The Impeachment Thread

Hey libs, I know you guys have collected quite a few of these over the past few years but here you go:
Well I must say the decision by GOP Senators to not have witnesses or admit evidence into the record is, obviously, a new low point politically for our nation. Ceding power to the Office of the President and giving Trump a Carte Blanche to corruption will harm us all in the long run... unless, of course, you simply prefer an autocracy.

Remember the GOP howls over Obama's "behaving like a king" with his imposition of Obamacare? Yeah, me too.

As an independent minded voter, I am very disappointed witnesses weren't called, and will state the obvious - that those who've perpetrated this shame should be held accountable in their next respective elections.
So, you completely gloss over the fact that the Dems impeached the president and then admitted to the nation that they did so without having enough evidence to have done so? That seems the low point--that the Dems were using impeachment as a way to overturn an election instead of just letting the voters decide.

Forcing their hand and making them admit it while the cameras were rolling--that was a brilliant political strategy. I wouldn't say it was a new low.
Naive. We heard about a semen stained blue dress all through 1998. We heard about the Whitewater land deal, which most people on here could not explain. We heard about something called 'travelgate'. We would have heard about something like this too.

MSM of toady is not the MSM of 1998 and you know it.
the Democrats knew they didn’t have a case....and didn’t want the Bidens exposed..... so they made a half assed attempt at impeachment.... subpoenaed no witnesses when they could have.... tossed it over to the Senate......THEN...... brought up the issue of needing witnesses.... hedging their betts that the Senate would vote against it....for the sole purpose of smearing the president and the republicans. They’re just a bunch sh**wads.
So, you completely gloss over the fact that the Dems impeached the president and then admitted to the nation that they did so without having enough evidence to have done so? That seems the low point--that the Dems were using impeachment as a way to overturn an election instead of just letting the voters decide.

Forcing their hand and making them admit it while the cameras were rolling--that was a brilliant political strategy. I wouldn't say it was a new low.
Your IQ is well above 85 and your not afflicted with TDS..... you’re able see through the ridiculous charade....... liberal sheep are not capable of such.
I don’t believe any elected official should use the weight of their office for political gain. However I also live in the real world and know it happens every day. I see daily examples of our Dallas City Council members as shining reminders. To amplify that by not just benefiting but in fact destroying a direct political rival I think is exceptionally heinous. Again I know it happens every day however. Doesn’t make it right though. And the higher the political office the more egregious the offense.

If Kurt Volker has indicated that yes he believed there was pressure asserted directly by Trump with specific focus on Joe Biden, not via proxy with Hunter Biden and Burisma, I would have a problem with that. I don’t mean to to excuse proxy focus either however.

This far it appears Volker has gone out of his way to indicate that is exactly not what is happening and has worked very hard (countering Rudy’s influence) to prevent that condition from developing. Volker is a Tillerson acolyte and I’ll bet isn’t a personal fan of Trump. However he came off as genuine from what I’ve seen and is clearly the most informed and truly believes in the task he was given. And he came off genuine in conveying his personal affections for Ukraine and it’s people. So I’ll take his testimony as having the most weight thus far and his explicit testimony is what I wanted to hear.

I wish there was some way to see if Volker could be re-engaged with Ukraine diplomacy. However from reading his statement I am going to guess that as long as Giuliani has Trump’s ear that is a non starter.

@NorthDallas40 @BowlBrother85

Haven’t followed this thread for a while so no idea what the discussion is. I think this is the post/discussion being referred to, which was a response to me asking what was impeachable. Hope it helps.
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@NorthDallas40 @BowlBrother85

Haven’t followed this thread for a while so no idea what the discussion is. I think this is the post/discussion being referred to, which was a response to me asking what was impeachable. Hope it helps.
Thanks Rocky 👍 I knew we discussed where our personal bar was on this issue I just didn’t quickly remember enough specifics for a quick search.
the Democrats knew they didn’t have a case....and didn’t want the Bidens exposed..... so they made a half assed attempt at impeachment.... subpoenaed no witnesses when they could have.... tossed it over to the Senate......THEN...... brought up the issue of needing witnesses.... hedging their betts that the Senate would vote against it....for the sole purpose of smearing the president and the republicans. They’re just a bunch sh**wads.

I believe that. You do not have the ability to see fault on both sides.
???? did you misread my post?
Not only do I see fault on both sides. I don't have the ability to not see it even if I were to choose.
Which does seem to be an ability many have.
Oh I don’t feel sorry for any worthless trash dem or swamp rat.

My post was aimed more at the loony left-wing crybabies on here seeing their hero has been finally booted.
Yavonovitch was no ambassador......she was there as a spy working to find something on Trump.
When she was exposed as a fraud & as a Democrat spy doing this the Democrats had to step in and try to save their spy from all of this corruption that the Democrats had been doing for least since the Obama years.
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I wish he were. The more these late night guys delve into politics, the less funny they become. It was one thing when they made the occasional political joke, but now, they go on political commentary rants. If I wanted that, I would watch CNN or Fox. They're no longer entertaining.
They are still entertaining, but I really don't watch much of it.
You do understand that they are more political as a direct result of Trump I hope.
It's one of the results of the intentional broadening of the divide and us versus them environment Trump creates, and one of the ways needed to counter some of the falsehoods Trump continually perpetuates.

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