The Impeachment Thread

"Nancy Pelosi's in the clutches of a left wing mob. They finally convinced her to impeach the president," McConnell says directly to the camera in a 17-second video. "All of you know your Constitution. The way that impeachment stops is a Senate majority with me as majority leader"

In campaign ad, Mitch McConnell says impeachment will fail 'with me as majority leader'

Just for sh*ts and giggles... so what if the Inquiry produces irrefutably evidence that the President committed a crime? Seems like Mitch is laying down the partisan gauntlet prematurely. (Read: He's just trying to fundraise).

Watch. The GOP will flip against Trump collectively when the time is right.
Just for sh*ts and giggles... so what if the Inquiry produces irrefutably evidence that the President committed a crime? Seems like Mitch is laying down the partisan gauntlet prematurely. (Read: He's just trying to fundraise).

Watch. The GOP will flip against Trump collectively when the time is right.

If a switch occurs--and I'm dubious that ever happens--it will be an overnight type thing. Invertebrates tend to act in packs.
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Just for sh*ts and giggles... so what if the Inquiry produces irrefutably evidence that the President committed a crime? Seems like Mitch is laying down the partisan gauntlet prematurely. (Read: He's just trying to fundraise).

Watch. The GOP will flip against Trump collectively when the time is right.

Not impossible, but debatable that more egregious crimes have been committed with no impeachment. Clintons acceptance of millions in foreign donations comes to mind.

I will say that even if he is guilty of everything he is currently accused, it will not matter. The Dems are handling this horribly and are corrupting the process.
A loose confederacy of American Nations would be Putin's wet dream. Sadly, if Trump had his druthers, we'd have that civil war and then...

The Southern States
The West Coast States
New England

Balance of midwestern / northern states claimed by Canada / Mexico.

He may try to retreat to the "Winter White House" and declare autonomy for Florida. The sad truth is he wouldn't win an election to be president of Florida.

When the impeachment is done, maybe he can be exiled to Puerto Rico.
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I wasn't talking to you... /Ignore ND40

You finally won!

nah, I'm doing my ignoring the manual way

First, I would like to apologize for the ugliness of my response. Not one of my best moments.

I was directing my message to GV as he literally just said he is tired of being accused of "whataboutism". I knew in my statement that someone would come along and state this, hence why I directed my post to him. Sure enough, you came along and the one and only thing you had to say was "whataboutism".

Once again my apology for the tone of my response.
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Just for sh*ts and giggles... so what if the Inquiry produces irrefutably evidence that the President committed a crime? Seems like Mitch is laying down the partisan gauntlet prematurely. (Read: He's just trying to fundraise).

Watch. The GOP will flip against Trump collectively when the time is right.

Only if he becomes a liability to their personal stake in maintaining power. It's never about what's right or in the best interest of the country. I was initially shocked that Tucker Carlson went on the record but then I realized this is a bend but don't break situation, acknowledge that he 'fuqd up, but stop short of impeachment'. I think this will result in a "third and Chavis", they're going to try to hold them to just a few yards but likely give up a touchdown, no middle ground.
First, I would like to apologize for the ugliness of my response. Not one of my best moments.

I was directing my message to GV as he literally just said he is tired of being accused of "whataboutism". I knew in my statement that someone would come along and state this, hence why I directed my post to him. Sure enough, you came along and the one and only thing you had to say was "whataboutism".

Once again my apology for the tone of my response.

No worries. It's easy to get worked up. None of us are immune from being human.
Will she learn to fear you as well? What does she need to be afraid of, that your tears will stain her best posting blouse?

@NurseGoodVol, do you have anything that'll take out adolescent tear stains and snot smears? If not, you may want to post in an old T-shirt, or apron or something.
Lol... Blouse. I think my teen left some tide pods around here somewhere.
I don’t know if that’s true or not. I took a civil war history class at UT that focused on those issues and the professor was noncommital as to whether that was accurate.

That said, civil war era federal/state government balance was totally different.

He made us write a paper that involved review of multiple microfiche newspapers from 1858-1865 or so. When I read those paper the thing that struck me was the difference between our current jargon for “the government” and their terminology then referring to it as “the union.” The feeling I got from reading those papers was unmistakably that the federal government at that time was an afterthought. Since then, that has changed.

Edit: when I say I don’t know if it’s true I mean I’ve heard it said that the confederacy broke with the union over state’s rights but I’ve also heard it said that’s revisionist. Several of the confederate states made declarations explaining their split with the union and I know Mississippi and Georgia referenced slavery, but South Carolina was predominantly directed at state’s rights IIRC. Seems like a mixed bag.
So I would submit that yes the federal government was much smaller then than now and many were fed up with its size and influence then!

Again I’m not trying to discount the issue of slavery in the fracturing of the Republic. Slavey was wrong, it needed to go, and I’m glad it’s gone. However there were other issues that were significant with one being the South’s control of their own raw textile products and restricted access to English textile mills.

The men who formed the government were well educated and far from dumb. They explicitly chose a confederation state architecture which is an obvious move away from more centralized authority and power.
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Just for sh*ts and giggles... so what if the Inquiry produces irrefutably evidence that the President committed a crime? Seems like Mitch is laying down the partisan gauntlet prematurely. (Read: He's just trying to fundraise).

Watch. The GOP will flip against Trump collectively when the time is right.
I highly doubt this. Let's wait n see what happens.
Judge dismisses Trump request to keep taxes secret in New York

A federal judge on Monday dismissed a lawsuit brought by President Donald Trump to block a subpoena for eight years of his tax returns, rejecting the President's "extraordinary" claim that any occupant of the White House enjoys "absolute immunity from criminal process of any kind."

Describing Trump's argument as a "categorical and limitless assertion of Presidential immunity," US District Court Judge Victor Marrero wrote in an opinion that it "would constitute an overreach of executive power."


Floodgates are opening. :D
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Judge dismisses Trump request to keep taxes secret in New York

A federal judge on Monday dismissed a lawsuit brought by President Donald Trump to block a subpoena for eight years of his tax returns, rejecting the President's "extraordinary" claim that any occupant of the White House enjoys "absolute immunity from criminal process of any kind."

Describing Trump's argument as a "categorical and limitless assertion of Presidential immunity," US District Court Judge Victor Marrero wrote in an opinion that it "would constitute an overreach of executive power."


Floodgates are opening. :D
Odds on if his returns are actually under audit?
So I would submit that yes the federal government was much smaller then than now and many were fed up with its size and influence then!

Again I’m not trying to discount the issue of slavery in the fracturing of the Republic. Slavey was wrong, it needed to go, and I’m glad it’s gone. However there were other issues that were significant with one being the South’s control of their own raw textile products and restricted access to English textile mills.

The men who formed the government were well educated and far from dumb. They explicitly chose a confederation state architecture which is an obvious move away from more centralized authority and power.

I love how Republicans always feel the need to clarify that they are, in fact, opposed to slavery.
So what I've gathered from the weekend posts:

-Trump's kids can benefit from their "positions" in the White House. That's just savvy business sense.
-Hunter Biden can not benefit. Papa Biden is a Dem, so that's corruption.
-New whistleblower is a librulz plant from the Deep State. Nancy committed treason possibly, not clear on that yet. Waiting on further clarification from the Q boys.
-The same testimony that is being treated as a credible, slam dunk showing Trump did not expect a quid pro quo is correct, according to Red Hats. Except for that pesky part when the same dude in the same testimony clears Biden of any impropriety. Ignore that part, continue Biden narrative.
-Trump's nicknames are getting lamer by the day.

I think that covers everything. Seems like not much has changed since the beginning of last week.
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