The Impeachment Thread

And here I thought Obama was the first "social media" President.

No, it was quite active when he was elected. I'm fairly sure if celebrities started posting effigies of Obama being burned or hung, they would have made their way into the mainstream media. Oh wait...they did. Just ask Ted Nugent how that worked out. I do think he's about the only celebrity that made such comments in public. Can't say the same about the one's going after Trump.

Now, if you really want to go down the road of "she knew there was more" you aren't going to like the way this conversation turns out. Because you're basically implying she knew what the complaint said before it was released and furthermore, that the author had help from someone in Congress as has been implied.

Collusion and conspiracy anyone? Especially based on second and third hand information. I'd be real careful pursuing this line.

Anyway, she had stonewalled the party. But with the "Squad" getting all the press, Liz Warren (known extreme left member of the DNC) climbing in the polls and the increased press on the clamor for impeachment, she likely had to act or else lose control after the next election.
I am not trying to parse all of that again. We had a discussion where I expressed these same musings of GOP Congressmen is all. I pointed out I was speculating. I’m apparently not the only one speculating and questioning. I’m not offering these up as “AHA!” stories.

Seems Like the left has been jeering at Trump defenders like Jim Jordan and Kevin McCarthy getting their lunch money taken away from them on live television for the last three days because they don’t really have a cohesive response like they did for Mueller.

Interesting to see if this is the one they settle on.
LOL, seriously? Trump was just investigating crime?

We once had a case, guy showed up to a sting with a bottle of alcohol and condoms, thinking he was meeting a 14 year old girl he met on line. He got arrested and sued claiming he was just doing his own criminal investigation. Yeah right. He was a hero.

Please. Trump just investigating crime? That's just the dumbest argument you've made so far, and that's saying a lot.

Dumb argument? You are the board clown and do not even realize it.
There should be orphanages all over the country, turn one chicken sandwich into 50 and feed the hungry. Actuall what are christian causes anymore, missions to Africa and South America?

Locally, we go into inner city Baltimore and help people who are addicted to drugs and / or victims of sex trafficking. It’s shocking how many there are.
The issue is that FCA discriminated against gay Christian athletes. They also donated to the Salvation Army, who has a long history of discriminating against LGBTQ (they had an official at one point that said gays should be murdered). There is also some money floating around that went to group homes that basically said "if you are gay, you are evil." Your lesbian friend was correct in not supporting that restaurant. It is called hate chicken for a reason.
Weren’t those personal donations of their officials and not corporate ones? I may be wrong on that.
Waaa 😭. Poor little feelings. You’re perfectly fine if someone donates to an all minority cause or to some gay pride bs but offended that Christians donate to Christian causes. Eat mor Chikin
Are the minority causes or "some gay pride bs" trying to take your rights away? There might be a bit of a difference.
Seems Like the left has been jeering at Trump defenders like Jim Jordan and Kevin McCarthy getting their lunch money taken away from them on live television for the last three days because they don’t really have a cohesive response like they did for Mueller.

Interesting to see if this is the one they settle on.
Actually I believe that was Mulvaney you’re pointing to for not having a cohesive response. However on my musings they’ve directed the IC and ICIG to freeze and memorialize all records related to the update of these forms and policy and questions are being put to who knew what and when. That was the summary of our exchange. And we both agreed it requires a connection to Schitt at the time. The update here is a Pelosi connection but I’d submit they are interchangeable.

Also go read the current ICIG statement on the whistleblower having “first hand knowledge” and actually filling out the old form. However no first hand knowledge has been shown in the complaint and the form released was the updated form? Inquiring minds would like to know...
Weren’t those personal donations of their officials and not corporate ones? I may be wrong on that.
They were donations from the family that founded the chain. They have many more donations over the years. Just the tip of the iceberg here.

"In 2011, the same year a Pennsylvania Chick-fil-A franchise donated food to a local anti-gay organization, the LGBTQ advocacy group Equality Matters obtained tax records which revealed that the Cathy family had donated more than $1.9 million to anti-gay groups in 2010 through the WinShape Foundation, the Cathy family’s charitable giving organization founded by Truett Cathy in 1984. Those donations included a $1.1 million gift to the Marriage & Family Foundation, a group that promoted so-called traditional marriage and opposed both gay marriage and divorce; $480,000 to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, an athletic organization that requires applicants to agree to a “sexual purity statement” that condemns LGBTQ people for living “impure lifestyle”; and $1,000 to Exodus International, a group that promotes anti-gay conversion therapy. "
They were donations from the family that founded the chain. They have many more donations over the years. Just the tip of the iceberg here.

"In 2011, the same year a Pennsylvania Chick-fil-A franchise donated food to a local anti-gay organization, the LGBTQ advocacy group Equality Matters obtained tax records which revealed that the Cathy family had donated more than $1.9 million to anti-gay groups in 2010 through the WinShape Foundation, the Cathy family’s charitable giving organization founded by Truett Cathy in 1984. Those donations included a $1.1 million gift to the Marriage & Family Foundation, a group that promoted so-called traditional marriage and opposed both gay marriage and divorce; $480,000 to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, an athletic organization that requires applicants to agree to a “sexual purity statement” that condemns LGBTQ people for living “impure lifestyle”; and $1,000 to Exodus International, a group that promotes anti-gay conversion therapy. "

The horror. 😂
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And here I thought Obama was the first "social media" President.

No, it was quite active when he was elected. I'm fairly sure if celebrities started posting effigies of Obama being burned or hung, they would have made their way into the mainstream media. Oh wait...they did. Just ask Ted Nugent how that worked out. I do think he's about the only celebrity that made such comments in public. Can't say the same about the one's going after Trump.

Now, if you really want to go down the road of "she knew there was more" you aren't going to like the way this conversation turns out. Because you're basically implying she knew what the complaint said before it was released and furthermore, that the author had help from someone in Congress as has been implied.

Collusion and conspiracy anyone? Especially based on second and third hand information. I'd be real careful pursuing this line.

Anyway, she had stonewalled the party. But with the "Squad" getting all the press, Liz Warren (known extreme left member of the DNC) climbing in the polls and the increased press on the clamor for impeachment, she likely had to act or else lose control after the next election.
Warren is a flash in the pan. She won't be the nominee. And Pelosi will still be the defacto head of the party.

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