The Impeachment Thread

Mass Media Panic: Barr & Durham in Italy

DECLASSIFIED - The Epoch Times

Published on Oct 3, 2019
Full-blown panic ensued in the fake news media when it was announced that U.S. Attorney General William Barr was in Italy meeting with government officials about the role of Italian intelligence in what has become popularly known as “Russiagate,” the FBI’s investigation into the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.
It's not an argument to say X shouldn't be impeached because he won an election.

Duh. Every president won an election.

It's not because a President won an election.

It's because HE won the election. Impeachment attempts started even before he was in office because, frankly, he won. What other reason did they have for impeachment before he was in office?
It's not because a President won an election.

It's because HE won the election. Impeachment attempts started even before he was in office because, frankly, he won. What other reason did they have for impeachment before he was in office?
An insurance plan?
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One of our resident lawyers the other day was arguing it could be political reasons as it was a political process. Scary stuff.

Impeachment is a political process as well as a trial despite what RT85 has to say on the matter. When a body of people determines guilt or innocence based on testimony and evidence presented, that's called a trial.

As for the "political reasons" that's fairly apparent.
No, it's because they want the case to be as strong as possible when they put Republicans on the record about it.

Trump is getting impeached. We already have enough democrats in favor. It's just about making the public see how many Republicans are willing to turn on him and how many are willing to strap themselves to a suicide bomber.

I hope you are right.
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You need glasses, no wait, a guide dog and a cane.

My sight is fine. I see a President extorting a foreign country with my tax money for his political gain. Not rocket science. If you can't see that, well, that's on you.
No, it's because they want the case to be as strong as possible when they put Republicans on the record about it.

Trump is getting impeached. We already have enough democrats in favor. It's just about making the public see how many Republicans are willing to turn on him and how many are willing to strap themselves to a suicide bomber.

This post makes me chuckle.
My sight is fine. I see a President extorting a foreign country with my tax money for his political gain. Not rocket science. If you can't see that, well, that's on you.
You don't see GV supporting impeachment, but you say you do, so what are we to conclude. Probably Jennifer says it best:
I support the process, absolutely.

Because, again, Democrats have the attention span of goldfish and can't think past 20 seconds to see if something might not turn out the way they want.
You need to apologize to all the goldfish you just offended.
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I support the process, absolutely.

Because, again, Democrats have the attention span of goldfish and can't think past 20 seconds to see if something might not turn out the way they want.

I support it because once the impeachment hearings begin everything is open. No more closed door hearings, open testimony with witnesses called and questioned.
Nothing official yet
Check out Jack Posobiec, Twttter PhD 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec): Jack Posobiec, Twttter PhD (@JackPosobiec) | Twitter
He seems like he knows the guy and that name is coming up alot in searches now
Have the Q boys found a new name already? I thought they dropped thr whistleblower's name and solved all this earlier this week?

I can't believe they'd change up their story so quickly.
Too long and too much wrong to respond to all of it. I’m gonna sort though it, omit all the stuff that doesn’t make any sense or isn’t relevant and just respond to the stuff that does:

condescending remarks are barely not worth addressing.

Good point. I agree.

I already considered Trump's responses and condemned them for not only the reasons you are remarking upon. We agree here. Not only do they have a negative effect on someone coming forward, it is poor boorish behavior...


Ok. Done. I guess there’s a chance I missed something, but pretty safe to assume I disagree with everything else you said (quick now’s your chance to edit the post and say something it would be embarrassing to disagree with!)

Have a good day.

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