling us how partisan Republicans are when it appears "All" the democrat senators are voting yes for witnesses.

I know we would like to be very civil on the board because it would be nice to be able to agree to disagree or in some cases convince someone every blue moon to change their political position after reflection but I gotta say in the words of Ice Cube "F*** all y'all!"

As far as Romney and Collins are concerned, Romney is an envious Rhino and needs to go. I thought when he won his election he would bring more depth of policy to the Republican base. The guy just needs to go. Collins appears almost as feckless as moderate democrats as rare as that term is today.
Would anyone disagree with this brief and simple summary of the Alexander statement?

No more evidence is required because the accusation under Article I that Trump withheld aid to the Ukraine for the purpose of encouraging them to investigate a political opponent has already been proven. However, this did not justify an impeachment of the president, or his removal from office. Article II is completely baseless and should not have been brought forth.
I do.
In this case, a case of jury nullification.... innocent doesn't mean "didn't do it". So, yes, this can and will be used against Trump where it matters - in the general election. And there will not be a vast majority of Senators to vote for acquittal. It will probably be 53-47.

Going to dinner at PF Chang's ... been fun. Trump sucks. Glad to see we all agree.

Have a good dinner, BB. I like PF Chang, too.
This is dumb. It was wrong to withhold United States aid for the purpose of facilitating a campaign favor. Trump wasn't rooting out corruption, he was engaging in it. You have never made a good argument on here.

And the insanely large amount of witnesses we heard from in this trial (18) were unable to be cross examined by the Presidents counsel. That my liberal hack is the real travesty here. This 51-49 victory today is a small step in pushing back on the lunatic left in that you can't just overturn an election on policy disagreement. If you have any moral conviction about you at all you will look back on this and privately thank these 51 brave souls. Other wise we go from averaging one presidential impeachment ever 80 years to the real possibility of one every 4 years. So to sum up for those not able.
1. Don't allow a Rogue FBI director to illegally spy on a known CIA asset for the sole purpose of having independent counsel named.
2. Don't actively solicit a partisan with at best 2nd hand assertions as your star witness and then fail to call him.
3. Follow the rules for impeachment. Don't just say we are in an impeachment inquiry. This will allow both parties ligitamate subpoena power. Originate this inquiry in the judiciary committee.
4. For you to expect anyone to take you serious don't shake down witnesses in a bunker and selectivity leak bombshell testimony every hour.
5. Realize that there is a balance of power for a reason regardless of what Schift says. Take the time to go through the courts at it relates to executive privelage.
6. When the witnesses are on the stand please have pertinent first hand testimony.
7. Once a vote has been taken and the President is impeached send the articles to the Senate. Don't "prayerfully" stage a photo op handing out impeachment momentos 34 days later.
8. Don't expect the Senate to do anything other than be the jury. I shudder to think what a circus this could have turned into had the Dems controlled the Senate.
9. Lecturing the Senate on how and what they will do is not a good strategy. Just because you have 24 hours it doesn't mean you have to use all 24.
10. When everything doesn't go your way GTFOI and end the charade and go back to the work of the American people.

There they are. The 10 commandments of impeachment.
Trump was withholding United States aid to the Ukraine, to facilitate an investigation into a potential opponent of his in the general election. That represents an abuse of power in pursuit of a campaign favor. Nobody is sincerely this dense without trying to be.

Nope. It's perfectly legitimate to use leverage to drive an agreement. A lot of things wouldn't have happened without the threat of tariffs. I personally think all our foreign aid should come with copious strings ... otherwise what's the use?
This is dumb. It was wrong to withhold United States aid for the purpose of facilitating a campaign favor. Trump wasn't rooting out corruption, he was engaging in it. You have never made a good argument on here.

And the insanely large amount of witnesses we heard from in this trial (18) were unable to be cross examined by the Presidents counsel. That my liberal hack is the real travesty here. This 51-49 victory today is a small step in pushing back on the lunatic left in that you can't just overturn an election on policy disagreement. If you have any moral conviction about you at all you will look back on this and privately thank these 51 brave souls. Other wise we go from averaging one presidential impeachment ever 80 years to the real possibility of one every 4 years. So to sum up for those not able.
1. Don't allow a Rogue FBI director to illegally spy on a known CIA asset for the sole purpose of having independent counsel named.
2. Don't actively solicit a partisan with at best 2nd hand assertions as your star witness and then fail to call him.
3. Follow the rules for impeachment. Don't just say we are in an impeachment inquiry. This will allow both parties ligitamate subpoena power. Originate this inquiry in the judiciary committee.
4. For you to expect anyone to take you serious don't shake down witnesses in a bunker and selectivity leak bombshell testimony every hour.
5. Realize that there is a balance of power for a reason regardless of what Schift says. Take the time to go through the courts at it relates to executive privelage.
6. When the witnesses are on the stand please have pertinent first hand testimony.
7. Once a vote has been taken and the President is impeached send the articles to the Senate. Don't "prayerfully" stage a photo op handing out impeachment momentos 34 days later.
8. Don't expect the Senate to do anything other than be the jury. I shudder to think what a circus this could have turned into had the Dems controlled the Senate.
9. Lecturing the Senate on how and what they will do is not a good strategy. Just because you have 24 hours it doesn't mean you have to use all 24.
10. When everything doesn't go your way GTFOI and end the charade and go back to the work of the American people.

There they are. The 10 commandments of impeachment.

This is dumb. It was wrong to withhold United States aid for the purpose of facilitating a campaign favor. Trump wasn't rooting out corruption, he was engaging in it. You have never made a good argument on here.

Now that we are done with this massive beat down of Democrats we should move onto pressing issues and hope Viktor Shokin is successful in convincing the proper authorities the opening of a criminal probe if Joe Biden. Unless uncle Joe throws his hat in the race for president of Ukraine.

Shokin Demands Criminal Probe Of Joe Biden In Declaration To Kyiv Prosecutors
Nope. It's perfectly legitimate to use leverage to drive an agreement. A lot of things wouldn't have happened without the threat of tariffs. I personally think all our foreign aid should come with copious strings ... otherwise what's the use?
It is not perfectly legitimate for the president to leverage aid to a foreign government against their willingness to perform a political campaign favor for him. What you are missing, is that what Trump wanted done, was not for the benefit of the country at large. It was only for the benefit of helping him be reelected. You don't have a leg to stand on. What Trump did, was wrong.
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Trump was withholding United States aid to the Ukraine, to facilitate an investigation into a potential opponent of his in the general election. That represents an abuse of power in pursuit of a campaign favor. Nobody is sincerely this dense without trying to be.

A person who also happens to be corrupt. Lol.

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