The Impeachment Thread

It would be a shame to not mention the lefts contribution to an "us against the world" mentality by Trump supporters. During the primaries, election and presidential term, they have been attacked not just verbally (basket of deplorables, racists, dumb, bigots, etc.) but also physically while attending a rally that they have every right to attend and do so without the prospect of being attacked. They been accused as a villain in multiple false accusations and the retraction is a small note.

The mentality isn't a surprise if you've paid attention since 2015. It's not like Trump supporters came in swinging en masse

We have a very different recollection of how the primaries and general went down.
I don't think I am painting with a broad brush at all, I honestly believe that the country is so divided politically that those guys wearing the shirts are representative of a significant portion of the red hat nation.

Trumpers loathe anyone not on board the trump train, it's black and white, us and them. The devolvement of the 'say something nice' thread is a perfect microcosm of the incivility by the trumpers.

Maybe because Dims publicly call for harsh treatment of any one that supports Trump or wears Trump gear. Calling for them to get kicked out of restaurants. Constantly being assaulted for wearing a hat or a t-shirt.......Dim politicians have done this and created that narrative. Maxine any one ??
How much money you want to bet .. 1st- this idiot is a democrat , 2nd- this idiot influences WAY more people to follow his lead than those two old guys you were screeching about .

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If you don’t think your post comes off as blaming “ trumpers “ and not equally , you may want to go back and read it again .

I realize that lots of folks get there news from meme's, but you could make an effort here.

Colin Kaepernick addresses Fidel Castro t-shirt
Maybe because Dims publicly call for harsh treatment of any one that supports Trump or wears Trump gear. Calling for them to get kicked out of restaurants. Constantly being assaulted for wearing a hat or a t-shirt.......Dim politicians have done this and created that narrative. Maxine any one ??

It's cute that you want to make a point and be taken seriously but then just can't help but call them "dims".
I realize that lots of folks get there news from meme's, but you could make an effort here.

Colin Kaepernick addresses Fidel Castro t-shirt

I could have pulled the original , I just figured it would be easier to explain with captions . I don’t care what his excuse was “after the fact “ not that I would have any reason to think that idiot would do something shocking just for attention ( eyeroll ) He and his fellow celebs that like wearing Castro or Che Guevara shirts carry far more influence than those two old men . I would be much more inclined to believe they meant it as a joke than I would any celebs excuse after being confronted .
We have a very different recollection of how the primaries and general went down.

She shouldn't have done it but Hillary didn't call people "deplorables" for no reason. Trump was acting nasty towards everybody from the start (before the start, even), his trolling is specifically why many people like him, and then people wonder why they're called "deplorables"? We didn't do nuffin.

Is this the guy he reports to?? I'd be willing to bet all the house money that Smelly Schiff is the rat that's been breaking all the Laws to get dirt on the President. Adam Schiff should be doing jail time anytime soon.

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she will have to find a tweet to answer your question, please be patient while she searches.
She shouldn't have done it but Hillary didn't call people "deplorables" for no reason. Trump was acting nasty towards everybody from the start (before the start, even), his trolling is specifically why many people like him, and then people wonder why they're called "deplorables"? We didn't do nuffin.

Curious if he responds with video is that whataboutism , or just fact to prove his statement out ?
Jeez. Trump is acting psychotically already about the whistleblower. It is obviously absolutely DESTROYING his huge, fragile ego that an anonymous person is taking him down. He's having a complete meltdown and airing it publicly for the entire world to witness. Thanks for making America great again, doofus.
Don’t worry, one more “AMERICA IS RESPECTED AGAIN” tweet will save our reputation.
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Donny, it's called the speech and debate clause ("...for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.").

The Muell looked like the idiot by indicting them.

So come on smart guy, explain the differences.
They never showed up for court. Everyone knew they wouldn't but that didn't stop you and your anti Government schick. You are so much against our government you would side with Russia and anyone else that said anything bad about us. All the while nesteling yourself in Trumpism and the most corrupt administration ever. You don't even understand the magnitude of our own DOJ aking foreign governments to investigate our own IC. Did the Muell or Comey or anyone else do that?

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