The Impeachment Thread

Ole Mitt just can't get past his jealousy of Trump. He lost to the worst President in our countries history and President Trump beat the most qualified person to ever run
He sees nothing askew with the investigation or the investigators. His claims fall on deaf ears, he’s grinding an axe
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Good for Mitt. Glad to see the spine is growing back.

Remember, Utah is not in love with Trump. They actually take their faith seriously and don't use it as a cover for their Machiavellian machinations.
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Have you seen Bills 95 speech on immigration ? Dino’s isn’t a thing for the left . I believe the new term is Neoliberal corporate centrist . Obama is steadily falling into that category with every passing year because of the running downhill toward socialism ideology the left is taking .
No I didn't, but he's not called a DINOS or "Neoliberal corporate centrists" .

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