The Impeachment Thread

What Twitter and social media companies do isn't my business. But if you think free speech is saying whatever you want whenever and wherever you want, that's never been the case.

But I'll do the whatabout.. why does Trump block his critics on Twitter?
I agree they can block whoever they want, I wonder if you felt the same when a baker refused to make a wedding cake for a gay wedding. But anyway back on topic, just because they can ban him or other conservatives doesn't mean they should. The left has a habit over the last few years of wanting to silence dissenting voices.
I agree they can block whoever they want, I wonder if you felt the same when a baker refused to make a wedding cake for a gay wedding. But anyway back on topic, just because they can ban him or other conservatives doesn't mean they should. The left has a habit over the last few years of wanting to silence dissenting voices.
I don't care what Baker's do. I think it's lame to not bake a paying person a cake, but, whatever.

Twitter may go overboard sometimes, but it's subjective. I'll not lose sleep over anyone getting Twitter banned.
Here's Plumpeo playing dumb when asked about what he knows about the Trump call to the Ukrainian president

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I should have said "why did he block his critics‽".

I don't know if he still does, actually
He has two accounts the official POTUS one and his personal account. I'm sure he can block whomever he chooses from the personal one..that's where he does the majority of his Tweets
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Here's Plumpeo playing dumb when asked about what he knows about the Trump call to the Ukrainian president

Give me the time mark where he said “I wasn’t on the call” please? He said he didn’t know about the whistleblower report. I haven’t seen anything saying he did.

When this screech line came out I went back and listened to the interview. He never said he wasn’t on the call. He did avoid the question but that’s all.
Give me the time mark where he said “I wasn’t on the call” please? He said he didn’t know about the whistleblower report. I haven’t seen anything saying he did.

When this screech line came out I went back and listened to the interview. He never said he wasn’t on the call. He did avoid the question but that’s all.
You aren't really expecting a reply are you
Give me the time mark where he said “I wasn’t on the call” please? He said he didn’t know about the whistleblower report. I haven’t seen anything saying he did.

When this screech line came out I went back and listened to the interview. He never said he wasn’t on the call. He did avoid the question but that’s all.

I said he played dumb, which he did. He was specifically asked what he knew about the call and he responded that he hadn't seen the whistleblower complaint. The inference--which he knew the reporter would draw--was that he wasn't directly involved or aware of the call. That was a false inference that he knowingly led the reporter to.
I said he played dumb, which he did. He was specifically asked what he knew about the call and he responded that he hadn't seen the whistleblower complaint. The inference--which he knew the reporter would draw--was that he wasn't directly involved or aware of the call. That was a false inference that he knowingly led the reporter to.
Oh HELL no! You Dims have been screeching he lied. When forced to put up or shut up “well he played dumb” LMAO.

I bet he sounds hideous too 😂
Oh HELL no! You Dims have been screeching he lied. When forced to put up or shut up “well he played dumb” LMAO.

I bet he sounds hideous too 😂

Cap'n Obtuse, go read the words I used in my post. I said he played dumb. He was asked a direct question about what he knew about the call. He responded he hadn't seen the whistleblower complaint. The natural inference people would draw from that is that Plumpeo had no direct knowledge of the event, nor any second hand knowledge since he had not read the complaint.
Oh HELL no! You Dims have been screeching he lied. When forced to put up or shut up “well he played dumb” LMAO.

I bet he sounds hideous too 😂
They are trying their best to make this bigger like burner phones in parking garages and it's simply not there the call wasn't deleted it was done from the WH properly classified and turned over when asked
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Cap'n Obtuse, go read the words I used in my post. I said he played dumb. He was asked a direct question about what he knew about the call. He responded he hadn't seen the whistleblower complaint. The natural inference people would draw from that is that Plumpeo had no direct knowledge of the event, nor any second hand knowledge since he had not read the complaint.
You act like you are shocked/appalled and have never seen a politician answer a question like that. Clutch some more pearls, sister!
You act like you are shocked/appalled and have never seen a politician answer a question like that. Clutch some more pearls, sister!

Of course they do that. But this will cost Plumpeo a lot of good will. He's not an adult in the room. He's just another Trump toady.
Of course they do that. But this will cost Plumpeo a lot of good will. He's not an adult in the room. He's just another Trump toady.
Like they don't see anyone associated with the Trump Administration as one already. Come on, man!
Cap'n Obtuse, go read the words I used in my post. I said he played dumb. He was asked a direct question about what he knew about the call. He responded he hadn't seen the whistleblower complaint. The natural inference people would draw from that is that Plumpeo had no direct knowledge of the event, nor any second hand knowledge since he had not read the complaint.
I know exactly what you said and I didn’t contradict your post. I said “you Dims” but I did not explicitly say you said. And no your inference isn’t what everybody would draw. Their own personal bias will greatly color their inference. In the video he said he hadn’t seen the whistle blower complaint. That was it. When it happened I noted he avoided a couple of questions but that isn’t the same as making a false statement.

Looks like we’re back to this too1AF6F60B-E9A1-4FA0-A8E1-DFADF4EB7644.jpeg
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Of course they do that. But this will cost Plumpeo a lot of good will. He's not an adult in the room. He's just another Trump toady.

The word game with not being on the call versus not having seen the report was clearly designed to duck admitting he knew about the call because he was on it.

He sees the writing on the wall and that Trump is in deep fried doo doo on this, Giuliani, too. So he is trying to keep in Trump's good graces in case he survives this, but also be able to parachute out if Trump does not.

Good will is one way to put it. I'd say meanwhile as well that he has certainly lost all credibility. As the title of the book goes ..... everything Trump touches dies.
The word game with not being on the call versus not having seen the report was clearly designed to duck admitting he knew about the call because he was on it.

He sees the writing on the wall and that Trump is in deep fried doo doo on this, Giuliani, too. So he is trying to keep in Trump's good graces in case he survives this, but also be able to parachute out if Trump does not.

Good will is one way to put it. I'd say meanwhile as well that he has certainly lost all credibility. As the title of the book goes ..... everything Trump touches dies.
Let's hope he touches you, but you act like you're a little touched anyway.

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