The Impeachment Thread

Inherent Contempt Use On the way?

Rep. Rashida Tlaib said Democratic lawmakers are exploring how to arrest White House officials who do not comply with congressional subpoenas.

Tlaib, D-Mich., told Detroit constituents at her "Congress, Coffee, and Conversation" event on Tuesday that lawmakers are focused on how best to take cabinet members into custody. "This is the first time we've ever had a situation like this," she said. "So they're trying to figure out, no joke, is it the D.C. police that goes and gets them? We don't know. Where do we hold them?"
Too much ... I even managed academic and disciplinary probation at the same time once. I decided I really detested college at the time, finished up my probationary time, quit in my junior year, and joined the Army. I did come back to UT (in time for the great Bill Battle decline) and finish up with a BS and MS in Engineering ... by that time my dislike for academia was again running rampant so a PhD was absolutely out of the question.

Sounds like you had a better time in college than I did. I went a little different route. I went to the Army first. When I got out I went to Community College. I was such an academic success there that I went on and got a BBA degree at MTSU. I worked and went to school part time. I was always a UT fan but going to school in Murfreesboro was more convenient at the time.
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Can you get impeached for "shenanigans"?

Apparently, just Ask Bill Clinton.

A little Friday afternoon fun. Ready, set, go!

Some low hanging fruit out there.

One Pence None the Richer
The Impeach Boys
The Four Treasons
Dire Legal Straits
The Tweet Pistols
Blue Oyster Dolt
Joan Nyet
My Chemical Bromance
The Stooges
Simple Minds
Men at Work Obstructing Justice
System of a Clown
Orange Day
Garfunkel and Garfunkel
The Grabbers
Hateful Dead
Definitely not the Cure
Matchbox Twenty to Life
Inherent Contempt Use On the way?

Rep. Rashida Tlaib said Democratic lawmakers are exploring how to arrest White House officials who do not comply with congressional subpoenas.

Tlaib, D-Mich., told Detroit constituents at her "Congress, Coffee, and Conversation" event on Tuesday that lawmakers are focused on how best to take cabinet members into custody. "This is the first time we've ever had a situation like this," she said. "So they're trying to figure out, no joke, is it the D.C. police that goes and gets them? We don't know. Where do we hold them?"

Tlaib: Democrats looking into how to arrest Trump officials
Seems like these dumb freshmen on the Hill are........well, DUMB.
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Sounds like you had a better time in college than I did. I went a little different route. I went to the Army first. When I got out I went to Community College. I was such an academic success there that I went on and got a BBA degree at MTSU. I worked and went to school part time. I was always a UT fan but going to school in Murfreesboro was more convenient at the time.

My younger brother and sister both went to MTSU. I actually went during the summer between my Jr and Sr years of HS ... it was MTSC back then. I always liked it there; hard to believe Murfreesboro used to be a nice quite college town. As I understand MTSU attendance is greater than UT now ... I refuse to append the K ... UT is in Knoxville - the others get the appendage. My dad was in the AF, but middle TN was always our home (about 30 miles from Murfreesboro). If I take I-24 that way coming from Chattanooga, it always feels like coming home as I start down Monteagle.
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Almost 100% convinced that The Squad are GOP plants

I’m convinced that in the meeting AOC had with Pelosi , she got her little bottom spanked and was told to shut it about Trump and focus more on what that cute little twitter account does best ... gets our side to believe whatever you say about the climate . Those doors closed after the last cameraman left and Pelosi broke out the pimp “ Pimp Hand “ 👋
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Some low hanging fruit out there.

One Pence None the Richer
The Impeach Boys
The Four Treasons
Dire Legal Straits
The Tweet Pistols
Blue Oyster Dolt
Joan Nyet
My Chemical Bromance
The Stooges
Simple Minds
Men at Work Obstructing Justice
System of a Clown
Orange Day
Garfunkel and Garfunkel
The Grabbers
Hateful Dead
Definitely not the Cure
Matchbox Twenty to Life

*You Ain't Gettin' Yo Nickelback
I’m convinced that in the meeting AOC had with Pelosi , she got her little bottom spanked and was told to shut it about Trump and focus more on what that cute little twitter account does best ... gets our side to believe whatever you say about the climate . Those doors closed after the last cameraman left and Pelosi broke out the pimp “ Pimp Hand “ 👋

I'd almost volunteer to be Pelosi's Sergeant at Arms, but then there's the other members of that squad ... not going there.
If I hear "if true" one more time I'm going to come over to your house and throw up on your keyboard.

Hey, the loony libs are the ones that started that "If True" crap. It's gotten to where we have to say that or they go ape like stewpid. We have to abide by their laws & rules or it doesn't count as trustworthy....:)
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