The Impeachment Thread

ICIG finally admitted the form was changed to allow 2nd and 3rd hand knowledge

First, the form did not change. Reading. It's fundamental.

Second, for the billionth time, it does not matter. The whistleblower's complaint was verified by talking to the sources and thereby determined to be credible and urgent BY A TRUMP APOINTEE.
First, the form did not change. Reading. It's fundamental.

Second, for the billionth time, it does not matter. The whistleblower's complaint was verified by talking to the sources and thereby determined to be credible and urgent BY A TRUMP APOINTEE.

They were donations from the family that founded the chain. They have many more donations over the years. Just the tip of the iceberg here.

"In 2011, the same year a Pennsylvania Chick-fil-A franchise donated food to a local anti-gay organization, the LGBTQ advocacy group Equality Matters obtained tax records which revealed that the Cathy family had donated more than $1.9 million to anti-gay groups in 2010 through the WinShape Foundation, the Cathy family’s charitable giving organization founded by Truett Cathy in 1984. Those donations included a $1.1 million gift to the Marriage & Family Foundation, a group that promoted so-called traditional marriage and opposed both gay marriage and divorce; $480,000 to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, an athletic organization that requires applicants to agree to a “sexual purity statement” that condemns LGBTQ people for living “impure lifestyle”; and $1,000 to Exodus International, a group that promotes anti-gay conversion therapy. "
So from individuals?
Yes it’s hilarious because nothing will ever be enough for them. Without victimhood all they have is their own qualities and merits aka discrimination. Lol.

Read about the Houston HERO law and the city subpoena for ministers and asking them to turn over their sermons to see if they were promoting anti-homosexuality.

The same people that proclaim do not preach Christian morality to them try to impose their own standard of morality by denying their rights. If you use the hate word, it makes it alright.
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ICIG finally admitted the form was changed to allow 2nd and 3rd hand knowledge

It's bewildering that you guys continue to lap up the lies. One after another they are knocked over and you keep going back for more.

At what point do you realize that the #fakenews calls are coming from inside the house?

Okay, you really aren't smart enough to read properly.

GV, I see you're very emotional in defending your idol Trump, but it clearly has blinded you from differentiating fact from fiction. The next several months will be extremely trying for you, no doubt. I suppose posting your wacky, untethered claims here is good therapy for you, so yeah, we'll all pitch in and help you get through this. Group hugs are extra, hun. ;)

Washington Post Editorial Board:

September 30 at 5:27 PM

PRESIDENT TRUMP is promising a civil war within the union he is supposed to lead.

“If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be),” the commander in chief tweeted this weekend, roughly quoting the right-wing pastor Robert Jeffress on the “Fox & Friends” Sunday show, “it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.”

The outrageous declaration is only one among many disseminated from the digital bully pulpit over the past few days.
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GV, I see you're very emotional in defending your idol Trump, but it clearly has blinded you from differentiating fact from fiction. The next several months will be extremely trying for you, no doubt. I suppose posting your wacky, untethered claims here is good therapy for you, so yeah, we'll all pitch in and help you get through this. Group hugs are extra, hun. ;)

Washington Post Editorial Board:

September 30 at 5:27 PM

PRESIDENT TRUMP is promising a civil war within the union he is supposed to lead.

“If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be),” the commander in chief tweeted this weekend, roughly quoting the right-wing pastor Robert Jeffress on the “Fox & Friends” Sunday show, “it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.”

The outrageous declaration is only one among many disseminated from the digital bully pulpit over the past few days.

“Like fracture”
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“Like fracture”

If the author of the original tweet just wanted to say big "fracture", he would have said "big fracture" or "acrimonious fracture". Instead, he opted for the words "Civil War" like fracture. The obvious implication and intent is that Trump's retweet is both his approval of the tweet, and he's trying to rally his base - largely Southern folks - and threatening that a new civil war will result if he's impeached. This ain't rocket science. It's obvious and implicit to anyone and everyone with any common sense.

It's about as subtle as Rep. King's meme.

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Say it ain't so Joe.

FOX NEWS EXCLUSIVE: Golf pic of Bidens in Hamptons with Ukraine gas exec slices Joe's claim

Joe, Hunter Biden seen golfing with Ukraine gas company exec back in 2014, photo shows
EXCLUSIVE: A photo obtained by Fox News' "Tucker Carlson Tonight" shows former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter golfing in the Hamptons with Devon Archer, who served on the board of the Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma Holdings with Hunter.

Earlier this month, Joe Biden told Fox News in Iowa that he never discussed his son’s foreign business dealings with him.

“I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” Biden said, pointing the finger at President Trump. “I know Trump deserves to be investigated. He is violating every basic norm of a president. You should be asking him why is he on the phone with a foreign leader, trying to intimidate a foreign leader. You should be looking at Trump.”

Hunter Biden told The New Yorker previously that he and his father had spoken “just once” about his work in Ukraine.
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