The Impeachment Thread

Except one thing...The Democrats have yet to follow the procedure for Impeachment. Which is why the WH is balking. They don't have to comply with a process that is not following the procedural layout in the Constitution. Follow procedure first, then call the people you want to depose.
They are. The wh seems to be confused on what the house does vs the Senate
I think all the democrats are completely shocked at this headline. No one saw this coming, truly an unexpected plot twist... Well played Donald, well played.

Played as he should have played it. If Pelosi wants to do this, and compel people to be legally bound to show up, she needs to scrap the current proceedings, back up, admit they started it wrong, then follow constitutional procedure. It's simple and effective if they want to get anywhere with this.
Played as he should have played it. If Pelosi wants to do this, and compel people to be legally bound to show up, she needs to scrap the current proceedings, back up, admit they started it wrong, then follow constitutional procedure. It's simple and effective if they want to get anywhere with this.

The House is following procedure bud, you are confusing the indictment process for the trial process.
Theres no legal basis for the WH not cooperating. They also know that.
The claim from the Trump attorneys that a sitting president enjoys absolute immunity from a criminal process of any kind, will come back to bite Republicans at some point as well. There are some bad precedents being set here. The Republicans who are defending Trump's obstruction, should keep in mind that there will be a Democrat in the Oval Office again... and perhaps, with a Republican-controlled House. They will NEVER have another subpoena complied with. That means no more fun exhibitions like they had in the Benghazi hearings.

IMO, if Pelosi followed procedure and did it by the book, and presented to the House, and held the vote, etc., etc., then the WH would be legally compelled to comply. Their mishandling of the process gives the WH the opportunity to flip them off. The WH is doing exactly what they should do, or any other WH would do, until she follows procedure.
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What, another deflection?

Desperate times calls for desperate measures.

Truth again hurts the little Dimwits feelings. Ignore all the criminal crap your side does ok? Do you need a safe-space Mick? It sure seems like you do when it comes to knowing your side is corrupt to it's core & all you do is ignore it and don't want to face the facts. Calling it defection is all you got.....still lazy on your part......Lol.
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This cuts both ways. Both sides have been setting dangerous precedents since the beginning of Trump's presidency. What's worse is that each side has been cheered on by their base. No one wants to admit how both sides have pushed this too far, to the point it's completely out of hand.

It's unfair and just wrong to blame one side more than the other. Both sides have perpetuated the bad behavior and should be held accountable, but of course, they never will.

I just finished a book about how China got planes for the Flying Tigers. If you really want see how wheeling and dealing, and bribes and basically threats work on an international scale, the FDR administration was something else. Trump is a lightweight even if you go with the dim side of the story. Apparently the PC/wimp/outrage factor is multiples higher than what we even imagined.
Truth again hurts the little Dimwits feelings. Ignore all the criminal crap your side does ok? Do you need a safe-space Mick? It sure seems like you do when it comes to knowing your side is corrupt to it's core & all you do is ignore it and don't want to face the facts. Calling it defection is all you got.....still lazy on your part......Lol.

You have proven not to be able to handle the truth. There is only spin and deflection in your reality. Everyone looks at you like you're the Bubble boy that sniffs glue.
You have proven not to be able to handle the truth. There is only spin and deflection in your reality. Everyone looks at you like you're the Bubble boy.

uh uh. So you ignore the criminal corruption on the part of which the Democrats are so full with? OK.. Got cha.
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Didn't everyone know that was exactly what a Trump nomination and election would usher in?
I still believe that is largely why he was elected......because the left despised and would never accept him.

Not exactly, but we had a pretty good idea what kind of horror show a Hiliary election would bring.
IMO, if Pelosi followed procedure and did it by the book, and presented to the House, and held the vote, etc., etc., then the WH would be legally compelled to comply. Their mishandling of the process gives the WH the opportunity to flip them off. The WH is doing exactly what they should do, or any other WH would do, until she follows procedure.
This is asinine logic and you clearly have no clue what you are talking about.
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