The Impeachment Thread

With regards to the Ukraine scheme to manipulate our 2020 election?

BRIBERY (18 U.S.C. § 201)




OBSTRUCTION OF CONGRESS (18 U.S.C. §§ 1505, 1512)

Anyone who was not the president would already be sharing a cell with Paul Manafort. We will soon see how far Barr is willing to go to use the AG's office to insulate Trump and investigate his rivals.
Someone follows Twitter. You should source that first part so everyone knows where it originally came from.
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Nothing like the feeling of your face being punched from the inside. And it better be the real stuff, not green colored horseradish.

I'll never forget the first time I tried the real stuff. A dinner at the American Embassy in Tokyo, and I was wondering what the little pile of green stuff was, so I tried a little scoop of it on my fork. Took a little while for the tears to stop and breathing to start again, but I did instantly liked the stuff. Can't find anything good here - like you said, we get green colored horseradish.
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I'll never forget the first time I tried the real stuff. A dinner at the American Embassy in Tokyo, and I was wondering what the little pile of green stuff was, so I tried a little scoop of it on my fork. Took a little while for the tears to stop and breathing to start again, but I did instantly liked the stuff. Can't find anything good here - like you said, we get green colored horseradish.

There's a little Chinese restaurant in Dandridge that has a homemade mustard you have to ask for. They make it in house. Whatever they use is as pungent as real wasabi. I get a few ramekins of it every time I'm in town and try to make it stretch. Hoo boy, it's an experience.
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Paula Jones was accusing him of sexual harassment over accusations which predated his run for the presidency. Whether or not he ever had sex with Monica Lewinsky, was nobody's business but his and Hillary's.

Huge difference, BB. Have you slept through every course on sexual abuse? A person in a management role having sex with an underling is about as serious as it gets - the he said, she said, mutual agreement, etc just doesn't matter.
I stopped listening a long time ago. I used to be on the Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin trains until I realized that they operated by keeping their listeners mad and reliant on them for their interpretation of current events. One can only take so much vehemence and self-promotion.

I never bothered listening to / watching any of the left-leaning political entertainers unless I landed on one by accident. Changed the station to something else before the slime started coming out of my speakers.

I watch some of the fox shows every now and then. Tucker, Hannity, and Laura are all 100% better than any talking head on the other networks because they are rational, what they say makes sense, and they confirm most of what I already see with my own eyes. The derangement by the left and biased media has been nothing short of absurd for over a decade.
Dear Sean Hannity, Please shut the f*** up. Your opinions don't matter. You are nothing but an entertainer. At least Jimmy Kimmel is funny.
I wish he were. The more these late night guys delve into politics, the less funny they become. It was one thing when they made the occasional political joke, but now, they go on political commentary rants. If I wanted that, I would watch CNN or Fox. They're no longer entertaining.
I wish he were. The more these late night guys delve into politics, the less funny they become. It was one thing when they made the occasional political joke, but now, they go on political commentary rants. If I wanted that, I would watch CNN or Fox. They're no longer entertaining.
I can't watch late night, it's the second set of "news hours" now.
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Well I must say the decision by GOP Senators to not have witnesses or admit evidence into the record is, obviously, a new low point politically for our nation. Ceding power to the Office of the President and giving Trump a Carte Blanche to corruption will harm us all in the long run... unless, of course, you simply prefer an autocracy.

Remember the GOP howls over Obama's "behaving like a king" with his imposition of Obamacare? Yeah, me too.

As an independent minded voter, I am very disappointed witnesses weren't called, and will state the obvious - that those who've perpetrated this sham should be held accountable in their next respective elections.
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But Trump would approve of that message (unlike any past president).
Hell, Trump wouldn't only approve, he would re-tweet it to millions with a couple of thumbs up followed by MAGA.

This is the tone set by our president Again, unlike any past president.
Not the norm, not the center of any continuum.....far from it.
He'll be reelected by a landslide. It's that evolving morality you're so fond of.
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That is the reason that the Republicans have held off on the vote until Wednesday... one day after the State of the Union Address. They want to give Trump a chance to make his case before the vote and a President's approval rating usually goes up after the State of the Union... although Trump's didn't last year, but that could have been because we had just come out of the government shutdown. Republicans are playing politics too. The vote should have been tonight.
You guys have been reminding us over and over how impeachment isn't a legal process; it's a political process. So, the Dems used a political process to try to overturn a legitimate election, and will you bemoan the Repubs defeating it politically? More so, will you bemoan them timing it so that their move is in line with the approval of the people?
Naive. We heard about a semen stained blue dress all through 1998. We heard about the Whitewater land deal, which most people on here could not explain. We heard about something called 'travelgate'. We would have heard about something like this too.
We'd have never heard about spygate if Trump didn't have a twitter account.
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Paula Jones was accusing him of sexual harassment over accusations which predated his run for the presidency. Whether or not he ever had sex with Monica Lewinsky, was nobody's business but his and Hillary's.
We were his employers and he was receiving BJs from his subordinate in the oval office. If you were getting BJs from your subordinate at work, your employer would deserve to know and fire your ass. IF you lied to them about it, you'd deserve to be fired. If you lied under oath in an investigation, you'd have broken the law.
lol.......Trump would perjure himself 15 times in the first five minutes if he was ever under oath. And over things much more serious than a BJ. And everyone knows it.
If that's the case, he's probably wise for not going under oath. It doesn't sound as though the Senate feels like he needs to, so what does it matter?
Would that phone call have been a crime had the president been a democrat and sought a quid pro quo in an attempt to smear a republican rival? Simple yes or no would suffice, thanks.
You can generally spot someone who isn't really interested in (and knows the have to play defense against) honest discussion when they try to limit your responses to "yes or no answers">

Hey, Ash, have you stopped beating your wife? Limit your answer to yes or no only.

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