The Impeachment Thread

Like oc said, the rule of law is out the window.

I don't think anyone is surprised that electing a carnival barker has resulted in America turning into a banana republic.

They will get their subpoenaed docs once they actually vote. Lets get it started already.
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He fails to realize it's happened before.

Of course, I can't point this out without being accused of "whataboutism" by the mouthbreathers on here.

Let's get everybody on TV, no partisan sound bites, and discuss this whole **** show. Probably be good shock for the nation.
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Maybe I’m not understanding. Yes anytime we give a foreign country taxpayer money we should benefit from a national interest standpoint. But if Trump benefits also that doesn’t mean he did anything wrong. Do you agree with that?

The question, IMO, is “who is the intended beneficiary?” Look at it as like a scale of 1-10.

(1) Exclusively the official (trump in this case)
(10) Exclusively America.

I think you can get into the negative of the official works against US interests to obtain a benefit for themselves.

What you’re talking about would be above a 5. It would be an incidental benefit to the politician or official but still intending to advance American interests. It’s an appearance of impropriety, it looks bad, it should be avoided, but it isn’t impeachable.

The question, IMO, is “who is the intended beneficiary?” Look at it as like a scale of 1-10.

(1) Exclusively the official (trump in this case)
(10) Exclusively America.

I think you can get into the negative of the official works against US interests to obtain a benefit for themselves.

What you’re talking about would be above a 5. It would be an incidental benefit to the politician or official but still intending to advance American interests. It’s an appearance of impropriety, it looks bad, it should be avoided, but it isn’t impeachable.

Any time the US gives aid to a foreign country, it benefits someone in a position of political power.

The US gives aid to Israel, it gives the politicians that pushed it a benefit.

The US withholds aid from Israel, it gives the politicians a benefit from the other side.

This concept is not Trump-centric. Nor will it ever be. Now, we aren't talking humanitarian aid after a natural disaster or something, but rather packaged aid, grants or loans of some sort.
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He's as calm as a Marlin that's just been hooked

He really believes in the whole word repetition thing. Hard to blame him, considering the effectiveness he's had with his loyal parrot heads, with the "No collision, no obstruction, total exoneration" success.

It was a "perfect" call though. Just perfectly corrupt.
Any time the US gives aid to a foreign country, it benefits someone in a position of political power.

The US gives aid to Israel, it gives the politicians that pushed it a benefit.

The US withholds aid from Israel, it gives the politicians a benefit from the other side.

This concept is not Trump-centric. Nor will it ever be. Now, we aren't talking humanitarian aid after a natural disaster or something, but rather packaged aid, grants or loans of some sort.
Pretty sure that’s all accounted for in what I said.

The question, IMO, is “who is the intended beneficiary?” Look at it as like a scale of 1-10.

(1) Exclusively the official (trump in this case)
(10) Exclusively America.

I think you can get into the negative of the official works against US interests to obtain a benefit for themselves.

What you’re talking about would be above a 5. It would be an incidental benefit to the politician or official but still intending to advance American interests. It’s an appearance of impropriety, it looks bad, it should be avoided, but it isn’t impeachable.
Ok I agree with that. And what we are dealing with now is the “appearance of impropriety” in which Trump isn’t helping himself as usual for sure. At this point I’m wondering if he’s doing it just to see if he can get any of the lib leadership to pop a blood vessel as nobody in their right mind believes he is going to get removed from office over this. FFS we now have a 2nd IC “whistleblower” consulting with the NYT that they are considering filing a complaint. First off that’s just an IC threat, 2nd even going to the press is a major breach of the whistleblower protocol, and third if this “whistleblower” has given one piece of information to the NYT they’ve likely broken the law and lost all whistleblower protections anyway and the correct title is “leaker”.

It looks like a bad game of stupidity chicken seeing which side can out do the other. But one side is laughing their ass off knowing they are in the position of power and likely trolling while the other has sheer terror and acting from desperation. And on here you will see people talking right past each other on which side is which and I do find that highly entertaining 😂
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Any time the US gives aid to a foreign country, it benefits someone in a position of political power.

The US gives aid to Israel, it gives the politicians that pushed it a benefit.

The US withholds aid from Israel, it gives the politicians a benefit from the other side.

This concept is not Trump-centric. Nor will it ever be. Now, we aren't talking humanitarian aid after a natural disaster or something, but rather packaged aid, grants or loans of some sort.
Ok that’s worth breaking out and clarifying as you did.

Yes humanitarian aid after a natural disaster or other non-self inflicted cause should be no strings attached. Likely we could easily have some side benefit but it should be totally uncorrelated and unintended.
Maybe I'll just jump in where I'm at since you are making this a single issue.
Went out of my way to make it as generic as possible throwing in a single parenthetical that ties it into Trump in this case.

You haven’t had your coffee yet.
Like oc said, the rule of law is out the window.

I don't think anyone is surprised that electing a carnival barker has resulted in America turning into a banana republic.
Yep but before that it elected slick car salesmen who sold us a car driven only on Sundays by a little old lady from Pasadena.
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Bombing California might actually improve the place.

Let me ask you this in reference to your previous post. If you say "burn it down" would you rather not have a President in office that helps expose the corruption and hypocrisy by allowing the other side to show their true colors?

I'd rather not have a completely corrupt president pretending that he's a 'didn't dunuffin' while patting himself on the back for exposing corruption. So no, I'd rather he not be part of the problem he's balls deep in. I especially don't 'rather' have him attempting to use his position to solicit foriegn influence to maintain his grip on power.
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Yep but before that it elected slick car salesmen who sold us a car driven only on Sundays by a little old lady from Pasadena.

Your whataboutism is noted, now you can go back to cheering on the current used car salesman.
I'd rather not have a completely corrupt president pretending that pretends he's a 'didn't dunuffin' while patting himself on the back for exposing corruption. So no, I'd rather he not be part of the problem he's balls deep in. I especially don't 'rather' have him attempting to use his position to solicit foriegn influence to maintain his grip on power.

Maybe you need to turn that broken record of yours need a different tune to play.
Trump is your with it.....:cool:
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That’s odd , I always thought banana republics were a lot worse than this . Turns out they aren’t as bad as I thought .. “ if “ this is one .

Interesting, I always assumed the American exceptionalism mentality by the right would have set a higher bar. Then again the MAGA crowd isn't exactly known for a exhibiting shame.
Yep but before that it elected slick car salesmen who sold us a car driven only on Sundays by a little old lady from Pasadena.
Septic literally defended the banana republic that the democrats are burning our republic to be, due to the fact that he/they don't like the "carnival barker" style of the president they're trying to pull the coup against.

Now... Do you think septic is that stupid? (I don't. There are those here who are that partisan and stupid, but septic isn't.)

Or do you think we take septic at his word and write him off as an internet troll that just posts extreme positions because he's a slave to the dopamine dump he gets from thinking he's raised a stranger's blood pressure?
Septic literally defended the banana republic that the democrats are burning our republic to be, due to the fact that he/they don't like the "carnival barker" style of the president they're trying to pull the coup against.

Now... Do you think septic is that stupid? (I don't. There are those here who are that partisan and stupid, but septic isn't.)

Or do you think we take septic at his word and write him off as an internet troll that just posts extreme positions because he's a slave to the dopamine dump he gets from thinking he's raised a stranger's blood pressure?
It's what he likes to do but to be fair, he is an EOO, Equal Opportunity Offender.

I personally enjoy his posts. He's a fungi.

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