The Impeachment Thread

I haven't had any of our Red Hat friends comment on the numerous comments in the Volker testimony released today that Joe Biden was yet again exonerated from wrong-doing concerning Ukraine. I mean, since this is the "slam-dunk" that clears Trump, shouldn't his comments be taken as fact and clear Biden as well?
Why do we have to comment. It’s OBE at this point. His campaign is spiraling in in flames. 😈

However I think I remember Volker addressing this too under questioning? If Hunter Biden winds up under the microscope because of broader Ukraine investigation of Burisma corruption so be it? And if the association reflects poorly on Joe Biden so be it? I’m going from memory here. However I believe your demand for explanation lies along the lines of the answer I just gave to Rocky?

Oh another thought. Yes Trump should STFU on Biden but based on Volker’s opening statement transcript I think we can infer a very negative influence from Rudy here. Basically Rudy put the bug in Trump’s ear early on and even after Volker saw Rudy change his mind that bug had dug in. But Trump should STFU on it sure. Besides Sleepy Joe will insert his own foot in his mouth on his own, no reason to give him an assist 🤷‍♂️
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Why do we have to comment. It’s OBE at this point. His campaign is spiraling in in flames. 😈

However I think I remember Volker addressing this too under questioning? If Hunter Biden winds up under the microscope because of broader Ukraine investigation of Burisma corruption so be it? And if the association reflects poorly on Joe Biden so be it? I’m going from memory here. However I believe your demand for explanation lies along the lines of the answer I just gave to Rocky?
I'm just wondering, since this testimony that came out today is total truth and exonerates Trump, will you guys admit the same dude exonerated Joe Biden?

I don't remember that at all from his testimony. I had to keep reading the damn thing because I couldn't copy paste from it. He cleared Biden, numerous times.

And I don't care about his campaign. He won't be the nominee anyways.
I'm just wondering, since this testimony that came out today is total truth and exonerates Trump, will you guys admit the same dude exonerated Joe Biden?

I don't remember that at all from his testimony. I had to keep reading the damn thing because I couldn't copy paste from it. He cleared Biden, numerous times.

And I don't care about his campaign. He won't be the nominee anyways.
Volker was supportive of Biden and said there was no policy stance to investigate either Biden and he personally did not see merit in the Biden accusations. Volker has credibility with me and is the most knowledgeable so I’ll take his viewpoint as the bar.
“Oh FFS 🤦‍♂️

C’mon you saw that coming 😬

But I don’t agree. So the counter argument would be since we can’t afford the appearance of impropriety by Trump we cannot risk a validation effort so just cut the money loose. No. As long as there’s a valid predication for the decision that should be good enough. Not saying it won’t prevent people from trying your argument. But I dont buy the merit of it.
You already agreed! No takebacks.

It really wasn’t a trap, I thought we agreed on this.

Why would the existence of a quid pro quo be necessary to make it wrong if we agree there should always be some quid pro quo before America disburses funds to a foreign country?
Volker was supportive of Biden and said there was no policy stance to investigate either Biden and he personally did not see merit in the Biden accusations. Volker has credibility with me and is the most knowledgeable so I’ll take his viewpoint as the bar.
So no more "muh Biden" from you guys, right?
Volker answered that also and explained that he never even brought it up to Zelensky because it was going to be cleared. They actually read about it in an article and the advisor asked Volker via text and he said they needed to talk and he explained it. It was, again, within the context of insuring the new administration was serious on addressing broad corruption before we aligned with them and released the money. Zelensky as even made a public statement he didn’t know it was on hold and it is consistent with Volker’s explanation. And while Volker wasn’t in favor of the hold he understood and supported the Trump admins concern that the new Ukraine admin was serious on corruption. THANKS RUDY!
That doesn't wash because those funds had already been approved by Congress. That is pure spin control. The Trump administration was chasing after a conspiracy theory involving the 2016 election and trying to prove that the Russians didn't interfere in the election... Ukraine did. Pathetic.

...and "THANKS RUDY"! That is crazy... and so is Rudy.
I'm just wondering, since this testimony that came out today is total truth and exonerates Trump, will you guys admit the same dude exonerated Joe Biden?

I don't remember that at all from his testimony. I had to keep reading the damn thing because I couldn't copy paste from it. He cleared Biden, numerous times.

And I don't care about his campaign. He won't be the nominee anyways.

Didn’t need Volker. Already saw the call transcript.

Volker testimony was just part of Nancy and Adam’s circus.
Volker was supportive of Biden and said there was no policy stance to investigate either Biden and he personally did not see merit in the Biden accusations. Volker has credibility with me and is the most knowledgeable so I’ll take his viewpoint as the bar.
But obviously, Trump wanted the Bidens investigated on July 25th, and he was making this insistence while a hold on military funding to the Ukraine was in place. The whole thing stinks. This was very inappropriate.
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You already agreed! No takebacks.

It really wasn’t a trap, I thought we agreed on this.

Why would the existence of a quid pro quo be necessary to make it wrong if we agree there should always be some quid pro quo before America disburses funds to a foreign country?
Maybe I’m not understanding. Yes anytime we give a foreign country taxpayer money we should benefit from a national interest standpoint. But if Trump benefits also that doesn’t mean he did anything wrong. Do you agree with that?
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That doesn't wash because those funds had already been approved by Congress. That is pure spin control. The Trump administration was chasing after a conspiracy theory involving the 2016 election and trying to prove that the Russians didn't interfere in the election... Ukraine did. Pathetic.

...and "THANKS RUDY"! That is crazy... and so is Rudy.
He’s within his right an is in fact expected to make sure our national interests are protected if were spending tax payer money.

The THANKS RUDY was sarcasm. From Volker’s opening statement it’s clear Rudy wasn’t a help here.
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But obviously, Trump wanted the Bidens investigated on July 25th, and he was making this insistence while a hold on military funding to the Ukraine was in place. The whole thing stinks. This was very inappropriate.
Time for it again. And on that note I’m going to bed. Night all!F328086C-5B82-4A21-BF2E-119C8640528D.gif
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I haven't had any of our Red Hat friends comment on the numerous comments in the Volker testimony released today that Joe Biden was yet again exonerated from wrong-doing concerning Ukraine. I mean, since this is the "slam-dunk" that clears Trump, shouldn't his comments be taken as fact and clear Biden as well?
No. Volker is only credible when he is clearing Trump, not Biden. They get to have it both ways on the right.
But obviously, Trump wanted the Bidens investigated on July 25th, and he was making this insistence while a hold on military funding to the Ukraine was in place. The whole thing stinks. This was very inappropriate.

Had he released the funding and asked the Ukes to look into Biden, you kooks would be screaming that he was trying to buy off the investigator.

You all look like morons.
He’s within his right an is in fact expected to make sure our national interests are protected if were spending tax payer money.

The THANKS RUDY was sarcasm. From Volker’s opening statement it’s clear Rudy wasn’t a help here.
He was looking after his own selfish personal interests.
No. Volker is only credible when he is clearing Trump, not Biden. They get to have it both ways on the right.
I know. That is why I asked if anyone had actually read the damn thing after I got yelled at to read it. Well I read it, more than once. There isn't a single thing in there that exonerates Trump. But there are many statements that clear Biden. But I get crickets about that. Hmm, wonder why?
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This is huge. Trump was protecting his own interests!! Huge!!! (if true)
So, you think it is acceptable for the President of the United States to make foreign policy decisions based on whether or not a foreign leader is willing to assist his personal attorney (not the DOJ) in an investigation of alleged misconduct in an election in which he was on the ballot? That is a very clear conflict of interest.
So, you think it is acceptable for the President of the United States to make foreign policy decisions based on whether or not a foreign leader is willing to assist his personal attorney (not the DOJ) in an investigation of alleged misconduct in an election in which he was on the ballot? That is a very clear conflict of interest.
Shhh, let Rudy keep digging the hole. I hope he keeps trying to defend all of this. He just keeps admitting to all of it at the direction of Trump.
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So, you think it is acceptable for the President of the United States to make foreign policy decisions based on whether or not a foreign leader is willing to assist his personal attorney (not the DOJ) in an investigation of alleged misconduct in an election in which he was on the ballot? That is a very clear conflict of interest.

You’re making an assumption. Hence the “if true”.
Zelensky is saying what he has to say under the circumstances. He, understandably, doesn't want this fight. Their July 25th phone call is at the heart of this and since the transcript of that call has been made public, we no longer need his side of the story. We can read the transcript and make an informed determination for ourselves as to what happened.
No, thats not how that works unless you’re saying they’re both criminals.

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