The Impeachment Thread

I’ve also read the ICIG statement as well as Monday’s update. And while they try to repudiate the admin claim as far as I’m concerned they raise more qurestions than they answer.

First off the ICIG stated the whistleblower claimed both first and second hand information. Only second hand information has been offered. Additionally the ICIG claimed they filled out the prior form. However the complaint submitted was on the updated form. Why the change? The law is quiet on requiring first hand information. However the previous form and explicit policy stated it has to be first hand. And the GOP has requested the history of the change and all related information on the topic. It’s a valid question.

The GOP in the House as well as the Senate committees are going to be doing their own investigation also. This is going to take more than Schitt’s railroading. Keep your dreams alive on the impeachment polls. Get prepared for disappointment if you’re expecting a removal from office

Got flailing around?
The law and order presidency baby!

Guilt dripping from his pores. Not smart, but maybe the alternative (providing the truth) is a worse alternative.

They're teeing it up for Congressional conviction. Gonna be tough for Republican Senators to deny the reality that the Trump Administration is - apparently - going to Obstruct Justice.
To recap because some of you won't hear about this on CNNDNC or MSNBCDNC

VP's son fails a drug test, caught being a coke head
Get's kicked out of the Navy
Then scores a $50K a month job with a foreign country gas company

Yeah all that's normal. Oh and of course he was banging his dead brother's wife.
To recap because some of you won't hear about this on CNNDNC or MSNBCDNC

VP's son fails a drug test, caught being a coke head
Get's kicked out of the Navy
Then scores a $50K a month job with a foreign country gas company

Yeah all that's normal. Oh and of course he was banging his dead brother's wife.
And what are you suggesting he be charged with?
They never showed up for court. Everyone knew they wouldn't but that didn't stop you and your anti Government schick. You are so much against our government you would side with Russia and anyone else that said anything bad about us. All the while nesteling yourself in Trumpism and the most corrupt administration ever. You don't even understand the magnitude of our own DOJ aking foreign governments to investigate our own IC. Did the Muell or Comey or anyone else do that?

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I’ve also read the ICIG statement as well as Monday’s update. And while they try to repudiate the admin claim as far as I’m concerned they raise more qurestions than they answer.

First off the ICIG stated the whistleblower claimed both first and second hand information. Only second hand information has been offered. Additionally the ICIG claimed they filled out the prior form. However the complaint submitted was on the updated form. Why the change? The GOP in the House as well as the Senate committees are going to be doing their own investigation also. This is going to take more than Schitt’s railroading. Keep your dreams alive on the impeachment polls. Get prepared for disappointment if you’re expecting a removal from office

In a job where sensitive information is compartmentalized, authoring an anonymous complaint so as not to clearly distinguish between first and second hand information just seems prudent.

I read it as they’re saying that some changes have been made to the instructional materials that are supplied with the form. (I think the standard I9 or W2 forms come with a few pages of instructions before you get to the form.) If they change the instructions, the form gets a new date. That part wasn’t entirely clear, but were they not saying that no changes have been made to the contents of the actual form?

On the TV the lawyer would say “asked and answered.”
Guilt dripping from his pores. Not smart, but maybe the alternative (providing the truth) is a worse alternative.

They're teeing it up for Congressional conviction. Gonna be tough for Republican Senators to deny the reality that the Trump Administration is - apparently - going to Obstruct Justice.
Live video of Pompeo respectively turning down the invite to the Dem sideshow. Maybe Schiff can use that time for more of his improv act


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On the TV the lawyer would say “asked and answered.”
Ok I guess we’ll disagree on the answer then. That’s fine by me 🤷‍♂️

Edit: (my phone rang, work called so I hit post) specifically...

“In a job where sensitive information is compartmentalized, authoring an anonymous complaint so as not to clearly distinguish between first and second hand information just seems prudent.”

So in a job where information is compartmentalized and access is explicitly controlled requiring whether information is first or second hand is paramount as second hand information could clearly point to unauthorized access. Yes, I saw the part where the ICIG stated the individual apparently had access to this venue but specifically did not witness the event. However that is zero basis to say they shouldn’t know if the information is first or second hand. In fact for the specific case of second hand information if the individual has access they could easily validate the second hand information. Much has been claimed that “the whistleblower got it mostly right”. That’s debatable at best.
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Oh look it's lg,velo,septic,evil,huff,monte,zepp,pj and el during fast & furious,biden blackmailing the Ukrainians, barry using the IRS to target conservatives, barry's war on cops, barry pandering to muslims everywhere
You're the type who could fail an open book test. My posts are in here yet you continue to post lies. Have some self-respect or pride
He didn't have av core he just wants to make useless posts to distract from the issue. They out so much effort in pumping up Trump they can't stop now
I get why you think it's useless, it doesn't help your parties front runner. I don't want any distraction, I want you to write and call your plastic hero Pelosi and let's hold an impeachment today. Stop wasting time, let's do this.
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You see no issue with Biden using his office to monetarily benefit himself and his family?
Like every other politician? Sure but you aren't ending it until you shrink govt and neither side has any interest in doing that. That's not what Trump is accused of doing though (although he has)
You see no issue with Biden using his office to monetarily benefit himself and his family?

We don't care about Biden. Call out conflicts of interest, just don't use them to excuse anything else. Charge him and convict him if he committed crimes. Let's go!

Republicans are in a pretty bad position. They are supposedly the law and order party but they are just as bad as D's at following the law. We're in the midst of a heated debate about immigration where "It's the law!" is the number one argument used by red hats but it's clear now that they don't actually care about the law at all.

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