The Impeachment Thread

???? did you misread my post?
Not only do I see fault on both sides. I don't have the ability to not see it even if I were to choose.
Which does seem to be an ability many have.

Then your perception is off based on your subjective opinions and the slant is affecting your % of accuracy.
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He'll be reelected by a landslide. It's that evolving morality you're so fond of.
The election will certainly be an indicator of the current state of societal evolution. As was the intentional election of vocal segregationists in the South in the late 60's and early 70's. That was a loud and clear statement that was heard and addressed.
The election will certainly be an indicator of the current state of societal evolution. As was the intentional election of vocal segregationists in the South in the late 60's and early 70's. That was a loud and clear statement that was heard and addressed.
Proof positive that you are a babbling brook.

I will call no person "fool" no matter how richly deserved.
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Your truth is little more than a continuum of your feelings.
Not a single one of you thinks that Trump would avoid perjury if he testified under oath.
If so, claim it as your belief.
That would be the best way to counter the truthfulness of my statement.
The election will certainly be an indicator of the current state of societal evolution. As was the intentional election of vocal segregationists in the South in the late 60's and early 70's. That was a loud and clear statement that was heard and addressed.
By your worldview, that hateful racism was moral, as was Nazi Germany's, as will the Trump morality when America reelects Trump in a landslide.

You'd best start getting moral, you immoral thing, you.
My post was aimed more at the loony left-wing crybabies on here seeing their hero has been finally booted.
Yavonovitch was no ambassador......she was there as a spy working to find something on Trump.
When she was exposed as a fraud & as a Democrat spy doing this the Democrats had to step in and try to save their spy from all of this corruption that the Democrats had been doing for least since the Obama years.

The election will certainly be an indicator of the current state of societal evolution. As was the intentional election of vocal segregationists in the South in the late 60's and early 70's. That was a loud and clear statement that was heard and addressed.

This isn’t the 60s and 70s those Democrats are gone . This will not be about society’s evolution , this will be about the left trying to get their based to overlook how well the country is doing and vote for someone that will tank the markets and raise taxes to implement their policies .
The election will certainly be an indicator of the current state of societal evolution. As was the intentional election of vocal segregationists in the South in the late 60's and early 70's. That was a loud and clear statement that was heard and addressed.

This election will once again prove your party’s ideology has been rejected and we’re headed in the right direction after an abysmal eight years of social justice warriors, failed healthcare and a stagnant economy. You should be on your hands and knees thanking the good lord Trump cares enough about this country so that your children have the opportunity to flourish and prosper. Here’s to the eradication of socialist moronic candidates and the Democratic Party! MAGA 2020 👍👍
Not a single one of you thinks that Trump would avoid perjury if he testified under oath.
If so, claim it as your belief.
That would be the best way to counter the truthfulness of my statement.

I suspect Trump would not perjure himself under oath. I think he's a creep, but I don't think he's an idiot. He knows every political weapon from the left, and half from the right are aimed at him, and he will not give them ammunition.
By your worldview, that hateful racism was moral, as was Nazi Germany's, as will the Trump morality when America reelects Trump in a landslide.

You'd best start getting moral, you immoral thing, you.
Hateful racism was always immoral, it's just that hateful racism was defined differently over time as society evolved.
I choose to believe your ability to comprehend the 3rd dimension and process the abstract will also evolve.
It wasn’t proven, tgey got the ****ing money and no investigation of Creepy Joe or Burisma was initiated. There was no mention of aid on either phone call as well. Wtf don’t you guys get ? Thoughts, intentions, desires are not an impeachable offense!
See, I agree with you, or at least what I think you’re saying. Trump may have done exactly what they said he did but we don’t know. It certainly wasn’t proven and wouldn’t be very difficult to prove. Under the laws of our country if it isn’t proven then in the eyes of the law he didn’t do it. This never should’ve made it to the Senate.
This isn’t the 60s and 70s those Democrats are gone . This will not be about society’s evolution , this will be about the left trying to get their based to overlook how well the country is doing and vote for someone that will tank the markets and raise taxes to implement their policies .
In Luther's Marxist ethics, it is absolutely about societal evolution. Luther's worldview says that there is no objective morality. Morality is whatever society agrees upon. It is socially defined. yet it is obviously "evolving".

Note, as opposed to devolving, or merely changing. Evolving, improving--apparently by some external comparison besides society, which doesn't exist. So, he can't actually say that Nazism in Germany was "immoral" because it was the socially defined morality of that society. He can't really say that American racism and Jim Crow laws were "immoral", because that would disprove his worldview as internally consistent as it actually is.

He can slide that word "evolution" in and hop no one notices, so he can feel morally superior to those actually immoral Nazis and white supremacists. He can claim they were moral, but he/we are "more moral" (again, by that non-existent standard) because we've "evolved" past that.

It's a lazy, ignorant, unthinking way of setting it up so that whatever he wants is the moral standard, and whatever way he gets it and argues for it is the moral way.

If society agrees with him, he's moral. If society disagrees with him, it's "less moral", and it's up to him to affect the revolution that pushes the evolution.

It's amazingly self-refuting, so he's left to either ignore the internal contradictions when they're pointed out or make some snide accusations about runny concrete that refuses to set.
This election will once again prove your party’s ideology has been rejected and we’re headed in the right direction after an abysmal eight years of social justice warriors, failed healthcare and a stagnant economy. You should be on your hands and knees thanking the good lord Trump cares enough about this country so that your children have the opportunity to flourish and prosper. Here’s to the eradication of socialist moronic candidates and the Democratic Party! MAGA 2020 👍👍
We need to keep the Far Left Wing of the Democrat Party around just so we can remember what it looks like when they get their way.

They are pushing the Democrats so far left that the only ones that can possibly be elected are old white guys with either a lot of money, a long political past or a way over the line socialist. Or maybe the ghost of elections past. . .

Hateful racism was always immoral, it's just that hateful racism was defined differently over time as society evolved.
I choose to believe your ability to comprehend the 3rd dimension and process the abstract will also evolve.
In Luther's Marxist ethics, it is absolutely about societal evolution. Luther's worldview says that there is no objective morality. Morality is whatever society agrees upon. It is socially defined. yet it is obviously "evolving".

Note, as opposed to devolving, or merely changing. Evolving, improving--apparently by some external comparison besides society, which doesn't exist. So, he can't actually say that Nazism in Germany was "immoral" because it was the socially defined morality of that society. He can't really say that American racism and Jim Crow laws were "immoral", because that would disprove his worldview as internally consistent as it actually is.

He can slide that word "evolution" in and hop no one notices, so he can feel morally superior to those actually immoral Nazis and white supremacists. He can claim they were moral, but he/we are "more moral" (again, by that non-existent standard) because we've "evolved" past that.

It's a lazy, ignorant, unthinking way of setting it up so that whatever he wants is the moral standard, and whatever way he gets it and argues for it is the moral way.

If society agrees with him, he's moral. If society disagrees with him, it's "less moral", and it's up to him to affect the revolution that pushes the evolution.

It's amazingly self-refuting, so he's left to either ignore the internal contradictions when they're pointed out or make some snide accusations about runny concrete that refuses to set.
I almost get tired of being right so often.
We need to keep the Far Left Wing of the Democrat Party around just so we can remember what it looks like when they get their way.

They are pushing the Democrats so far left that the only ones that can possibly be elected are old white guys with either a lot of money, a long political past or a way over the line socialist. Or maybe the ghost of elections past. . .

Yeah I think Hillary will enter the Race for the Democratic Nomination and will win it because of the bought and paid for Super Delegates.

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