The Impeachment Thread

One of our resident lawyers the other day was arguing it could be political reasons as it was a political process. Scary stuff.
Lol. This is adorable. Did you get the validation you needed?

Impeachment is a political process as well as a trial despite what RT85 has to say on the matter. When a body of people determines guilt or innocence based on testimony and evidence presented, that's called a trial.

As for the "political reasons" that's fairly apparent.
I say it isn’t a criminal proceeding or legal proceeding. It isn’t.

Any semblance an impeachment bears to a criminal/civil trial is a result of some preceeding political process. EXCEPT, the presence of a presiding Judge. There is also the fact that the senate serves as the jury, but that is indisputably a political element.
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"If you (Ukraine) investigate Biden, we'll give you the $400M."

You're an intelligent man. I'm sure you recognize this.

Uh huh. You still haven't linked that.

Regardless, you realize plenty of Presidents have done that exact same thing?
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Uh huh. You still haven't linked that.

Regardless, you realize plenty of Presidents have done that exact same thing?
But, but, but whataboutism!!!!!!!

There, that should sufficiently narrow down the parameters in which you can post.
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Glad to see you support the impeachment.
It’s a coup not an impeachment. He’s unraveling everything for the Dims and they hate him for it.
Remember when Hillary said “ if that bastard wins, we’ll all hang from nooses” ??? She was right, that’s why they’re very afraid of Trump and he’s in their way.
If you Dims are so blind to see that, then no one can help you. TDS is incurable, but glorious to watch you guys everyday b!tch and moan about a president that has done more in almost 3 years that the great welfare, race divider did in 8 years. Funny how you guys like those times and hate the economy of today.
Wouldn't be prudent... Not gonna do it... just yet anyway.. seems like every time Trump asks for the vote, Nancy demands that he do another dance, first.

I do find it sort of cruel, honestly.
Lol. Well at this point Nans will be left without a date for the dance until she complied then. So I guess you guys are more into foreplay than the actual act. Lol... ok
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So I'm curious, has the Ukraine whistleblower matter caused any defections among the Trump supporters on here? If it hasn't moved you, has it at least given you pause? If it has given you pause, what more do you need to see?

I don't need to see anymore, the democrats are seriously making me think about voting for the blowhard playboy Trump. That's how terrible the carnival show that your party has put on for the last 3+ years has been.

Every democrat I have seen on TV I wouldn't trust to water my lawn. Fake, lying, belligerent, emotionally unstable, disingenuous, contemptible little pos.

Trump's misgivings, which are many, still, pale in comparison to the types of snakes, sneaks, and purely deceitful and brainless flea's the democratic party has leading the charge.
My understanding is there are no formal rules on impeachment regarding this. Trump is just posturing.
The subpoena they sent him said they would draw a negative inference from noncompliance.

A negative inference would be really bad in a criminal trial, but it’s an empty threat here.
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The White House is planning to send Speaker Nancy Pelosi a letter as soon as Friday arguing that President Trump and his team can ignore lawmakers' demands until she holds a full House vote formally approving an impeachment inquiry, 2 sources familiar with the letter tell Axios.

Why it matters: By putting in writing the case that Trump and his supporters have been making verbally for days, the White House is preparing for a court fight and arguing to the public that its resistance to Congress' requests is justified.

Trump wants to force House Democrats in vulnerable races to be on the record if they favor pursuing impeachment, these sources tell us.
Republicans also say the minority party can exert more influence over hearings and other aspects of an inquiry once it is formalized with a vote.
By calling this an inquiry without holding a vote, Pelosi and the Democratic committee chairmen are having it both ways, one official said. "They want to be a little bit pregnant."

White House letter dares Pelosi to hold vote on Trump impeachment inquiry
So I'm curious, has the Ukraine whistleblower matter caused any defections among the Trump supporters on here? If it hasn't moved you, has it at least given you pause? If it has given you pause, what more do you need to see?

He’ll never lose the volfanjustin types. I think the more reasonable (hog/GAVol/etc.) can be flipped, but you’ll need more evidence linking the military aid to investigating an opponent, which they’re obviously trying to get (while this seems quite obvious to any rational observer that Trump is not seriously concerned about investigating corruption and/or nepotism, it’s a convenient excuse).

I think you’ll only flip congressional Republicans if they see it being bad for their own re-election campaigns.
He’ll never lose the volfanjustin types. I think the more reasonable (hog/GAVol/etc.) can be flipped, but you’ll need more evidence linking the military aid to investigating an opponent, which they’re obviously trying to get (while this seems quite obvious to any rational observer that Trump is not seriously concerned about investigating corruption and/or nepotism, it’s a convenient excuse).

I think you’ll only flip congressional Republicans if they see it being bad for their own re-election campaigns.

I wouldn't flip to any of the candidates the Dems have running. Nothing could make me do that, I might vote for Jill Stein again but none of the nutcases running for teh Dem nomination.
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My understanding is there are no formal rules on impeachment regarding this. Trump is just posturing.
I believe this is correct.
If by posturing you mean being done playing this silly ass fishing game the Dims keep playing and forcing Nans to put up or shut up yeah the WH is “posturing” 😂

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