The Impeachment Thread

And this is bad how?

For example, if I have to constantly remind you that I am, in fact, against puppy torture, the conversational implication is that since I had to state it, there must have been some doubt about what my true view is on the subject.
If Trump claims something to be true, bet the farm it's false.

And vice-versa.
Here‘s a handy guide I remember seeing somewhere:

“Believe me” = “I’m lying”
“People are saying” = “I’m making this up”
“Fake News” = “I don’t like this news”
“Nobody knew” = “I just found out”
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I love how Republicans always feel the need to clarify that they are, in fact, opposed to slavery.
Nice non sequitor girl. But since you brought it up who again is the party of slavery?

I didn’t want to derail another thread on the Civil War and slavery. We have plenty of other threads on that. This discussion came up in regards to governmental architectures. I used the CSA as an example. And I didn’t want to spiral thread down your party’s history of oppressive behavior towards blacks.

But since you brought it up... 😏
So what I've gathered from the weekend posts:

-Trump's kids can benefit from their "positions" in the White House. That's just savvy business sense.
-Hunter Biden can not benefit. Papa Biden is a Dem, so that's corruption.
-New whistleblower is a librulz plant from the Deep State. Nancy committed treason possibly, not clear on that yet. Waiting on further clarification from the Q boys.
-The same testimony that is being treated as a credible, slam dunk showing Trump did not expect a quid pro quo is correct, according to Red Hats. Except for that pesky part when the same dude in the same testimony clears Biden of any impropriety. Ignore that part, continue Biden narrative.
-Trump's nicknames are getting lamer by the day.

I think that covers everything. Seems like not much has changed since the beginning of last week.
You conveniently left off the ass thumping the Dawgs gave us. On second thought nm...
For example, if I have to constantly remind you that I am, in fact, against puppy torture, the conversational implication is that since I had to state it, there must have been some doubt about what my true view is on the subject.
Or... you know... it’s exactly as I stated and was trying to avoid a misdirect. Project your guilt much? But again since you’ve gone all in do we want to talk about your party’s self guilt on their history of slavery or get back to the topic of this particular thread. Since you brought it up I’m guessing you feel especially guilty and want to give you a chance to get it all out girl 😀
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I love how Republicans always feel the need to clarify that they are, in fact, opposed to slavery.

You also love how liberals' only retort in most conversations is the race card. As such, Repubs front-load with denials. You're front-loading with the "you're racist" card.

For example, if I have to constantly remind you that I am, in fact, against puppy torture, the conversational implication is that since I had to state it, there must have been some doubt about what my true view is on the subject.

Kudos, I guess?
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Here‘s a handy guide I remember seeing somewhere:

“Believe me” = “I’m lying”
“People are saying” = “I’m making this up”
“Fake News” = “News I don’t like”
“Nobody knew” = “I just found out”

"I'm a stable genius" = "I looked like a fool"
"I have one of the great memories of all time" = "I treated a Gold Star widow like ***t "
Here‘s a handy guide I remember seeing somewhere:

“Believe me” = “I’m lying”
“People are saying” = “I’m making this up”
“Fake News” = “News I don’t like”
“Nobody knew” = “I just found out”
"Perfect call" = "I'm bribing you."
"Your great President" = "I'm a weak, ineffectual leader and need to self-soothe my ego."
All-caps words on Twitter = Old man yells at cloud.
So what I've gathered from the weekend posts:

-Trump's kids can benefit from their "positions" in the White House. That's just savvy business sense.
-Hunter Biden can not benefit. Papa Biden is a Dem, so that's corruption.
-New whistleblower is a librulz plant from the Deep State. Nancy committed treason possibly, not clear on that yet. Waiting on further clarification from the Q boys.
-The same testimony that is being treated as a credible, slam dunk showing Trump did not expect a quid pro quo is correct, according to Red Hats. Except for that pesky part when the same dude in the same testimony clears Biden of any impropriety. Ignore that part, continue Biden narrative.
-Trump's nicknames are getting lamer by the day.

I think that covers everything. Seems like not much has changed since the beginning of last week.

Add in the AP story that found that while Giuliani and others working on Trump's behalf were trying to get Ukraine to say Hunter Biden was corruptly shaking down a foreign business for cash, well, those guys were corruptly shaking down foreign businesses for cash.

But the affair shows how those with ties to Trump and his administration were pursuing business deals in Ukraine that went far beyond advancing the president’s personal political interests. It also raises questions about whether Trump allies were mixing business and politics just as Republicans were calling for a probe of Biden and his son Hunter, who served five years on the board of another Ukrainian energy company, Burisma.
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Add in the AP story that found that while Giuliani and others working on Trump's behalf were trying to get Ukraine to say Hunter Biden was corruptly shaking down a foreign business for cash, well, those guys were corruptly shaking down foreign businesses for cash.
The Trumpian GOP: Do as I say, not as I do.
“I have the best tax returns, I want you to see how great they are, and I’ll burn this country to the ground if you try.”
"It was a joke!" = "I'm testing the waters to see if I can do this incredibly illegal, unconstitutional, and totalitarian thing."
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Here‘s a handy guide I remember seeing somewhere:

“Believe me” = “I’m lying”
“People are saying” = “I’m making this up”
“Fake News” = “I don’t like this news”
“Nobody knew” = “I just found out”

"Look at those hands. Are they small hands? And he referred to my hands if they're small, something else must be small. I guarantee you there's no problem. I guarantee you."


"I have a tiny penis. This makes me angry. All of my insanity is explained by tiny penis syndrome (TPS)."
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