The Impeachment Thread


That's your boy there, Trumpers. Thanks for electing this corrupt a**hole.


"Congratulations to President Xi and the Chinese people on the 70th Anniversary of the People's Republic of China!" Trump wrote, adopted a drastically different tone than his Republican allies, who used words like "ghoulish," "authoritarian" and "horrors" to mark the occasion.

May 2, 2016

"We can't continue to allow China to rape our country, and that's what they're doing," Trump said during his second rally Sunday in Fort Wayne, Indiana, referring to China's high number of exports relative to the U.S.
I think this helps Biden. It would appear that Trump is very concerned about facing Joe in the general election. He wasn't trying this hard to dig up dirt on Liz or Bernie.

This will hurt Biden. For people who don't pay close attention, they just hear the noise and assume there's some truth to it.
This will hurt Biden. For people who don't pay close attention, they just hear the noise and assume there's some truth to it.
...aren't those people inclined to vote for Trump anyway? It is becoming more and more apparent that Biden is the Democratic Party candidate that Trump does not want to face. The Trump campaign has even resorted to the unprecedented step of buying $1 million in anti-Biden advertising time in key early primary states FOR THE OPPOSITION PARTY'S PRIMARY, OVER THREE MONTHS AWAY FROM WHEN THE PRIMARIES EVEN BEGIN. That not only looks like the Trump campaign is scared of Biden, but they are panicking.

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