The Impeachment Thread

Dems should be sweating bullets if Barr and Rudy spill the beans on the corrupt crimes they find on them.
They are scared like hell that what has been hidden will come to light before too much longer.
If Hillary had been elected president none of the Dems crimes would have come out & without news coverage.
That was the plan from the start. That's why the Dems are trying to impeach Trump as quickly as possible.
Credit was hard to come by before the CFPB and after it was easier. Those same segments you listed had to be bailed out because they gave to anyone and had to tighten their aholes.
I assure you that no car dealer or finance company got any TARP money.
Dems should be sweating bullets if Barr and Rudy spill the beans on the corrupt crimes they find on them.
They are scared like hell that what has been hidden will come to light before too much longer.
If Hillary had been elected president none of the Dems crimes would have come out & without news coverage.
That was the plan from the start. That's why the Dems are trying to impeach Trump as quickly as possible.
Yea I keep hearing that but see nothing. If he’s taking down the swap WTF is he waiting for?
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Or they could actually look into it
WHEN it makes it to them I believe they will take it seriously and methodically follow the process. They won’t drag their feet but I think they will be thorough. There are GOP Senators that are in close races too. And several moderates (Collins etc...) will demand it as they view it as their duty.

This **** show is just another example of the House being the kids table and the Senate being the adult table in Congress. No I don’t say that because it’s a GOP senate. I say that because since they are there six years I think they actually have some time to legislate instead of continually campaign. Just MHO.
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Been a while since I looked that up but I’m reasonably certain it doesn’t say the electoral college is a coup against a democratically elected president.
I’m gonna guess it doesn’t say that losing the popular vote is a valid basis for a coup either eh?
Dems going down on the impeachment attempt... they think they are moving faster than the opposition can react... wrong, really moved too slow and now there are over 450 documents showing collusion attempts by dems in 2016 with Ukraine asking for dirt on Trump. Sadly, they are looking more like the cast of the 3 stooges... TICK TOCK... the law is coming for you.
Russian Collusion
Russian Investigation Obstruction
25th Amendment
Impeachment Inquiry

And the beat goes on, the beat goes on
Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain
La de da de de, la de da de da
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It’s ridiculous that 36 percent of people don’t think this is a big problem.
But it's awesome that 67% of the Senate doesn't believe it is either. But by all means, press on with this waste of taxpayer's time and money. It's what the left does.
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