The Impeachment Thread

Im not trying to imply the IG swept it under the rug and I’m sure there’s a long paper trail on this which the Senate asked to be frozen for review. I just think their messaging is a hot mess and garbled which was how we started this discussion. Remember I said it just asked more questions than it answered or something like that. Now... work... please... 😥
I understand you’re not trying to imply anything like that but the erroneous content in the form does more than imply it. The form had to be changed. As far as which form the guy filled out, I have no idea, other than that they said it was the old one.
Red-state Dems worried impeachment push will kill hopes of retaking Senate in 2020

Some red-state Senate Democrats are fretting that the ongoing House impeachment inquiry could expand uncontrollably and become a “kitchen sink” of complaints about President Trump, Fox News has learned.
West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin and Montana Sen. Jon Tester specifically expressed concerns about a broadening impeachment push severely damaging Democrats' chances to win back a Senate majority next year, sources told Fox News.
The senators have told Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., that leadership cannot allow liberal Democrats to push for the inquiry to include allegations about Trump illegally using his office to enrich himself or relitigate findings from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of Russian election meddling in 2016.
GREGG JARRETT: Trump's Ukraine call not impeachable, and here's why

In their delusive demands for the impeachment of President Trump, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Democrats are substituting partisan politics for the commands and intent of the U.S. Constitution. This became self-evident when Pelosi announced her impeachment folly the day before she even set eyes on the alleged evidence, which turned out to be no evidence at all.
The usual gaggle of misanthropes like Democratic Reps. Adam Schiff of California and Jerrold Nadler of New York have been searching for a reason – any reason – to impeach Trump ever since his improbable election in November 2016.
With a shove from the chronically vapid Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., Pelosi and her confederates have now settled on the most implausible of all their impeachment schemes peddled during Trump’s presidency – that his conversation with Ukraine’s president somehow constitutes an impeachable offense. It does not. Not even close.
FoxNews is a problem. As illustrated by the following headline article today, FoxNews flat out lies to its viewers about the facts surrounding the impeachment inquiry. They falsely claim that Trump requested Ukraine to assist in an ongoing investigation previously launched by AG Barr. This is, obviously, patently and demonstrably false.

Fact: On the call, Ukraine said it wanted Javelin missiles, and Trump responded, "I would like you to do us a favor though." During the ensuing conversation, Trump asked Zelensky to investigate the Bidens. Of course, there was NO OFFICIAL, ONGOING INVESTIGATION either by Ukraine or AG Barr into Biden. Moreover, if Barr was investigating Trump's political rival on the government's dime, this is further basis for Trump's impeachment.

Pure lies. Pure FoxNews propaganda to prop up its pro-Trump business model.

It's hard to debate this issue when "we" can't even agree upon the base-line facts. This is exactly the way Trump wants it.


"As I argued in an earlier column, Trump’s request that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky assist in an official and ongoing Justice Department investigation launched by Attorney General William Barr is neither criminal nor unusual.

Indeed, Trump’s appeal for help from Kiev conforms with a treaty two decades old that obligates Ukraine to cooperate with U.S. investigations or prosecutions in any criminal matters by furnishing relevant evidence upon request. This is what Trump did.

Moreover, asking for Ukraine’s help was no clandestine maneuver. On May 24 the president reminded assembled reporters on the White House lawn that Barr was investigating the origins of the Russia “collusion” hoax."

giphy (10).gif
Valid basis for a coup is in there. See: impeachment.
I read an interesting article last night that specifically brought that up. It discussed how the FF put impeachment in our constitution specifically to prevent the violent overthrows of government Europe experienced.
Please go read the source Tweet and see it wasn't Trump that said it.

Try reading. It's actually fun when you aren't acting like a brainwashed buffoon starved for ignorance.
This whole “trump’s retweets have a second order meaning” would be a liddle’ more persuasive if the man could spell the word discourse.

And if, when he did tweet himself, he didn’t say stuff like:
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Why isn’t Congressman Adam Schiff being brought up on charges for fraudulently making up a statement and reading it to Congress as if this statement, which was very dishonest and bad for me, was directly made by the President of the United States? This should never be allowed!</p>&mdash; Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="">October 1, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Most disappointing unretirement since Joe Gibbs. 😂
Sometimes if you are using the soapbox that someone else built, you might be told to get down. In Trump's case, though, I'm all for feeding him more line.
Why does the left always want people silenced that you all disagree with? It's a long pattern with you all
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Why does the left always want people silenced that you all disagree with? It's a long pattern with you all
What Twitter and social media companies do isn't my business. But if you think free speech is saying whatever you want whenever and wherever you want, that's never been the case.

But I'll do the whatabout.. why does Trump block his critics on Twitter?
The Impeachment Theater Won’t Stop The Spygate Fallout

DECLASSIFIED - The Epoch Times

Published on Oct 2, 2019
Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz finished his almost 2-year-long investigation into alleged abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) earlier this month and turned in his draft report to Attorney General William Barr. That report is currently undergoing classification review, after which it will be put into its final form and publicly released. When that happens, the entire sordid truth about the 2016 election and its aftermath will be laid bare at last.

The Impeachment Theater Won’t Stop The Spygate Fallout

DECLASSIFIED - The Epoch Times

Published on Oct 2, 2019
Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz finished his almost 2-year-long investigation into alleged abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) earlier this month and turned in his draft report to Attorney General William Barr. That report is currently undergoing classification review, after which it will be put into its final form and publicly released. When that happens, the entire sordid truth about the 2016 election and its aftermath will be laid bare at last.

Nice. Epoch times. Aren't they the ones financed by the Chinese cult (Fulon Gong, or something like that)?
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I read an interesting article last night that specifically brought that up. It discussed how the FF put impeachment in our constitution specifically to prevent the violent overthrows of government Europe experienced.
You should read the federalist papers, 65 and 66 were written by Hamilton and deal with impeachment. They’re not terribly long. I started over my breakfast this morning after reading your post.

In some ways they blow apart my “impeachment is political” theory, but I only like founding fathers who win duels.

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