The Impeachment Thread

Seriously, Murph, Mitt was too timid to beat a weakened Obama. Reagan my ass.

Reagan could communicate with the people. Reagan defended himself against attacks from his adversaries.

You’re blaming Mitt’s weaknesses on bigotry. So lame.

When Romney let Candy Crowley bitch slap him in that debate he was done. I can't think of any other presidential candidate that would have taken that kind of treatment from a moderator.
I don't see how anyone who listen to that could possibly come away with any other conclusion than that he is completely insane.
Come on Weezer.
They are asked questions they would rather not answer. They will only answer if they are asked in a public forum. They may still refuse to answer a question, but then it is publicly known that they are refusing to answer that particular question.
All governments control information. All governments do not control information equally - not even close.
We have more government control of information under Trump than at any previous time. And that's not a good thing.

First, a spokesman rarely has anything more than the ability to restate a response for the dense, and there are only so many ways to say "yes" or "no".

Second, the press try to twist answers to the conclusion they want, so they ask questions they know can't be answered, and then go with the "refused to comment", "refused to answer" which they will ultimately spin into something like the "administration has no alternative plan" etc

Third, I've worked in the nuclear power industry and have seen how disingenuous and downright stupid reporters can be. Never get involved in an interview because it amounts to that old thing about idiots dragging you down to their level and beating you with experience - not talking first hand experience - just third party observation. It's a no win situation - supply updated information about a fluid situation and you lied, or you don't actually know what's going on, or any other number of things they choose to spin because they are out for sensationalism - and absolutely nothing sells like doomsday and the experts are lost and have no control.

You read the same stuff every day whether it's a plane crash, a military situation, political matters, weather, or almost anything else. Sensationalism sells especially to the anti whatever crowd.
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The impeachment label might hold more weight if the Dems hadn’t announced their intent before the man was even sworn in to the office.

It’s always looked like a planned out media assisted smear campaign and everything the Dems have done since 2016 has come across as sore loser sour grapes. They really have only themselves to blame as they have created the Teflon suit Trump wears.

A very large and growing segment of our country is fed up with the democrats openly displayed pettiness and just doesn’t give a damn what the Dems say anymore and in an interesting twist are beginning to root for Trump. Dems and their media partners seem to have forgotten that we’re a country of folks with a strong tendency to pull for the underdog or recipient of harassment/bully tactics to triumph.
Yep. The dims running their mouths about impeachment before he was in office was a huge mistake...but one I appreciate. They all think with their emotions and it allows us to constantly crush them.
By the way, you just have to laugh when a guy like trump makes a claim that someone else is being fake about his religion or morality. I mean, that is just a truly idiotic and insane comment by him.
By the way, you just have to laugh when a guy like trump makes a claim that someone else is being fake about his religion or morality. I mean, that is just a truly idiotic and insane comment by him.

Given he is a real estate guy by trade, he should take great humor in the fact of all the heads he lives in rent free.
I agree but I just don’t see them giving

I can’t help but chuckle at the Dems inane grasping at the polls showing a large percentage of folks that wanted witnesses and documents. They’ve attributed that to mirror their own hatred of Trump while failing to consider those “for” percentages represent 3 groups of thought.

Obviously, one group is the “we’ve got him now” folks, one is the “sure, let’s put their nothing burger on public display” group and the last is the “why not, it should be interesting to watch” group.

I’ll admit to being a very slight lean towards group 2 but more firmly seated in group 3 and I wasn’t wholly opposed to watching both sides make fools of themselves.

I definitely want more witnesses and documents - but most certainly not the ones the dims want. I want lots more on the Bidens, the whistle blower and his/her connections, and I want it all to blow back into the stuff that fueled the Mueller investigation. I want all the "get Trump" activity out there for all to see. Up on a pedestal in all it's stinking glory.

And then what I'd like even more than that is to see it leading back to corruption within congress and all the DC government agencies. There's abuse of power for sure ... just not where the dims were looking, and certainly not where they want us looking. Power corrupts and DC is the root of power ... and corruption.

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