The Impeachment Thread

Once again, the "whistleblower's" complaint has proven to be very accurate on the 3 central allegations made. Whoever this is, wasn't just guessing. He/She had a source close to the Trump administration, or perhaps even within the Trump administration itself, who was privy to the July 25th phone call between Trump and Zelensky. Also, the attempts to discredit the "whistleblower" by portraying this person as being biased, are no longer relevant. The credibility and motive of a "whistleblower" are only of consequence up until their allegations have either been proven or disproven. We no longer have to take the "whistleblower's" word for anything. We have a transcript of the July 25th phone call, and some admissions from the Trump administration which verify the claims documented in the complaint.

Trump leg-humper response:

Welp another day has passed and you still didn’t get him. I hear this guy named Mueller is available, maybe y’all should hire him, he’s supposedly a top notch investigator.
The whole perspective has changed. It's now just a question of how far down Trump drags the Trumpers.
Another day has passed and trumpers have sunk even lower.
The whole perspective has changed. It's now just a question of how far down Trump drags the Trumpers.
Another day has passed and trumpers have sunk even lower.

Glad to see you back Luther, we’ve missed your rational and responsible posts.
Her with a sympathetic congress would destroy the country. Almost like all of the current Dem candidates.
What were the policies you liked of hers? Oh yea the corporate environmental regulations, which you would have benefited from. You're a shallow person, Hog.
What were the policies you liked of hers? Oh yea the corporate environmental regulations, which you would have benefited from. You're a shallow person.

Nope I like none of her policies. My vote for her was a total protest vote. I wasn’t voting for Trump or Hillary and damn sure wasn’t going to throw the libertarians my vote with Johnson as their candidate.

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