The Impeachment Thread

Uh Pedo quid pro Joe was already under investigation before he decided to run. So now that he’s a candidate you guys want to move the goal post.

Shouldn’t you be handing out toothbrushes in Alabama or something.
Whataboutism and personal attack when fact and truth undermines your ignorance. Did you learn that from your fuhrer? By the way not a shred of evidence of any wrongdoing with the Biden's. China should definitely investigate Ivanka and Jered. Now that would be amazing.
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He said, after the WH knew about the whistleblower complaint. CYA mode engaged.

Honestly, the mission was to have Ukraine make a public declaration that they were investigating possible 2016 election meddling, so Trump could spin his magic web of deceipt.


[8/10/19, 4:56:15 PM] Andrey Yermak: Hi Kurt. Please let me know when you can talk. I think it’s possible to make this declaration and mention all these things. Which we discussed yesterday. But it will be logic to do after we receive a confirmation of date. We inform about date of visit and about our expectations and our guarantees for future visit. Let discuss it

[8/10/19, 5:01:32 PM] Kurt Volker:Ok! It’s late for you — why don’t we talk in my morning, your afternoon tomorrow? Say 10am/5pm?

[8/10/19, 5:02:18 PM] Kurt Volker: I agree with your approach. Let’s iron out statement and use that to get date and then PreZ can go forward with it?

[8/10/19, 5:26:17 PM] Andrey Yermak: Ok

[8/10/19, 5:38:43 PM] Kurt Volker: Great. Gordon is available to join as well

[8/10/19, 5:41:45 PM] Andrey Yermak: Excellent

[8/10/19, 5:42:10 PM] Andrey Yermak: Once we have a date, will call for a press briefing, announcing upcoming visit and outlining vision for the reboot of US-UKRAINE relationship, including among other things Burisma and election meddling in investigations

[8/10/19, 5:42:30 PM] Kurt Volker: Sounds great!


[8/13/19, 10:26:44 AM] Kurt Volker: Special attention should be paid to the problem of interference in the political processes of the United States, especially with the alleged involvement of some Ukrainian politicians. I want to declare that this is unacceptable. We intend to initiate and complete a transparent and unbiased investigation of all available facts and episodes, including those involving Burisma and the 2016 U.S. elections, which in turn will prevent the recurrence of this problem in the future.

[8/13/19, 10:27:20 AM] Gordon Sondland: Perfect. Lets send to Andrey after our call


[8/17/19, 3:06:19 PM] Gordon Sondland: Do we still want Ze to give us an unequivocal draft with 2016 and Boresma?

[8/17/19, 4:34:21 PM] Kurt Volker: That’s the clear message so far...

[8/17/19, 4:34:39 PM] Kurt Volker: I’m hoping we can put something out there that causes him to respond with that

[8/17/19.4:41:09 PM] Gordon Sondland: Unless you think otherwise I will return Andreys call tomorrow and suggest they send us a clean draft.


[8/29/19, 2:28:13 AM] Andrey Yermak: Need to talk with you

[8/29/19, 3:06:14 AM] Andrey Yermak: Trump holds up Ukraine military aid meant to confront Russia

[8/29/19, 6:55:04 AM] Kurt Volker: Hi Andrey - Absolutely. When is good for you?


[8/30/19, 12:14:57 AM] Bill Taylor: Trip canceled

[8/30/19, 12:16:02 AM] Kurt Volker: Hope VPOTUS keeps the bilat - and tees up WH visit...

[8/30/19, 12:16:18 AM] Kurt Volker: And hope Gordon and Perry still going...

[8/30/19, 5:31:14 AM] Gordon Sondland: I am going. Pompeo is speaking to Potus today to see if he can go.


[9/1/19, 12:08:57 PM] Bill Taylor: Are we now saying that security assistance and WH meeting are conditioned on investigations?

[9/1/19, 12:42:29 PM) Gordon Sondland: Call me


[9/8/19, 11:20:32 AM] Gordon Sondland: Guys, multiple convos with Ze. Potus. Lets talk

[9/8/19, 11:21:41 AM] Bill Taylor: Now is fine with me

[9/8/19, 11:26:13 AM] Kurt Volker: Try again – could not hear

[9/8/19, 11:40:11 AM] Bill Taylor: Gordon and I just spoke. I can brief you if you and Gordon don’t connect

[9/8/19, 12:37:28 PM] Bill Taylor: The nightmare is they give the interview and don’t get the security assistance. The Russians love it. (And I quit.)


[9/9/19, 12:31:06 AM] Bill Taylor: The message to the Ukrainians (and Russians) we send with the decision on security assistance is key. With the hold, we have already shaken their faith in us. Thus my nightmare scenario.

[9/9/19, 12:34:44 AM] Bill Taylor: Counting on you to be right about this interview, Gordon.

[9/9/19, 12:37:16 AM] Gordon Sondland: Bill, I never said I was "right". I said we are where we are and believe we have identified the best pathway forward. Lets hope it works.

[9/9/19, 12:47:11 AM] Bill Taylor: As I said on the phone, I think it’s crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign.

[9/9/19, 5:19:35 AM] Gordon Sondland: Bill, I believe you are incorrect about President Trump’s intentions. The President has been crystal clear: no quid pro quo’s of any kind. The President is trying to evaluate whether Ukraine is truly going to adopt the transparency and reforms that President Zelensky promised during his campaign. I suggest we stop the back and forth by text. If you still have concerns. I recommend you give Lisa Kenna or S a call to discuss them directly. Thanks
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Uh Pedo quid pro Joe was already under investigation before he decided to run. So now that he’s a candidate you guys want to move the goal post.

Shouldn’t you be handing out toothbrushes in Alabama or something.

You're exactly the type of Trump supporter Donny is looking to wrangle with shiny objects and nicknames.

Folks like you need the catchy 4th grade cut downs to know why you're supposed to be angry.
2020 gonna be an interesting year for this country and for the previous administration...I believe that they engaged in spying during the 16 election
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Throw in fascists. Now you are out of talking points and have to watch Fox entertainment (notice I didn't call them news because FCC determined they can't technically call themselves a news channel) for more words.

Look kid, stick to courting your cousin for handies behind the woodshed and let the adults talk politics.

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