The Impeachment Thread

Mitt Romney came up with the blueprint for Obamacare and voted to remove Trump from office. He's a Democrat with an R next to his name. Not even in the same league as Reagan.

He’s more like a POS Obama instead he’s a white Mormon instead of a black muslim.
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The impeachment label might hold more weight if the Dems hadn’t announced their intent before the man was even sworn in to the office.

It’s always looked like a planned out media assisted smear campaign and everything the Dems have done since 2016 has come across as sore loser sour grapes. They really have only themselves to blame as they have created the Teflon suit Trump wears.

A very large and growing segment of our country is fed up with the democrats openly displayed pettiness and just doesn’t give a damn what the Dems say anymore and in an interesting twist are beginning to root for Trump. Dems and their media partners seem to have forgotten that we’re a country of folks with a strong tendency to pull for the underdog or recipient of harassment/bully tactics to triumph.
The impeachment label might hold more weight if the Dems hadn’t announced their intent before the man was even sworn in to the office.

It’s always looked like a planned out media assisted smear campaign and everything the Dems have done since 2016 has come across as sore loser sour grapes. They really have only themselves to blame as they have created the Teflon suit Trump wears.

A very large and growing segment of our country is fed up with the democrats openly displayed pettiness and just doesn’t give a damn what the Dems say anymore and in an interesting twist are beginning to root for Trump. Dems and their media partners seem to have forgotten that we’re a country of folks with a strong tendency to pull for the underdog or recipient of harassment/bully tactics to triumph.

They spent all their political capital with Russian gate , Kavanaugh, and impeachment , it’s used up .
They spent all their political capital with Russian gate , Kavanaugh, and impeachment , it’s used up .

I agree but I just don’t see them giving

I can’t help but chuckle at the Dems inane grasping at the polls showing a large percentage of folks that wanted witnesses and documents. They’ve attributed that to mirror their own hatred of Trump while failing to consider those “for” percentages represent 3 groups of thought.

Obviously, one group is the “we’ve got him now” folks, one is the “sure, let’s put their nothing burger on public display” group and the last is the “why not, it should be interesting to watch” group.

I’ll admit to being a very slight lean towards group 2 but more firmly seated in group 3 and I wasn’t wholly opposed to watching both sides make fools of themselves.
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Let me count how many times Dems have tried to destroy Trump, off the top of my head:

1. FISA abuse by rogue Democrat FBI agents attempting to spy on a member of the Trump campaign due to an unverified dossier.

2. 25th Amendment coup attempt lead by Andrew McCabe within the FBI over 100 days into his Presidency, including Rosenstein talking about secretly recording Trump

3. The Mueller investigation

4. SDNY Investigation after investigation (there are many, so each of these could be a separate bullet point)

5. Golden Showers Conspiracy (Pee-Gate)

6. Constant, unrelenting, persistent negative media coverage of Trump by CNN and MSNBC. These lowlifes try to destroy him each and every day.

7. Impeachment over a phone-call

I don't know if anyone other than Donald Trump could withstand what has happened to him over the course of his Presidency. I hope his 2nd term is more stable, but I know Democrats would never let that happen.
The impeachment label might hold more weight if the Dems hadn’t announced their intent before the man was even sworn in to the office.

It’s always looked like a planned out media assisted smear campaign and everything the Dems have done since 2016 has come across as sore loser sour grapes. They really have only themselves to blame as they have created the Teflon suit Trump wears.

A very large and growing segment of our country is fed up with the democrats openly displayed pettiness and just doesn’t give a damn what the Dems say anymore and in an interesting twist are beginning to root for Trump. Dems and their media partners seem to have forgotten that we’re a country of folks with a strong tendency to pull for the underdog or recipient of harassment/bully tactics to triumph.

Romney is going to be recalled and he shouldn't be. They elected him knowing what he is they have to live with him another 4 years.
They elected him because he was a high profile mormon.

But I agree. He won't be recalled. They have to live with it.
I agree but I just don’t see them giving

I can’t help but chuckle at the Dems inane grasping at the polls showing a large percentage of folks that wanted witnesses and documents. They’ve attributed that to mirror their own hatred of Trump while failing to consider those “for” percentages represent 3 groups of thought.

Obviously, one group is the “we’ve got him now” folks, one is the “sure, let’s put their nothing burger on public display” group and the last is the “why not, it should be interesting to watch” group.

I’ll admit to being a very slight lean towards group 2 but more firmly seated in group 3 and I wasn’t wholly opposed to watching both sides make fools of themselves.

I honestly didn’t care , I was resigned to the fact that Hills would win because of the machine and was shocked that Trump outworked her for it . I am center to right . Even when I was a Democrat the crazy’s on the coasts were just a part of the far left none of us agreed with . That was the party in the south ( at that time ) that was still considered being for God , family , 2a , the working class and the flag . Things have changed for sure and my fondness for Trump is a direct result of the left not letting up and running hit pieces 24/7 in the media . I’m a “ you can only kick somebody for so long before I start feeling like you should let him up “ kind of guy . The hate for him is sometimes earned , most of the time blown way out of proportion. Give him 4 years , then vote him out or keep him for another 4 but at least give him the 4 he earned by being elected .
The impeachment label might hold more weight if the Dems hadn’t announced their intent before the man was even sworn in to the office.

It’s always looked like a planned out media assisted smear campaign and everything the Dems have done since 2016 has come across as sore loser sour grapes. They really have only themselves to blame as they have created the Teflon suit Trump wears.

A very large and growing segment of our country is fed up with the democrats openly displayed pettiness and just doesn’t give a damn what the Dems say anymore and in an interesting twist are beginning to root for Trump. Dems and their media partners seem to have forgotten that we’re a country of folks with a strong tendency to pull for the underdog or recipient of harassment/bully tactics to triumph.
This post is the definition of WINNING BIGLY
Hey did nothing wrong on this occasion. In the past, what he has done something wrong, it was unintentionally. That's right. He accidentally slept with a porne star. He accidentally paid her off. He accidentally held up 400 million dollars in military aid to the Ukraine for political favors. This guy is a complete jerk. It is shocking that he is our president. It must end and end as soon as possible.
Hey did nothing wrong on this occasion. In the past, what he has done something wrong, it was unintentionally. That's right. He accidentally slept with a porne star. He accidentally paid her off. He accidentally held up 400 million dollars in military aid to the Ukraine for political favors. This guy is a complete jerk. It is shocking that he is our president. It must end and end as soon as possible.
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Hey did nothing wrong on this occasion. In the past, what he has done something wrong, it was unintentionally. That's right. He accidentally slept with a porne star. He accidentally paid her off. He accidentally held up 400 million dollars in military aid to the Ukraine for political favors. This guy is a complete jerk. It is shocking that he is our president. It must end and end as soon as possible.

Lol. You are such a loser.
Hey did nothing wrong on this occasion. In the past, what he has done something wrong, it was unintentionally. That's right. He accidentally slept with a porne star. He accidentally paid her off. He accidentally held up 400 million dollars in military aid to the Ukraine for political favors. This guy is a complete jerk. It is shocking that he is our president. It must end and end as soon as possible.

What would you suggest that your team hasn’t tried yet ? I’m just guessing but I think they are running out of ideas to try .
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And now he is just rambling, stream-of-consciousness. He is mentally ill. The cabinet needs to get rid of him as soon as possible. He is clearly unbalanced.

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