The Impeachment Thread

I'm not sure you are getting the point...
Oh, please tell me your point? You might want to put it in the context of the conversation I was trying to have with GAvol, who just happen to up and vanish like a fart in the wind.
Steve Nazi King
Gohmert Pyle
Devin "I sued a fake cow" Nunes
Gym "I ain't see or hear nuthin in that locker room'" Jordan

And I could go on.
None of them can touch the likes of Nancy “I died 12 years ago” Pelosi
Bernie “ got rich in government “ Sanders
Elizabeth “Dances with beer” Warren
Alexandria “Bar tenders make the best congresswomen” Cortez

I could go on forever
Oh, please tell me your point? You might want to put it in the context of the conversation I was trying to have with GAvol, who just happen to up and vanish like a fart in the wind.
You realize Clinton’s public policy stated they weren’t trying to balance the budget. Here’s a good read:

No, Bill Clinton Didn't Balance the Budget
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None of them can touch the likes of Nancy “I died 12 years ago” Pelosi
Bernie “ got rich in government “ Sanders
Elizabeth “Dances with beer” Warren
Alexandria “Bar tenders make the best congresswomen” Cortez

I could go on forever

You earned a like for original thought.
Oh, please tell me your point? You might want to put it in the context of the conversation I was trying to have with GAvol, who just happen to up and vanish like a fart in the wind.

He's likely fed up with you trying to act educated on something he lives every day of his life.

Anyway, the point being is bipartisanship can achieve good things. When Republicans and Democrats actually work together and compromise for the common good (like reducing the federal budget) nice things can happen.

It didn't happen with Obama and the GOP controlled Congress. It got worse when we had a GOP controlled Congress and a GOP President and it was just as bad when we had a DNC controlled Congress and a DNC President.

Both sides can balance themselves out if they would learn to work with each other. Fat chance of that happening since the two tribes are perpetually at war and stonewall each other.

Now, carry on...
You realize Clinton’s public policy stated they weren’t trying to balance the budget. Here’s a good read:

No, Bill Clinton Didn't Balance the Budget

The Cato Institute is a libertarian think tank founded by Charles G. Koch and funded by the Koch brothers. It is headquartered in Washington, D.C. The Institute states that it favors policies "that are consistent with the traditional American principles of limited government, individual liberty, and peace."[1] Cato scholars conduct policy research on a broad range of public policy issues and produce books, studies, op-eds, and blog posts. They are also frequent guests in the media.
The Cato Institute is an "associate" member of the State Policy Network, a web of right-wing “think tanks” in every state across the country.[2] They are also part of the international Atlas Group network with links to the Institute for Humane Studies. The Independent Institute seems to operate as a Cato subsidiary.
Where ideology and science part company, Cato favors ideology, as shown by an advertisement[3] published in newspapers in 2009 disputing the state of the science on climate change.[4]
Cato Institute - SourceWatch

Cato Institute - Media Bias/Fact Check

You can find anything you want to verify your beliefs on the web.
The Cato Institute is a libertarian think tank founded by Charles G. Koch and funded by the Koch brothers. It is headquartered in Washington, D.C. The Institute states that it favors policies "that are consistent with the traditional American principles of limited government, individual liberty, and peace."[1] Cato scholars conduct policy research on a broad range of public policy issues and produce books, studies, op-eds, and blog posts. They are also frequent guests in the media.
The Cato Institute is an "associate" member of the State Policy Network, a web of right-wing “think tanks” in every state across the country.[2] They are also part of the international Atlas Group network with links to the Institute for Humane Studies. The Independent Institute seems to operate as a Cato subsidiary.
Where ideology and science part company, Cato favors ideology, as shown by an advertisement[3] published in newspapers in 2009 disputing the state of the science on climate change.[4]
Cato Institute - SourceWatch

Cato Institute - Media Bias/Fact Check

You can find anything you want to verify your beliefs on the web.
Every entity has bias. Pleas attack the assertions in their work. They even knock the GOP in the article. Probably bc they are a libertarian think tank.
He's likely fed up with you trying to act educated on something he lives every day of his life.

Anyway, the point being is bipartisanship can achieve good things. When Republicans and Democrats actually work together and compromise for the common good (like reducing the federal budget) nice things can happen.

It didn't happen with Obama and the GOP controlled Congress. It got worse when we had a GOP controlled Congress and a GOP President and it was just as bad when we had a DNC controlled Congress and a DNC President.

Both sides can balance themselves out if they would learn to work with each other. Fat chance of that happening since the two tribes are perpetually at war and stonewall each other.

Now, carry on...
I have to stop you from speaking for GAVOL. You were not even involved in the infancy of our conversation but interjected yourself.
You can find anything you want to verify your beliefs on the web.

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