The Impeachment Thread

No, actually I'm not familiar with that. Please provide specifics on Presidents that have bribed foreign countries with taxpayer money to investigate political opponents.

Since I finally have the opportunity to respond effectively...

You still have yet to prove President Trump actually withheld funds for a "bribery" to get them to investigate Biden. When you can do that, your idea will have merit.

Now, plenty of past Presidents have withheld aid from countries that were corrupt or had principles they didn't like or human right violations or whatever. Your side has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt this was done for purely political purposes to get them to investigate Biden. Which it can't do. So, we fall back on "corruption" as the reason for the funds being withheld.

Now, my issue with you and the rest of your mouthbreathers is your extremely hypocritical stance on Biden and associates. You have zero desire to see if the allegations of influence swaying are true and care more about taking down Trump than anything. You could care less if the Vice President (even after he admitted it) had anything to do with calling off that prosecutor than you do with your maniacal obsession of Trump.

Don't you want justice? Or only justice when it comes to Trump and forget the rest because they align with your political philosophy?

No, Presidents have withheld aid from nations before when they didn't align with their values.
Since I finally have the opportunity to respond effectively...

You still have yet to prove President Trump actually withheld funds for a "bribery" to get them to investigate Biden. When you can do that, your idea will have merit.

Now, plenty of past Presidents have withheld aid from countries that were corrupt or had principles they didn't like or human right violations or whatever. Your side has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt this was done for purely political purposes to get them to investigate Biden. Which it can't do. So, we fall back on "corruption" as the reason for the funds being withheld.

Now, my issue with you and the rest of your mouthbreathers is your extremely hypocritical stance on Biden and associates. You have zero desire to see if the allegations of influence swaying are true and care more about taking down Trump than anything. You could care less if the Vice President (even after he admitted it) had anything to do with calling off that prosecutor than you do with your maniacal obsession of Trump.

Don't you want justice? Or only justice when it comes to Trump and forget the rest because they align with your political philosophy?

No, Presidents have withheld aid from nations before when they didn't align with their values.
I pointed this hypocrisy out earlier by standing two blatant posts, made by the same poster, within minutes of one another. Crickets. The liberals know they are supporting an unconstitutional coup.

By the way... When Biden withheld the aid to get the prosecutor fired...the prosecutor that was investigating the company on which his son sat as board member with no experience to get the lucrative position...

It was during election season.

You don't hear them defaulting to bullying foreign help and election meddling by keeping the Hunter scandal out of the press during an election season.
I pointed this hypocrisy out earlier by standing two blatant posts, made by the same poster, within minutes of one another. Crickets. The liberals know they are supporting an unconstitutional coup.

They don't see it as a coup. They twist it every way they can to justify the end result. Basically, it amounts to "Orange Man Bad."
And more lies today after he was caught misleading on the way he can survive now

It fascinates me to watch Trump so effortlessly conjure up villains to distract his followers from paying attention to his bullsht.

If he's a master of anything, it'd be this.
They don't see it as a coup. They twist it every way they can to justify the end result. Basically, it amounts to "Orange Man Bad."

The rule of law is out the window. They are burning the republic down. I am becoming more and more convinced that Trump went in to expose corruption so that the corrupt can be brought to justice, and now they'll burn down the republic to stop that happening.

That's the only explanation I can come up with for this blatant, public disregard. It reeks of desperation deeper than election cycles. Either the deep state exists across both parties and it is defending itself in a burst of last ditch defenses, or the Obama administration was so corrupt that the entire party knows that it's done for good if it's exposed, so they'll take the entire republic down in an effort to get the finger-pointer in chief out of office.

The Intelligence Community IG saw the fake whistleblower's whistle as "credible", when it proved to fizzle under scrutiny. The libs lapped that up, but refused to think about the IC warning, immediately into Trump's presidency, when he didn't toe their media line, that "the Intelligence Community has five ways from Sunday to take you down".

The IC went on national media and bragged that they could and would take out a duly elected President for crossing them, and now we see this. And now, seeing this this, the libs cheer the Dems on as they coordinate with the IC to take Trump down fives ways from Sunday.

It's treason. Plain and simple. When the dust clears, there needs to be hangings. I'd say the same thing about Republicans if they tried the same thing.
They were stupid enough, while Trump was still president-elect, to show the world both their intent and their play-book.

The Intelligence Community has "six ways from Sunday" to take the President down. These days, we see about six new fake attempts a week to take the president down.

The rule of law is out the window. They are burning the republic down.

Lol, you wanted a TV reality show star that is more concerned with tough guy optics than substance. Congratulations America, you got what you paid for.

Why would you be surprised?

**** it, burn it down.

Just wait until he starts bombing other countries to divert people's attention.

Its on the table, fo' sho. Iran is one bad headline away from getting leveled. And that's only because he can't bomb Pelosi, the lamestream media, the deep state, Schiff, Schumer, the whistle-blower(s), pocahontas or any of the other thousand boogeymen he gets his idiot cult members to rally against.
They were stupid enough, while Trump was still president-elect, to show the world both their intent and their play-book.

The Intelligence Community has "six ways from Sunday" to take the President down. These days, we see about six new fake attempts a week to take the president down.

Lol, you wanted a TV reality show star that is more concerned with tough guy optics than substance. Congratulations America, you got what you paid for.

Why would you be surprised?

**** it, burn it down.
I didn't vote for Trump because I think he's a slimy creep that I just can't drop a pebble in favor of. I never wanted him.
Like oc said, the rule of law is out the window.

I don't think anyone is surprised that electing a carnival barker has resulted in America turning into a banana republic.

At least Huff will be happy.
Like oc said, the rule of law is out the window.

I don't think anyone is surprised that electing a carnival barker has resulted in America turning into a banana republic.

That’s odd , I always thought banana republics were a lot worse than this . Turns out they aren’t as bad as I thought .. “ if “ this is one .
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Its on the table, fo' sho. Iran is one bad headline away from getting leveled. And that's only because he can't bomb Pelosi, the lamestream media, the deep state, Schiff, Schumer, the whistle-blower(s), pocahontas or any of the other thousand boogeymen he gets his idiot cult members to rally against.

Bombing California might actually improve the place.

Let me ask you this in reference to your previous post. If you say "burn it down" would you rather not have a President in office that helps expose the corruption and hypocrisy by allowing the other side to show their true colors?
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Too much ... I even managed academic and disciplinary probation at the same time once. I decided I really detested college at the time, finished up my probationary time, quit in my junior year, and joined the Army. I did come back to UT (in time for the great Bill Battle decline) and finish up with a BS and MS in Engineering ... by that time my dislike for academia was again running rampant so a PhD was absolutely out of the question.
The other day I had an inquiry for catalyst from a lady just finishing a post-doc at an Ivy League school and soon starting to teach Chemistry at a large university in the northeast...

What made me think about your post, is how she signed at the bottom of the email.

"So-and-so, PhD, she/her/hers"

That's crazy man.
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