When this broke I tried to find articles from that time period about Biden and Burisma holdings being investigated. Now I know why I couldn't find anything. Thanks for the information.
it’s the MO of outlets like Infowars, Gateway Pundit, and some creeps like John Solomon, etc.
Take a normal story, add one false element to make it a scandal. Let the internet community spread it around. When challenged, defend the elements of the story that are real (“but Joe Biden really did demand this prosecutor resign!” “But uranium holdings really were sold...”) Once enough people hear it and repeat it it sinks in and the ones who want to believe it will believe it. Ones who don’t know what to believe will be averse to the target.
You even posted a link explaining why Biden might have actually pushed for this, but the story persists. It’s hard to tell who’s an idiot and who’s just a liar. It’s sad.
It’s not always politics. You see it in the football forum. Butch Jones punched Mack Crowder is a good example. At the time it was “big if true.” Nobody ever confirmed it, but after some time passed it was just generally accepted as true. It might have been confirmed after Butch left but it was generally seen as true before then.
And not to get out over my skis, Ukraine is the size of Texas with a population estimated around 42 million. I suppose they could have other agencies that investigate things like this, but their version of the FBI Director apparently is willing to say they have no files on Biden or Burisma.