The Impeachment Thread


Pure Luther, I show you an example that completely refutes your post and you still argue the lost point.
Give me a break hog. I have higher expectations for you.
You know there is nowhere near the pressure for the left to be in lock step as the right.
Not even close. You know that.
Just look at the democratic primaries.
He was/is a great politician but with his positions he wouldn't last past the 2nd debate with the current group. Hell obama and crew accused him of being a racist in 2008

Bill was/is a chameleon, he changes color depending on his surroundings. When he first entered office in '93 he was a radical liberal (for the time) then he lost the house and senate during the midterms and quickly moved right. His positions and policies were less important to him than his reelection.
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Give me a break hog. I have higher expectations for you.
You know there is nowhere near the pressure for the left to be in lock step as the right.
Not even close. You know that.
Just look at the democratic primaries.

There is incredibly more pressure on Dems to toe the party line than there is on Rs. Just look at the "women in white" last night. Hell the Dems kept their seats even on points that should be applauded by all Americans.

If the Rs toed the party line like the Dems do ACA would have been relegated to the trash heap within 90 days of Trump taking office.
Give me a break hog. I have higher expectations for you.
You know there is nowhere near the pressure for the left to be in lock step as the right.
Not even close. You know that.
Just look at the democratic primaries.
You mean the one they've had so far? You sure you want us to look at that?

Do they have the complete results yet?
Oh yeah, did you wear your white dress, when posting this, luther? Oh, how has your party treated Tulsi, the Russian agent? Or Sanders in 2016 (and even now)? And voting party lines, really, where is the room for "variety of opinions"? Wait until some Democrats vote to not impeach. . . I could go on, you should get the picture but you won't.
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There is incredibly more pressure on Dems to toe the party line than there is on Rs. Just look at the "women in white" last night. Hell the Dems kept their seats even on points that should be applauded by all Americans.

If the Rs toed the party line like the Dems do ACA would have been relegated to the trash heap within 90 days of Trump taking office.
I guess we're once again left with no choice but to agree to disagree.
We have the big tent. You guys have the clown tent.
Oh yeah, did you wear your white dress, when posting this, luther? Oh, how has your party treated Tulsi, the Russian agent? Or Sanders in 2016 (and even now)? And voting party lines, really, where is the room for "variety of opinions"? Wait until some Democrats vote to not impeach. . . I could go on, you should get the picture but you won't.
Tell it to some Rino's.
That's easy. Because they were trying to give the american public as much factual information as possible.
Exactly what the repubs. worked so diligently to avoid.

If they were trying to give them as much factual information they wouldn't have omitted so much of the testimony that countered their narrative and they wouldn't have made up what Trump said, instead sticking with what he actually said.
It's part of the democratic platform, but not everyone will ever agree with every plank.
Can someone who is pro-choice still be a repub.?
Can someone who is for stricter gun laws still be a repub?
Can someone who is for more emphasis on protecting the environment still be a repub.?

I know a lot of Republicans that meets those criteria. They're welcome in our big tent
Bill was/is a chameleon, he changes color depending on his surroundings. When he first entered office in '93 he was a radical liberal (for the time) then he lost the house and senate during the midterms and quickly moved right. His positions and policies were less important to him than his reelection.

Agreed. He was was against gay marriage until 50% of the country supported it and then suddenly Bill "evolves."
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I know a lot of Republicans that meets those criteria. They're welcome in our big tent
As are all of those democrats that disagree with one or more of the planks in the platform that someone listed earlier.
The difference is, repubs. blast those people as Rino's as soon as they step out of line and actually follow their beliefs which you claim you are happy to welcome into your tent.

It's sort of like, sure come into our tent, it's a big tent and we except everyone.........but once you get in here you better toe the party line.
As are all of those democrats that disagree with one or more of the planks in the platform that someone listed earlier.
The difference is, repubs. blast those people as Rino's as soon as they step out of line and actually follow their beliefs which you claim you are happy to welcome into your tent.

It's sort of like, sure come into our tent, it's a big tent and we except everyone.........but once you get in here you better toe the party line.
You miss last year's sotu speech? The lesbian Democrat from arizona applauded trump, and immediately got the death stare from her Democrat peers. It goes both ways.
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That's easy. Because they were trying to give the american public as much factual information as possible.
Exactly what the repubs. worked so diligently to avoid.
Factual, huh? Like Schiff's made up conversation and "I don't know it it's true, but I heard that Trump threatened heads on pikes"?

Kick rocks with that.
Give me a break hog. I have higher expectations for you.
You know there is nowhere near the pressure for the left to be in lock step as the right.
Not even close. You know that.
Just look at the democratic primaries.
You just had a Democrat switch parties because they threatened to not let him run as a Democrat unless he voted lock step. Again, kick rocks.
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